A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1610: Falling off the curtain

"Tell me, the deceased, what do you want to do on the mainland?"

Even if the final resistance of the gods on the mainland has been completely broken, the gods have fled, but the bones of the undead will be gone, asking the deceased.

It’s hard to form a climate in the small and small fish that fled in twos and threes, and Green is too lazy to pay for it.

The mighty and undead army disappeared, and the dragons were squatting at the foot of the Green Bone Throne. The colorful time and space were in the most debilitating period, and they tried to keep themselves in the proper manner.

Layered on top of the corpse and bones, Green played two pieces of the original sin stone in the hands of the sin, screaming the white bones of the throne, sitting slightly lazy.

Now the battle of extinction has basically become a foregone conclusion. For the bones and gods, although it is still not the trouble that Gee can cause for Green, it is limited to the Tianti Mountain. It is based on the existence of the will of the undead. The soul is almost immortal, but for Green, even the most stupid way to extermination of the will of the Tianti Mountain is only part of the plan.

Green smiled and stared at the bones.

"You and all the creatures of this world will not understand, what is the world's truly precious treasure, what is the most powerful power! Oh, the so-called gods continent, but a super-empty creature evolved. The super magnet gradually becomes illusory. Compared to this super magnet, everything in this world is just an insignificant accessory, wrapping the will of the soul you depend on. And my purpose is the super magnet under the mainland."

"The Mother of the Earth!"

The bones of the gods took a deep breath and muttered incredulously.

Mother Earth?

Green is slightly puzzled and looks at the colorful dragons and gods. Green has not studied the history and legend of the Mother Earth.

Although the colorful dragons and gods are extremely weak, but in the face of Green doubts, they still do their best to support their exhausted body: "The mother of the earth is the source of all the land worshippers of the gods and the land of the gods. In order to escape from the evil dragons, the cracks across the time and space came to the mainland, and the King Kong Dragon King led the dragon family to defeat the Bimen family and joined the system of the gods."

Evil dragon world!

Green had heard of this world community in the Digestive Esophagus and was playing hot with the Alliance of the Beasts.

The dragon family is the same as the evil dragon. This is an anecdote. However, compared with the evil dragon, the whole world community has been unified. The dragons who have been huddled in the gods have become small branches and insignificant.

As for the King Kong Dragon King, there is no doubt that it should be one of the main gods of the ancient gods. The dominant level exists, but after all, it has not escaped the war of the ancient times.

Perhaps, in the lost godland that Green found, can you find the clue of the King Kong Dragon King?

"It is not impossible for you to understand this. Hey, the purpose of my trip is the mother of the earth! As for other incomes, it is a side effect, and it is better than nothing."

Greenlee certainly admitted.

"You want to gain the power of the Mother Earth, you can coexist with the gods, and even create a new god, why should you launch a war of extinction, which is good for your strength to borrow the mother of the earth?"

The bones of the gods will ask for their final incomprehension.

"By borrowing the power of the mother of the earth? I think you made a mistake. I am not coming to the world as a guardian, but to completely destroy this world and plunder the mother of the earth!" Oh, this requires the cooperation of the gods... Only you have fallen, and all creatures can't resist my dying army, thus completely destroying the guardian will of this super magnet. Forget it, it is useless to say, temporarily If you can't solve it, just roll me back to the depths of the Tianti Mountain."

Green seems to be a little impatient, and the magic is soaring, with one hand pressing.

The hands of the enchanting elements of the heavens will dispel the lingering gloom of the gloom, even though the dragons who have belonged to Green’s majesty see this moody, unpredictable and sudden smasher, suddenly shocked by their irresistible appreciative power. There are also instinctive retreats to open a distance.

As the fountain of the Tianti Mountain bones, Wanling God looked up to the giant hand that covered dozens of elements. He lamented, and he did not dare to block his edge. He also knew that time was not much. Finally, he stared at Green at the throne. The turtle retracted back under the Tianti Mountain.


The 10,000-meter palm print was left in the devastated land.

The bones of the gods have already left, and Green has stopped paying attention. He has been immersed in the stone of the original sin in his hands. After a while, Green lifted his head, and the three-color gaze gaze at the colorful space-time dragon **** who is tight and tight.

Its fear, Green can understand.

"The time for the dragons to integrate into the gods is too long. If you want to invest in my knees, you must be separated from the will of the world. The ordinary tribes of the sacred domain are good to say that you dragons are much harder to do."

Speaking of this, the already rigid dragons suddenly took a deep breath and nervously looked at Green.

"However, there is no way."

Greenton paused, and then said: "The world, there must be some **** blood, even if it is hybrid genetics. Find them, this is your only chance. There are still decades away from the death of the Legion. Time, during this period I will always stay on the Tianti Mountain. You will use this time to find the blood of Bimen. I will inform the Destroyer Base to explore the Legion for your convenience."

After all, Green waved his hand and signaled that the dragons could leave.

"Yes, follow the great annihilation tower, the sorcerer's will!"

The colorful time and space dragon **** led the only tens of thousands of dragons left, and the sound of the dragons sang in the air. After flying in the sky, they flew far away.

Lonely, Green sat alone on the throne of the sacred mountain.

In the next few decades, Green will collect the original sin stone on this mountain and discover the remains of the ancient gods and wars, and guard the last remaining only strong strong gods in the mainland of the gods.

As for the chaos demon...

"The source of annihilation."

A low whisper, the blood of the Green Witch's robe kept squirming, gradually splitting out four different looks, and was sent by Green to perform different tasks. Among them, there was a source of annihilation, responsible for searching for the chaos.

Then Green took out the crystal ball.


On the other side of the crystal ball ~www.novelmtl.com~ is the disciple of the three disciples of the Three Great Greens, and the background is in the sky above a desert. The expression is beautiful.

"Well, where are you?"

Green can't judge the coordinates from the background of the disciple's crystal ball.

"Teacher, I am now in the southern part of the mainland, slang in the desert, pursuing a trace of the **** of arrogance. It is said that this mainland **** is very mysterious and rarely shows up, so I think its clue is very valuable."

Green nodded and stared at the three disciples who were regarded as the inheritance of the will. The mouth could not help but reveal some satisfied smiles.

"End the task over there and quickly come to the Tianti Mountain. I am here waiting for you."

Hearing Green said, Andersi Moss suddenly opened his mouth and a stunned expression.

"Yes, mentor!" (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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