A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1624: Undersea roaming

Three years later.

Regarding the mission of the descendants of the dynasty of the gods, it is not necessary for the Green Body to personally monitor it.

Glut, whisper, whistle...

Standing on the shoulders of the little eight, Green sneaked into the deep sea, looking for the lost land of the deep sea, exploring the clues that the chaos demon may remain, a string of bubbles from the depths of the sea came up, smashed from the side of Green.

The records of the mainland of the gods on the lost continents should be traced back to the ancient gods, similar to the relationship between the black world of the wizarding world and the sorcerer's mainland. Outside the mainland of the gods, there is also a vast island, if compared to the continent of a small world. Words, the area is comparable to hundreds!

On such a vast island, there are many ancient ethnic groups, creating their own culture and history, and worshipping their own system of gods.

"The mouth of the world!"

In the deep sea, Green studied the literature of the dragon in his hand over and over again. This is a memory magnet similar to the crystal stone.

The reason for the sinking of this ancient continent, in addition to the appearance of the War of the Ancients, is the root cause of this lost center of the continent, the mouth of the world!

The general world nodes all have their own unique value meanings, and they can be regarded as the weak parts of the world. The world nodes that Green has seen are not too few. The world’s mouth has also seen several, but they have never heard of the world. Nodes endanger the mainland.

"Hey, you are rare and strange. The material world is a void creature. It is reasonable to say that the energy of the void energy is transformed into material energy. It is also in line with the darkness of the wizard world. The principle of light emerges in the darkness. Naturally, it will form something similar to ordinary. Some of the evolution of flesh-and-blood energy creatures, the mouth of the world, hey, have you heard of illnesses?

Xiao Ba explained it in its way.

"Well, this explains me that I know it, but here is a big world. The carrying capacity is enough to accommodate the endless dominance and even the frontal impact of the small and medium-sized world. What disease can make a whole continent sink like this?"

Green has fallen into the deepest part of the sea, confirming that he should be on the edge of the lost continent. Although all buildings have been destroyed by seawater erosion, some mountains, gullies, canyons, and basin topography are for knowledgeable wizards like Green. But can be distinguished at a glance.

"I said Green Beast, how are you so stupid, have you already touched those time creatures? In case some idiots inside this world node is regarded as a historical node, they can't do it in groups. If you go down, you may be messing up this piece of time..."

I even got the time creature.

Regarding the time and creatures, Green has also been exposed to a man named Bo Meng Meng in the Dark Portal of the Dark World. It is different from the broad space of the material energy world, and the time and nature are in the deep historical time. There are two different shuttle lines between them. If there is a crossover, it can only happen at the historical nodes where time and space intersect.

Glut, whisper, whistle, whistle...

Green took out the crystal ball and connected the ice age holy sorcerer Millie.


Looking at the background of Millie from the crystal ball light curtain, it is obviously also on this lost continent, but it is not in the same direction as Green.

"Eight rainbow Nevis, you have arrived, I heard that you have recently quarreled with Ye Ye?"

"Don't mention the stinky wife with the Eight Lords."

Xiao Ba did not respond with a good spirit.

Green shook his head and smiled. I really couldn't understand why the old husband and the Ye Ye were old wives. When they were noisy, they thought about it. After a long and noisy day, they turned to Millie: "The chaotic demon has suffered heavy losses, At most, there is only one half of the strength, but you are not able to confront and be careful now."

Sweet smile, can be so concerned by Green, Millie's heart is infinitely warm, cold ice and clean face also melted.

"I know, I found that the problem is wrong. I will inform you as soon as possible. I have been searching for secrets for a long time. If the chaotic demon king is really hiding in this lost continent, it should be at the mouth of the world. Be patient."


Time passed and twenty years passed.

It is not an easy task to find a specific world node in this vast and lost continent. After a few years, Green and Millie meet, and the two walk together in the underwater world by the convenience of common tasks, whispering some words. If the outsiders don't know, warm heart, let the time pass, the two are just accompanied by a slow move, it seems that looking for the chaos of the devil has become an irrelevant thing.

"Green, you said that if we have children, will it be like you, the style is perfect, the world is talented?"

Millie whispers, only Green can hear.

"I don't know, but all I can do is give him a strong and peaceful wizarding world to grow up."

Green's rigid response.

"Grimmon, Millie, this has a totem pole."

Wrapped in a bubble, Xiao Ba rushed over from the front, followed by a small sea dragon, this bubble is given by Xiao Hailong, a small dragon near the dragon, born for decades to be ignorant In the ignorant stage, it became the follow-up of Xiao Ba.

Xiao Ba refers to the totem pole, Green and Millie have long noticed, "Well", the two approached step by step, looking at the pillars of several hawthorns that were filled with algae and water. After such a long period of time after the change, there is still a rule, and there must be a law of divine courage.

Millie stood at the back of Green's right side, snuggling up to Green's side, and after three moments of gazing at the totem pole, he stretched out his hand and took off the water and grass algae on the totem pole, revealing thousands of creatures on the totem pole. Sculpture.

For the lower ignorant creatures, this scene is really ugly, and must be identified as a low-level **** ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ but in the eyes of Green and Millie, which represents desire and reproduction, representing the vitality of all things.

“Is it the remains of the Lord of Desire?”

Millie looked at Green and asked tentatively.

"No, this is the relic of the Lord of Life. The Lord of Devotion focuses on the process, and the Lord of Life is the result, the machine."

Muttering, Green suddenly gathered the water and the seaweed stripped on the totem pole. As the three-color diaphragm flashed, the ripples of power flowed from Green's hands, gradually adjusting to a subtle frequency as the power ripples formed. The smashing shocks, these waterweed seaweeds became juice in the sea.

"What did you find?"

Millie and Xiao Ba don't know why Green did it.

"Oh, still showing the horse's feet, he really fled here, find the mouth of the world!"

Green even extracted a trace of divine power from the chaotic juice, and the law that emerged from it was the law of chaos. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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