A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1588: Destroyed Magic (12)


The earth is broken and cracked, and the dense traces spread like a spider web. In the center of this cracked crater, it is the **** of brutal violence that has been bombarded by the ripples of Green Power.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

The law of the same way is the ripples of the gods, rising from the sky above and beyond, without any disguise of hostility!

So many world-level powers, if they are generally dominated by the unrestrained face, and without the support of a large army, I am afraid that they must have a headache for the loss of the Almighty Soul. However, they have the dimension of the sub-spheres, although they are only Green’s ideal state. The truth balances the magic wand head part, but with its infinite energy blessing, Green will never count the energy loss problem, and even the absolute refuge of the critical moment, against the lower creatures, Green is even more terrible than the general ruler!

"Oh, don't want to live, let's come over."

Green is proud of the supremacy and majesty, so arrogant and arrogant, as if all development is under control, annihilating the world, overlooking all beings.


It is the **** of indifference. As one of the many median gods in the mainland gods, there is hardly any prestige, but it is one of the key invitations of the gods of the Luoyang ancient emperor, who control the special law and the sufficient faith in the valley of Taisuo Mebda. The power of the body supports its powerful divine power.

At this time, as the earliest awakening, the gods who attempted to follow the end of the Luoyang ancient temple emperor wolf gods are making their own rebellious will with their own gods against the gods released by the annihilator to the entire Snow Wolf Mountain.

Even this rebellion against the will is insignificant.

"Over the past, the attempt to subvert the mainland of the gods, I do not know how many, but even the closest to the success of the Golden Dragon King and the chaos demon, and finally choose to build a **** in the mainland of the gods, into our. Here is the center of endless dimension, absolutely Not the borders of the wilderness you are in can be compared, the annihilator? Give up your pursuit of destruction! One day, you will be assimilated by the vastness of the gods, and we will be one with you, and only here you In order to find the way to achieve the law of the Lord God!"

This is the **** of reflection. It has a much higher status in the mainland gods than the **** of war and the goddess of the night.

His power is not only divine power, but also through history, philosophy, humanities, and patterns. He has insight into the subtle contradictions of the gods and the realities of the realities, and belongs to the gods that can be mixed by all the gods.

Nowadays, this **** of thinking is trying to communicate with Green by his own will. As long as he can understand communication, he will have the opportunity to understand Green's plan and then even discourage Green from his thoughts and patterns.

It’s awkward!

However, with the black arc of the magic wand tip of the Green magic wand piercing through time and space, with the vastness of the arrogant power, the light and the dark are distorted by the black arc, releasing unclear layers of ignorance and pressure, and declaring any effort on the **** of thinking. Turning into nothing, Green is tearing up any conspiracy wisdom with absolute power.

First, the sneak attack on the Luoyang ancient emperor wolf god, and then crush the **** of brutal violence, followed by the savage confrontation god, Green's sly, powerful, cruel, violent annihilator image, has vividly reflected in the snow wolf mountain The gathering gathers in the heart of the gods.


Beyond the power of seven million degrees, even the seven strongest gods did not dare to face Green's blow, not to mention the power of wisdom.

At the same time, a concentration of divine power can inspire an attack of two or three hundred thousand degrees. Compared with Green's power level, it is like a firefly and a moon.

The black arc was unobstructed, and after the attacking **** was wiped out, Yu Wei disappeared at the end of the horizon.

At the same time, the **** of indifference, which is trying to make a difference, is in a stalemate. The so-called law is constantly grayed out, and it is completely petrified under the petrochemical ability of Green truth.

The so-called law of the gods advocated by the gods is only a similar ability of the true body and the blood.

In Green's view, there is nothing to be commended except for the avatars and the non-Achilles heel that resembles the body of the fifth layer of wild instinct. It is only the three-level creatures of the so-called Sanctuary who are true to the world. Desire, thus exaggerating the law of the gods.

"Who else?"

Surrounded by silence, the gods are quiet.

The mainland gods have become accustomed to the intrigue between the temples for the resources of believers. They are guilty of intrigue, accustomed to the overall confrontation between different gods, but the relationship of local cooperation. They are used to the undead natural disasters every 10,000 years, the invasion of the sea gods, the dragons are in groups. The looting of the team, even the history of the ancient war, has left valuable lessons and wealth for many gods, but no one really thought about it. If one day, there is really a demon in the world that is comparable to the ancient gods. World war, subverting the traditional rules and order, how to deal with the ultimate goal for the ultimate purpose.

Even some blasphemous gods have begun to retreat in the dark, avoiding the positive contact with the terrible annihilator who killed the gods between the waves!

From the perspective of these gods, it is understandable to do so.

Every **** has been telling the world that the temple has changed from the road of the sanctuary, but the mainland of the gods is always the center of the battle of the gods. All the concepts of world destruction have never appeared. These gods are still thinking about it, let other The gods will lag behind the hunters, and the resources of the believers will be much more abundant in the future. It may be a chance for a historical node to advance.

Rubbing! Hey! Hey! Oh...

The savage violent **** is black and violent, and the **** are on the body. There are some rules of the gods that collapse, but with the support of the reorganization of faith, they are rapidly healing, and they are constantly struggling to stand up from the center of the pit. Crude

In the heavy breathing, the violent hammer "squeaky" slammed on the earth, and there will be a shock at any time.

Green is condescending, overlooking this strong strength after the encounter with the strong talent, the strength has significantly enhanced a savage violent god.

"They can escape temporarily in fear, but in the end they will be destroyed with the world, but you must stay. The seven great Xeon gods, the ancient sea god, the Luoyan ancient temple emperor wolf god, the **** of brutal violence, the **** of chaos Half-dead is not alive, not afraid, until I destroy the **** of heaven and the **** of hatred, hehe, who else can stop me in this world?"

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

The blood of Bimen in the body of brutal violence is burning, and the earth seems to be endowing it with endless power~www.novelmtl.com~ That is the instinct of the landlord than the Mongolian people, the barbaric heart and the hammer of violence, brutal violence The **** stands in the center of the pit and roars in the sky.

"Want to kill me? I will kill you first!"

The more and more pure power bursts from the body of brutal violence, and even the green squatting crater is expanding and spreading under its power. The slabs are affected by the power and power, broken into smaller pieces and vacated. And up.

However, the stronger the battle against the **** of brutal violence, Green suddenly gaze at the other direction.

There, it is the goddess of the night!

At this moment, she is also slowly retreating, wanting to flee again, gathering more powerful forces against Green, but nearly half of the famous gods in the mainland have fallen to the foot of Green, how desperate the goddess of night and moon is. . !

"Hey, you have to stay."

Green brutally smiled, and the extreme abyss magic wand in his hand pointed away.

"You! You can't..."

The goddess of the night and the moon is no longer scrupulous, turned around, exerted all the divine power, and tried their best to escape to the Tianti Mountain meditation system in an attempt to gain a glimmer of life.

It’s awkward!

The black arc penetrates through time and space, even though the law of Yong Ye and the power of the moon can be combined, and the whole force is resisted, but after all, it is destroyed by the annihilation of the arc, leading the wizard to discover the goddess of the night and the moon in the world of the earth, and it falls under the Green Devil. (To be continued.)

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