A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1636: World extrusion

In the world of the leaning tower, the reason why each of the leaning towers is cast obliquely is that this medium-sized world is affected by the gravitational rules of the world.

Not only are the towers sloping, the growing trees, the burning flames, and even some of the human hair are affected by the gravitational rules of the world's veins, and there is a serious tilt.

In other words, the leaning tower itself is built with reference to world rules.

Inflamed desert, no life, three skinny sorrows draped in the simplest robes, silently moving forward, only the body of the diamond ring "clam dangling" kept ringing, through the sound waves to explore the dark wizards that may be lurking around.

The mouth is cracked, and several ascetic monks have been practicing in this desert that is extremely unsuitable for living creatures for a few months. During this period, they only drank two or three times of water. This is a harsh and difficult environment, but they use their own perseverance and challenge. The limit of life, barefoot stepping on the hot boiling sand.

To put it bluntly, these ascetic monks who are chaotic in urban, rural, and even inter-personal areas are really neglecting the nemesis of the dark wizard.

"Younger brother."

An ascetic monk is about to fall, and the other two ascetic statures are supported by a flash of scorpion, and the karma of the karma is transferred into the bloodstream of the meridians and transmitted into the body.

"Senior brother, my practice is still shallow, my will is not strong, I am afraid I can no longer follow you to practice."

This ascetic monk is already on the verge of dying.

The only one of the three who practiced the sacred sacred sorrow: "In my case, this is also my own practice. Now the sky will be dark, the temperature will plummet, and we will discover the caves."

The desert hiding place is not only a resting place for ascetic monks, but also a place for us to observe the shadows. Only after such life and death struggle, the ascetic monks can calm down in this short-lived peace, find their hearts, and confuse all illusory demons. .

Nothing to say overnight, the second day, the trilogy of the three people practicing the shallowest ascetic, after all, did not open their eyes again.

Life and death are normal in the course of asceticism. However, the empty heart has already made the ascetic monks look down. This is similar to the wild reeds and wizards in the underground abyss. They are seeking to break through the struggles of life and death in the process of accumulation. Evolution.

The two ascetic monks are making an open arm, facing the breeze and opening their mouths.

The temperature in the desert will rise soon. Except for a handful of oasis water sources, this is the only opportunity for the ascetic scorpion to replenish moisture. The lower temperature of the metal ring is used to condense the thin water vapor in the air to form tiny water droplets and then suck.

At this moment, a strange beam of light descended from the sky in the light of the morning sun, and fell in the center of the distant desert, causing two attentions.

"Brother, what is that?"

The practice was shallower and the teacher asked.

"I don't know, it seems to be transmitted from the main mainland. I feel a horrible power in my heart, and there is a hidden and unpredictable atmosphere under the peace. Maybe it is the trace of the wizard, look at the past!"

The two men took out a peacock feather from their bodies and spurted them into the karma of the karma. They screamed and slammed, and the two even stepped on the peacock feathers.

The beam appears endlessly and disappears without any reason.

After the two people gradually approached, a figure appeared in the air, but there was no sigh of breath. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, you could hardly believe this fact. Even the broken sound waves of the Diamond Ring slipped from both sides.

Slowly, the strange figure turned his head and the three-color gaze gaze over.


Just being watched by the eyes, it seems to be bumped by a mountain front. This kind of blasting impact, the two ascetic monks only feel that their heart has been kneaded a little, and the peacock feathers at the foot are "screaming" and suddenly burned.

"It is a wizard!"

In the first time, the two judged that this was an extraordinary and terrible wizard. The younger brother used the slanting tower to slay the lion, and the karma fire was just overwhelming, rushing toward the figure, and the brothers burned. Start the light of the Tuo, ready to gather magical powers.

On the other hand, Green is somewhat suffocated by the squeeze of this medium-sized world, and the power of the seal under the robes is about to cause a rebound in the rules of the whole world.

I am accustomed to the inclusiveness of the world of the earth, and suddenly come to such a medium-sized world, Green has some stretches.

Compared to the world's carrying capacity, it is at least a thousand times lower.

"There are still some witches scattered in this world. If they can't be organized in time, these wizards will eventually be wiped out by the Leaning Tower."

This muttered to himself, the lion slammed into the body of the body, and the sound of "啵" only caused a wave on Green's protective cover, as if bitten by a mosquito, Green waved and waved casually. The rumbling rumbling, the 10,000-meter palm print fell in the desert, and the two ascetic monks were wiped away by Green.

It’s awkward!

As Green's power leaked, and sure enough, the desert of Yuanbei Yanyang suddenly surged, and every gravel was in violent temper, and the blue sky fell unreasonably, falling on Green, more than a million bombardments!


Green scorned, but the blue sky continued to fall, and the pressure in all directions almost made Green breathless. Looking up, the large-scale black salon wind was about to form, and the funnel-shaped tornado was centered on Green. Locked, slowly descending.

"The reaction is strong enough. It takes a lot of effort to resist the rules of the world, but even if only half of the power is used to sweep the world, it should be enough."

After being snorted again and again, Green was smashed to the bottom by the blue sky, and after the initial violent reaction, the world's turtles gradually became softer. Green was like this with the Thunder and the Black Salon. .

The devil is coming to the world!

After taking a deep breath, Green snarled: "I am coming!"

I'm coming! I'm coming! I'm coming……

The wizard will stir up and pass through Green to the end of the world. At this moment, Green is like a humanoid space fortress!

At the same time, the wizards hidden in the world of the leaning tower, the body trembled fiercely, his face showed an incredible color, looked up at the sky, hoping to find the **** moon, but did not see anything.

But they did feel the wizard's will and could open the wizard's cover again in the exotic world.

After a long time, with the "I am coming" swept to all corners of the world, these wizards are waking up like a dream. Is this the wizard who came here...

The incredible joy and excitement ~www.novelmtl.com~ replaced the desperate depression of these wizards for many days.

the other side.

The ascetic monk is divided into three levels. The lowest level of the vajra is also a warrior who relies on Miwu, Toutuoguang, and low-level magical powers. The corresponding level should be first-, second-, and third-level creatures.

The above is the sorghum of the Fa, and the practice of the golden body, which has the same effect as the elemental body and the blood.

As for the most high-grade relics, the world of the Great Leaning Tower, there is only one person from the past to the present. It is said that the shots can cause the changes of the times, the pilgrimages, the powers, the imagination, and the two wizards’ invasions are all made by the relics of the relics. Only when the **** moon is shot down, let the evil and inhuman wizards admit that they can only hide the mouse.

Among the bitter seas, the relics of the relics on the golden lotus slammed open their eyes, and the colorful magic behind the skull was like a neon, and the eyes looked at the distance.

"You suppress me here, it will only lead to a stronger wizard army!"

Under the bitter sea, a wizard whispered. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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