A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1643: The beginning of the law

Lost the kingdom of God.

After passing through the space-time transmission array, Cappuccino passed the secret guard to verify his identity, and under the black gaze of the black Terminator, he passed the special transmission array established by Green to come to this lost country.

The earth is fragmented, and there are pits everywhere. Cappuccino is keenly smelling the death scent that has been left in the fierce battle here. The space of the gods is not too big compared to the holy sorcerer. After the cappuccino senses the position of Green, it is fast. Fly over.


In the middle of the road, a withered old stump gradually turned into a scrawny old man, and several branches became claws, grabbing cappuccino.

This should be the ancient creatures of the gods on the mainland, but now they have lost the will of the soul, no thoughts, wandering, just a body, instinctively attacked the cappuccino.

However, the three-level creatures that have lost their self-thinking consciousness will not bring any threat to cappuccino.

The figure was fleeting, and the ancient creature was made into fly ash.


the other side,

"Oh, it’s a wonderful art! These corpses are the Lord of Desire for life and death, for eternal speculation, for the glimpse of higher latitude life, it is studying the ultimate mystery of life!"

Green muttered to himself, saying that the excitement, the voice gradually changed from low to very fierce, as if mad.

In the distance, the magic doll glanced at Green, and the cold voice: "Maniac."

At this time, the magic doll is playing chess with the blood and rain, a simple and ancient game with endless changes. The blood and rain are thinking about the coping style, while saying: "The wizards are missions to explore the mystery of truth. The ontology is the wizard. The prostitutes must have been crazy for a long time. They have gradually changed from materialism to theologians. Perhaps they have never really believed in materialism or theology. They are just a group of pragmatists."

The words and thoughts of blood and blood are never on the side of the wizard, and they are very clear about their affiliation with Green.

"This guy was very unusual when he was in the second esophagus, but at that time I was a lone walker with him. I didn't expect to come to the material world. After this guy, there was such a huge ethnic support, the wizarding world community. What is the strength of the world community, and if your ontology is the ancestor of the wizard, what is the chance of winning the big dark world?"

The **** rain was smashed, and finally I thought about the steps of playing chess. I moved the next piece and the corner of my mouth showed a cruel smile.

"According to the ontology, there is no dark sacred ancestor on the other side that is shaping a supreme sacred object called the Gate of Darkness, in an attempt to open the secondary esophagus, and after making rules, summon the endless monsters inside as a reserve army, if it really let it The success of the wizarding world is equivalent to the opening of the fourth civilization. With the current strength of the wizarding world community, there should be a 50% chance of winning, but as time goes by, the potential of the wizarding world, plus the realist achievement of the wizard The ancestor, the odds should be more than 90%."

The blood and rain are analyzed in their own way.

The magic doll has moved the chess piece in the **** rain. Compared with the **** rain, when the chess is thought of, the magic doll is obviously a lot of casual, but the offensive is sharper. Only the buttonhole of the general body looks at the blood and rain.

"More than 90% of the odds are more than 40%. Oh, what is the potential of the wizarding world?"

The **** rain has fallen into the thinking of war chess.

It is worth noting that the magic doll and the blood-stained war chess pieces are actually skulls of different colors, and their interests are very different.

"The potential of the wizarding world is no longer so great. The potential is the ontology. Do you think that the ancestor of the wizard is just a ruler? He represents the new era in which the ontology is about to be shaped. The wizarding world is likely to be because of him. Entering a new era of age."

The magic doll has not been talking about anything. It is abruptly formed on the sky. It is shaped by rules. It seems that there is no time to create a void. A purple flame gradually forms, and the power released is the complete level of the five-level world. , suddenly appeared like this!

"Well? You guys..."

This group of purple flame element life belongs to the ice flame. There are some special rule effects. Just knowing the attributes in it, you know that the life of a powerful life is very complicated and complicated. It is a "very story" living body with its background. experience.

At this time, Green, who was originally studying the body of the main god, was looking back at the flame.

The main god-level life body, after its loss of the omnipotent soul blessing, the essential attribute is not stronger than the six-level life body. It is precisely because of this that the gold sacred dragon body and the chaotic demon body that Green once collected have their special value. significance.

"Life is not a soul, it is not a way of physical survival. These corpses are just rocks that move. According to the definition of this dimension, the study of the Galaxy Civilization Greensman should be very close to the truth... Life should be a bunch Inspiration of thought, it is selective, contradictory, random, and changes in the random nature of energy and matter that obey the laws of motion. This is life. As for flesh and blood, souls are just those symbols..."

The symbols that Green refers to are the original runes of the square-shaped world. All the famous living bodies also have their own rune code.

"Glan's Fairy Tales" evolved into "Fairy Tale", and Green obtained his own essence of life. That is, the commander of Xiahe explored the frontiers of Xiahe civilization and told Green's own "meaning".

Green knows that the higher latitudes of unknown living bodies erase the power of life, and the roots are from these runes!

"So, what is your meaning?"

Sure enough, this flame life only existed for a little while, like other living creatures that have appeared here, and turned into several squares. The runes disappeared. Green quickly took out the "fairy tale" and put these square runes. recording.

The original checkered rune was recorded in "Fairy Tale". After the conversion of "Fairy Tale", the five wizards of "The Lord of the Childhood Ice Spirit" appeared slowly. After a random look at Green, he again re-entered the dimensional dimension ball. .

Here is the desire for the kingdom of God, the laboratory of the Lord of Desire. These things can only show that the Lord of Desire has studied these things.


Cappuccino flew.

"Is the World Will Endless Plan Completed?"

Green asked calmly.

Cappuccino flew from afar to Green, and after saluting toward the magic doll and the **** rain, Shen Sheng said: "Not yet. It is Master Lulian's come to the base, we left the wizarding world for so long, many wizards are Can't wait to return home, some people find that many of the dragons have not left the world of the earth, if they can..."

"I know what you are going to say."

After Green stopped the cappuccino discourse, he said: "You know that I have been in the universe for many years and found that Vantage Quantum Technology is able to rule the universe, what is the most powerful?"


Cappuccino shook his head and said: "I don't know, what?"

"It is the law! The law ~www.novelmtl.com~ is based on ethnic cognition habits, which stipulates the minimum standards of ethnic groups. Anyone who touches this minimum standard will inevitably be subjected to violent punishment. No one can be above the law. The strong are just weapons to protect the law, because the law itself is a mutual compromise between them, you can understand it as the holy rule of the unified wizard world!"

Greenton paused and firmly said: "Achieving the ancestors of the wizards and building a new era is not only the promotion of the wizard's blood, but also the need of legal power to unify the wizarding world. The contract between the wizard and the dragon is fair and just. In the case of mutual consultation, it has legal benefits, and it is a crime to violate the contract! Go back, don't mention this."

Green has been thinking, where is the power of truth to maintain the rules of the endless world?

After thinking about it, Green finally understood that there is communication and trust in such a chaotic and cruel world. Because the fate of truth still retains the minimum punishment, that is, the fate contract that cannot be violated, which is equivalent to the law of the endless world!


There is only one thought in Cappuccino's mind. The instructor revealed a true spiritual dedication. What will happen to the future wizarding world? (To be continued.)

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