A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1618: fairy tale

Hey! Hey! Oh...

On the sword of Amber, a clear crack spread from the surface to the core, and the green-skinned worm that just opened his eyes revealed fear and despair, as if he had seen his own end.

"The commander of Xiahe, please tell me the secrets of Dimensional Dimensions studied by Xia He's civilization!"

Green knows what is going to happen.

If ever, Green is bound to be excited about this discovery, because this is the material for writing the page of destiny, and it is the true essence of the wizarding world.

However, at this time, Green's only page of destiny has not been consumed, and compared to the destiny curse of the page of destiny, the dimensional dimension secret is what Green really wants!

Green meat bugs seem to have known Green's consciousness. As a semi-spiritual evolutionary creature, in addition to creating the wisdom of the Titan Armored Corps, these meat bugs must have other incredible abilities.

"The future civilization, it seems that you already know its existence, but I have nothing to tell you. With our low-dimensional dimension of conscious thinking trying to speculate on everything that guesses it, I want to experiment in the world of beakers. It is ridiculous that the microbe attempts to guess the experimenter's consciousness. Although it is not in this dimension, its consciousness is omnipresent. We are trying to resist the outside creature in the box..."

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

There are more and more cracks in the sword of Amber. The worms fold a bitter smile on the head of the skin. It seems to have seen something desperate, gave up resistance, and looked at Green so calmly and enjoyed his last time.

"World Lab! I found a world laboratory in Xiahe civilization. It was a world of shadows and lava rules. I found a gold Titan commander there, but it was erased by your mouth. Please tell the purpose of establishing this lab!"

For a time, Green had a lot of things, but I didn't know what to ask.

At this time, every piece of information revealed from this meat bug consciousness is a truly invaluable treasure, and it is the truth knowledge that the wizards are eager for.

For the true spirit wizard, this is the treasure of civilization!

It was just that this discovery came too suddenly. Green did not think that under the remains of the Sun Lord, there was such a guy hidden.

"The world of the mech factory established by Xiahe Civilization and the world of laboratories are countless. Although I don't know what you mean, since it can survive to this day, it should be the most brilliant peak of Xiahe civilization, and it is only incomparably huge. The amount of information data can only pass through its eyes. It is not really a "god", nor is it omniscient, omnipotent, it will be sloppy, it will be forgotten, and it will also make some contradictions. Rule setting."

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

The crack of the whole amber sword has been densely packed. Green knows that the fate of truth or the "it" in the mouth of the meat worm will soon be erased by the commander of the Xiahe.

"Cough, I am about to disappear forever, the future civilization, if you really want to understand the secret of dimension dimension, you must abandon the power gained from the eyes it is placed on you! Although it will bring you no Exhaustive power, but after all, you are just a plaything, and you can never find your true meaning."

The body of the meat bug trembles at a high frequency, as if the old man in the coveted year can't swallow the last breath, and the spiritual tail is shining at this moment.

In the midst of Green's sorrow, the meat worms used their own spiritual tail to transform into something similar to the light of wisdom, but it is the unknown energy that Green could not understand with the wisdom of the wizard.

"This is what you mean."

It is awesome that these unknown energies form two square-shaped runes, which are the world's original runes, and are similar to the source of the runes after the sacred attack of the Green's dimension. The sorcerer's text, which is turned into a book, is the type of runes written on the book of destiny.

This is your own meaning! ?

In the first time, Green took out the Skynet crystal ball in an attempt to record with the face of truth.


The glaring light spot even made Green's three-color light sorrowful and couldn't help but hold it down, giving a low-pitched pain. At the same time, the crystal ball in the hand was like vaporized water vapor, and the melted and collapsed disappeared.


No matter what happens, the thirst for the knowledge of truth and truth will not let Green stop the pace of exploration. The desire to explore the truth and the knowledge of the truth has already overcome everything. Green has sacrificed the dimensional dimension ball, with the dimension of the secondary sphere perpetual motion machine unlimited energy supply. The endless world rules BUG, ​​哗哗啦啦, countless papers are flying, Green takes out the Grimm's Fairy Tale from the dimensional dimension ball, in an attempt to confront with another dimensional dimension.

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...


The sword of amber is completely broken.

"Goodbye, there are only so many things I can help you, hehe..."

The eyes are in a state of blindness, and the ears are humming. Only Green is conscious and understands the farewell of the meat bugs.

After a while, when Green opened his eyes again and returned to the state, the golden sword seat was empty in the depths of the cave. It seems that everything that just happened is just an illusion. This exchange of time is just a dream. The war of the gods is still dead. In the continuation, Green, as a hunter, as a source of evil, is genocidal to a group of the world.

Compared with Green's cross-dimensional communication, destroying the gods and the mainland to complete the dedication of the true spirit in front of them is also a trivial matter, and there is a glimpse of the long history of civilization.

"Well? Grimm's fairy tale!"

Bowing down, I saw Green's hand, the Grimm's Fairy Tales, being swayed by billions of ray of ink as usual.

These filaments are in the Green Eye, like the inferior nature of the endless world, a low-level form that cannot form the original rune. This is the endless world life insight in the essence of truth.

"If you really want to understand the secrets of dimension dimensions, you must abandon the power gained from the eyes it has placed on you."

Green murmurs the commander of Xiahe who has been erased by the fate of truth. The words of the three colors are flickering, and Green knows what this so-called eye is.

With one hand and one stroke, Green takes the page of fate from the gap in the dimension.

Undoubtedly, this is the eyes of the "he" in the commander of Xia He. Through the subtlety of fate, he can complete his will with the power that the elusive and low-order creatures cannot understand. This is "it" spread all over the endless. One of the myriad of eyes in the world.

give up?

The power of the page of destiny, Green knows well, just abandon it, no matter who is probably a difficult decision.

As time went by, Green was swaying the "Grimory Fairy Tale" with the other hand, and the other hand was writing the pages of the destiny of the runes full of the source, and was caught in a very difficult and unpredictable situation, standing still.

This station, it is six months to pass, the green silence of the three-color light flashes a hint of luster.

"If you want to explore the truth and truth, to become the ancestor of the wizard, to surpass Antonio and the wizards of the past, you have to pay the price. It is poison..."

Hey, hey, hey...

Green seems to tear the paper, tearing the pages of destiny in his hands, as if he should balance the essence of the rules. Although the book of Destiny has incredible power, it is fragile, even low. Other creatures can also be easily destroyed.

The shredded paper industry was left behind by Greensa, and the originally calm caves were blowing an unexplained breeze, which brought a very flustered emptyness, and Green could feel his own coolness.

This prestige wind blows the papers ~www.novelmtl.com~ After a round around Green, the pieces of destiny are integrated into the wall and disappeared.

"It's omnipresent..."

At the same time, Green's "Gregory Fairy Tales" disappeared with the page of destiny, and new changes are taking place. The billions of light filaments lingering in "The Grimm's Fairy Tale" is the so-called "Green" drawn by the commander of Xiahe. Meaning" change form.

After the page of destiny disappeared, these filaments were finally completely integrated into the Grimm's Fairy Tales.

What happened to Grimm's Fairy Tales?

Just as Green couldn’t wait to see it, suddenly Green stopped.

I saw the "Grimson Fairy Tales" originally written on the cover by the wizarding text. At this time, the word "Green" disappeared without a word, leaving only the "fairy tale" written in the wizarding language.

La la la, Green quickly turned to the last blank page of "Fairy Tale", two original characters, clearly branded on it, it is the Xia He commander's meat worms leaving Green's so-called meaning. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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