A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1616: Mountain dwarf

1o.168.58.178/qidian/?id=3268922&cid=343283616 The Tianti Mountain is covered with glaciers, and the sky is in a long silence. Novel

One side is Green, which has been completely shaken in the power of the Dimensional Dimension of Grimm's Fairy Tales.

Of course, this so-called dimension dimension is the dimension dimension power in Green's own will concept. Green is only one of the forces of thousands of wizards to explore dimensional dimension, not the exact definition in the wizard's knowledge system.

However, through this movement of witchcraft, Green thoroughly saw the power expressions of his exploration, and fell into the air. The light of wisdom was in the depths of the soul, turning into a source of inspiration, flashing into the air and rushing into Green’s thinking. In the middle, when Green was awake again from the shackles, he couldn’t tell the refreshing and thorough.

Although I am afraid that I am looking for an unknown road that I have never explored before, I do not know what kind of absurdity and horror will happen in the future, but at the same time, Green is also affirming his own exploration.

This road... has its future.

On the other side is the disciple of Green, disciple.

Accompanied by the mentor in Tianti Mountain for decades, Andersi Seymour plundered the wealth of many gods in Tianti Mountain, and the atmosphere and foundation continued to grow. He heard the tutors teach and grow, and the other side is the camouflage ice rain. The world has been ruined.

Standing in the endless world, the cycle of birth and destruction of the world, although always born, but the birth and destruction of a world, is the millions of years, tens of millions of years of time, for a life The words are too long, even though the Lord of the World and the Worms of the Holy Marks are extraordinarily small and insignificant before such a time span.

At this moment, Ansimo can have such an intuitive world to destroy the opportunity, it is not easy.

The rules of great destruction are clear and thorough, and Anderse has been completely immersed in it. This stage is equivalent to the time of the stone structure of the original sin that waits for the number of skulls of the soul of the 10,000 souls to be annihilated.

Every minute, every second, for this time Ansimo is infinitely enjoyable, and Green sees that the three disciples are still immersed in it, and it is not easy to disturb, so they wait quietly.

"In addition to the newly formed gods, and the long sea gods in the depths of the ocean, this world is still worth remembering is the chaotic devil who escaped. But with this special world rule, the difficulty of trying to escape is beyond imagination. I can't escape and escape..."

In the midst of sinking, Green has gradually begun to explore the future of this party, and has already done what he can to achieve the limit.

Time passed, and three months passed, and Ansimo was suddenly a clever one, sobering from silence.

"Guide, have you been here?"

"Don't think that it is safe here. Remember that you are the enemy of this world. As a big world, anything can happen. Before the death of the World Corps, you should still explore it in secret. Don't care. ""

After Green slammed a sentence, he paused and said: "There is nothing but a chaotic demon. In theory, the world should have no special evolutionary creatures, but it is only theoretical. You Master Sister gave a few copies of the information for the teacher, just to explore the chaos during the chaos. During this time, you are ready to go, the Destroyed Legion will be busy with you,"

Hearing Green's words, Anderse Simo was full of sorrow.

"Hey? Mentor, you said that the bones have been solved? But..."

Green waved his hand and gestured to Anthony Seymour not to ask more. This kind of thing is not the more participants, the better, that is, since Green experienced this thing, his heart has gradually become uneasy, and his faint heart is always at ease. Appeared, as if there was a pair of invisible eyes, scorning and peering at himself, mocking his ignorance.

"There are some higher-level means for the teacher. This kind of thing is not something you can touch for the time being. Go."

Green did not want to say more. After Ansimo’s salute, he glanced at Green with a slight disappointment. These decades are the most precious memories of his life, turning away.


A cold wind blew, and Green's mind made a plan for the orientation of each destination.

"So, let's take a look at how the gods of the gods stop it. The districts have been able to connect the various ethnic groups in a few decades. The manipulator behind this organization is not simple."

Silent, Green disappeared out of thin air.

According to the secret message of Cappuccino, at the foot of the southwestern part of the Tianti Mountain, a vast area of ​​the gorge of the hills ruled by the mountain dwarfs hides a secret headquarters of the gods!

Due to the limited power of the wizards in the base of extinction, and the fact that the gods 6 are too vast, they have not taken any measures for this secret headquarters of the gods, which are far away, and can only let them perform.

One side is a high mountain, and the other is a vast plain. The distance between the two is separated by a few kilometers of gullies. The birds and beasts are born in danger. The river at the bottom of the canyon can be seen faintly. Another new ecosystem has been formed.

At the same time, influenced by Green's secluded world, the vast gully was spread around the Tianti Mountain, and some of them traversed this magnificent canyon, making the ecosystem more complicated.

After Green appeared silent and empty, even the surrounding birds and beasts were not noticed, and the buzz came one after another.

The three-color light of the green gaze gaze at the canyon wall, the pupil luster changes constantly, and the texture of the broken wall layer is clear at a glance. It only becomes blurred after penetrating the geological structure of more than 100 meters. As the shrinking area of ​​Green expands, from the steep cliff At the bottom of the cliff, a hidden dwarf tunnel door appeared in the eyes of Green.

"Found it, hey, here."

Under the face of truth, there are some evil arcs in the corners of the mouth~www.novelmtl.com~The robe of the appearance is moving again, gradually returning to nothingness.

On the hidden stone gate, in addition to a few tall dwarves with a height of less than one meter, wearing armor and boring guards, what makes Green slightly strange is the four statues on both sides of the gate. These statues are actually mechanically smashed with the wizarding world. There are some similarities in mechanical processes, and they are devices that use a large number of levers and gears for power transmission.

As for the invasion of Shimen itself, in addition to the more concealed, it is like the display of Green.

Dangdang, Dangdang, Dangdang...

Into the inside of this thick mountain wall, through the stone wall sound waves, has been faintly able to hear the sound of the mining dwarf of these mountain dwarves.

Like the ants at the foot, Green can crush these guards at any time. After experiencing the power of Dimensional Dimensions of Grimm's Fairy Tales, in the eyes of Green, these dwarves are not even a mixture of rules, wills, and energies. A look like ink.

"Hey, bearded, you drink two less. These celestial grown up people are receiving the famous Sanctuary strongmen nearby. If you have anything, you can't keep you."

A mountain dwarf with an axe saw the mountain dwarf opposite and was stealing time to drink, shouting two sentences.

The bearded man wiped the wine on the beard and sat full. The cheek under the helmet was obviously red and awkward. He said: "Since the great existence has come to the miracle, the patriarch does not receive a few sanctuaries. Strong, just..."

"Hey! This time is different. I haven't heard of it. There was an accident on the Tianti Mountain. It was probably a matter of the deceased. I was afraid that the Big 6 would be turbulent."

"I want to say, we are just like the small ethnic groups, the cave is closed, no one will come, after a few hundred years, then open and pull down."

The bearded dwarf muttered. (To be continued.)

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