A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1640: yield

For parasites, many creatures have a natural instinct to fear, and the sorcerer has completely forgotten this fear with evolution. Novel

As early as ancient times, wizards faced the parasitic threat of nightmare creatures.

Perhaps in the early days, the wizards, like other creatures, had an unusual fear of this ability. However, with the victory of the first civilization war in the ancient times, as the elemental wizards began to study and cultivate the companion insects, they tried to take the initiative. Parasitic, when the two are combined, everything becomes different.

Not to mention the battle situation, it is said that Green has a snail with insects all over the body at this time, this unknown creature wants parasitic Green is impossible!


The annihilation of the arc single element destroys the power, but it is far from being a low-level elementary witchcraft. It can be compared with the golden lotus body, followed by the golden body of the law. After the double guardianship, the last power of the annihilation arc is barely worn. Through the surface of the body of the bitter lotus relic.

At this moment, the bitter lotus relics at the wounds of the sacred sacred scorpion, the "clam" of the blue-green smoke, at the same time, the wound stretched out thousands of purple and red slender tentacles, each tentacle is like a head Very delicate, entangled with each other, make up for the wounds of the stupid relics.

"It's no wonder that it will cause the cause and effect of the heavens and the earth. This relic is sure to be comparable to the most powerful smoke king in the world of smoke. It is easily damaged by you, and it is worthy of the new body that I see! So..."

Thousands of golden lotus petals come out!

It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward...


Even if the arc of the leaning tower world rules along, it wants to smash its internal invading foreign objects, even if the black sand storm suppresses, it almost limits Green's nearly half of the power. Initially, the power of Green's power is not the bitter. The lotus reed can be dealt with.

As for its parasitic body, it does not mention whether the parasitic organism itself has the ability to fight. The body of the body is only the body of the body. The world of the leaning tower is nothing but a nest. How can there be any emotional factors?

Originally, Green thought that after he persuaded himself, the other party would give up the world, but he did not expect that this guy had a big appetite to look at himself. He wanted to change a dress and moved from the body of the bitter lotus relic to himself!

"Well, just in my lab, there are some high-level parasites as research specimens, and you will be able to understand the witch's fears and small things in the future."

The hoarse evil laughter, the Green body gradually began to stretch and stretch, while the body surface densely covered with a thick layer of black scales, actually opened the first layer of wild instinct transformation!

"Hey, peel off your clothes right away."

call out!

Green disappeared out of thin air, in the real time, in the view of Green's truth, the radiant trajectory of the golden lotus petals was clearly clarified by the Green Cave. At this moment, Green was flashing in an incomprehensible way. Avoiding a large number of attacks, he actually walked on the trajectory of the Golden Lotus petals, and even some insignificant attacks were avoided even if they were evasive.

In such a scene, the Quili Lili Shengli Committee was shocked and truly realized the essential gap between the two.

If Green can break his own attack with other gods, the bitter lotus relic can still accept, and even has other preparations for the response, but this way ignores his own attack, and turns to move closer to himself. It was the first time I saw it in my limited life!

Since then, he did not dare to let Green easily approach himself. At this time, the parasites of the bitter lotus relics have begun to repent for their greed.

The water tower was destroyed by the annihilation arc, and there was an extra flash of light in the hands of the bitter lotus relic, and the wick was ignited with the fire of the bitter lotus relic, the fingertips of the soybeans, and the "call" It disappeared with the golden lotus at the foot.

Green sees this, just a sneer, the three colors of light under the face of truth have already locked it, and this escape, just escaped for a while.

After half an hour of hourglass.

"Slow! Stop! I promise you your condition!"

After Green's two pursuits, the bitter lotus relics had several more damages. Green didn't keep his hands and could withstand the power of Green's so many annihilation. This guy is the first one, although this one. There is a big reason that Green can only swing half of his strength.

"Oh, promise my condition? Now the conditions have changed! To join the Wizarding Alliance, not only must the Sorcerer's Union be signed, but also a private slave contract, join the Wizarding Alliance as a conqueror, starting with the lowest level world. ”

Green paused for a moment and said so.

"What do you mean?"

The corners of the mouth overflowed with blood, and the bitter lotus relics were truly aware of the level of Green Power. Although they were suppressed by half of the world's rules, they were fighting half of them, only half of them were used!

“That is to say, in addition to being only for the Wizarding League’s full amount of witches, once every hundred years, I have to be private to me for another witch coin, and at any meeting of the Wizarding League, I will participate in the identity of the indigenous slaves who conquered the world. ""

"Slave? You!"

After the anger refused, Green did not say much, gradually changed from the first layer of wild instinct to two layers, and continued to pursue, "bang", "bang", "bang" energy explosion sounds endless.

It’s another half hour after the hourglass.

Above the island, here is the end of the world called "The End of the World", the bitter lotus relic, the left hand, a thousand words relic, actually like a perpetual motion energy supply device, scattered with soft spots, right hand holding a wand, golden lotus petals Has been depleted seven seven eight eight ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ seeing that the oil lamp is running out, the bitter lotus relics are soft again.

"Stop! Ok, I promise you your condition!"

On the other side, Green's spurs of the body squinted at the other side with a little more than three meters. The second time he stopped the offensive and sneered: "Now the conditions have changed, you..."


With experience, the old guy is no longer embarrassed, Green "squeaky" sneer, it seems that this guy finally understands his situation, if it is not open, there is no value.

All the world's lords and endless lords who join the Wizarding Alliance must understand that the wizards in the Alliance are the true masters!

"So, it’s not ready to show the original!"

Green screamed, the hands of the bitter lotus relics gradually became ten, from the nostrils, mouth, ears and even the body wounds, the purple and red silk lines overflowed, there is no fixed form of the house, like a seaweed.

"I am the surviving lord of the world of smoke, Sagsaly. All the soots use the collection of body clothes as the survival rule. The haze has no fixed form and no fixed body. I am in the process of occasional time and space shuttle. The accident came to this world."

These silks seem to be in normal communication with Green. After compiling each other, they gradually form a humanoid form. Only a few silk threads are connected to the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sac.

"A parasitic world? Hey, now your first thing is to record all the background, history, and position of the world of haze, and file it in the Wizarding League. If you don't, you will betray the alliance and betray. I am! The consequences..."

Silence hesitated, and finally, Sagsaray chose to compromise.


Looking at this parasite, he chose to give in. For the first time, the next thing is much easier, and Green smiles. (To be continued.)

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