A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1647: fighting tribe!

The planners of the wizards, led by the annihilation tower Green, have left the Wizarding World for a thousand years, but there are still many supporters stationed in the wizarding world.

on the other hand.

The Wizards of the World have not forgotten the legendary wizard who led the giant wizards in the ancient sky city to leave the Wizarding World thousands of years ago.

"The annihilation tower sacred sorcerer succeeded in conquering the expedition, and is about to complete the salvation of the savior. Now the major business families are recruited to the heart of the world to mine the heart of the world of magnets, so as to assist the world of sorcerers to complete the gravitational concentration and slow down the collapse. Time, infinite creation of grace, complete the true dedication of the salvation."

The call for information on the community of the Earth's World was soon spread openly in the Wizarding World, causing great repercussions for all wizards.

At this time, the wizarding world, elemental wizards and mechanical wizards have just come to an end. The elemental wizards have basically decided to be in a state of defeat. They have gradually withdrawn from the hegemony, contracting forces in the wizarding continent, silently recovering their own injuries and recuperating.

If there is no accident, after the rule between the mechanical wizard and the abyss refining wizard in the next millennium, it is time to usher in a new rule of the rule, and the round table seats should also undergo subtle changes. However, the accident still happened.

The wizard, who has both ambition, wisdom, and strength, attempts to end the era of disputes in the wizarding world and complete a true unity.

The various wizarding families almost immediately reacted, even taking off other tasks, giving up the barriers with other wizarding families, and spending time and space to spend a huge amount of energy across the world community, and came to the metal continent of hope.

The wizard family power is the highest quality wizard resource in the core area of ​​each central part of the tower. Compared to the witch tower college area outside the tower, the various sizes of wizarding families in the central region are the real world of the wizarding world, supporting the wizard's world economic operation. Come to the prosperity of the Santa area.

Even the construction of each wizard tower is inseparable from the support of these wizarding families, and Green is no exception.

Compared with the enthusiasm of the major wizarding families, the reaction of the top forces of the major sacred towers is another matter, especially the mechanical wizards and abyssal sorcerers who are competing for the competition.

Samsung's true spirit wizard, the original Abyss of the Abyss, actually promoted the true spirit before Green, and took advantage of the elemental wizards and mechanical wizards to fight for hegemony, unable to take care of things outside the wizarding continent and the city of heaven, lifting the seas unscrupulously Butcher knife, casting people's ancestors to study the body!

The reason why the underground abyss refining wizards can compete with mechanical wizards is that the underground abyss has successfully developed the abyss of the incomparable ancient magic power, and promoted between the true spirit and the holy mark wizard, thus twisting the ground in one fell swoop. The abyss is weak.

"The tower of the annihilation tower, now I am no longer the one who was oppressed by you and has almost no resistance!"

Samsung's true spirit wizard Ashura is low and evil, and the ancestors of the ancestors have been blessed by the will of the sea world. They have completely opened up the true form of human ancestors, and the pure evolution of the physical cells, I am afraid that it has reached the peak and is close to the ancestors. !

After the extinction of the Hai people, it is almost impossible to shape the second person's ancestral form.


Compared to the other, Ashura still has a long way to go.

"Hey, hey, a ring of true spirit wizards, I heard that the annihilation tower's holy mark wizard expedition succeeded..."

Fear of darkness, endless desperation, rolling in and sinking, a ring of sacred ushered in an uninvited guest, from the weak and extremely beautiful look of the real wizard, this person is the black witch king returned from the chaotic world!

"How did you come?"

The black witch king has returned to the wizarding world for a while, with his already desperate power. After the war of civilization, he got the ring of loss. What is the strength of his strength? It is not a weak link. Spiritual wizards can be tempted.

"The elemental wizard has no one to follow, so that you are such an old guy has not entered the city of the sky. What time do you want to stay here?"

The Black Witch King walked out of the darkness, as if he had been a long-time old friend, sitting in a circle of true spirit wizards.

"In the current situation of the elemental wizard, I hope that the tower of annihilation can really complete the plan of the ancestors of the wizard, let me, what is it to me?"

A true spiritual wizard has accepted the fact that the elemental wizard lost the dominant position in the wizarding world.

However, the elemental wizard has great potential, which is the result of the advanced nature of the elemental wizard system. Over time, this potential will be transformed into real power, and the elemental wizard will never be able to recover from it.

"I want to use your fate lever rule to go to the world of the annihilation tower to conquer!"

The words of the black witch king changed the look of the true spirit wizard, but then the black witch king smirked and laughed: "Reassure, he wants to be the ancestor of the wizard and now it is not my turn to cope, just to go around. Go to the mussel world community and catch up with some roads."

Go to the Mussel World Community!

A ring of real wizards of course knows what this means, meaning that the Black Witch King will really play the power of the ring of loss, and I am afraid that it will become the ultimate boss of the wizard's ancestors!

Green of the Earth's World does not know the affairs of the Wizarding World. So, naturally, it will not know what happened in the unknown time and space of ancient times.


Fighting power: 7256745, combat power: 53567.

"Hey, the combat power is 7.25 million. It seems that there are some strong-minded people in this green lineage group. To conquer this galaxy, several princes need to send some high-level Saiyan army."

With the analysis of the strength of the force, the two green squad battle indexes that are responsible for negotiating with themselves are displayed. This black hair, tight-fitting war suit, reveals a long tail. The Saiyan is proud and cold, and a tail keeps shaking. Step by step to the two green heroes.

"I don't know which prince came to fight, but I felt a strange power on this planet. Adults, be careful about the tricks of the Greens."

This top-class Saiyan also has a follower, chubby body, like a certain plant life, fighting power is not high, but seems to have some special abilities.

In addition to this, the planet is outside the universe, and both sides have a large number of legions to respond to so-called accidents.

"Singular power? You should explore it~www.novelmtl.com~ Although this planet is a neutral area, it is very likely that the other party has super powers. If something happens, I will destroy it for the first time!"

On the other hand, there is a green lineman who has exchanged with Green, staring at the higher Saiyan who came step by step, the evil wildness of the second job, the unparalleled pressure, as if every cell is revealing to himself. With the danger signal, the eyes of the two eyes became more and more obvious.

"It is hard to imagine that this dimension of dimension has life that relies on pure power to evolve into this, and it is worth fighting for!"

Apparently, the Green Lineman ignored the technological factors in this Saiyan.

The secretary of the Green Lineman’s chief said in a timely manner: “According to intelligence, this Saiyan fighting nation is divided into three parts: the royal family, the upper class, the middle class and the lower class. It is divided according to their combat power system. As a fighting nation, they With amazing talent, in addition to a mysterious transformation ability, the Saiyan people are close to death after each battle limit, their strength will grow amazingly! And those royal Saiyan people are said to have changed many times. The ability to fight will increase exponentially!"

Greentalker's new vocabulary about "combat power" is derived from the study of Saiyan. (To be continued.)

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