A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1586: Destroy God (10)

Invisible, Green has not experienced the feeling of sneak attack and killing for a long time. network

The numerous gatherings of gods that Green has perceived are the large 6 gods that gradually extend along the edge of the Tianti Mountain between the gods and the evil gods.

The scenery of the Northland, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow.

The right hand of the Abyss magic wand is completely integrated with the ice and snow here, as if the flying elf in the snow has accompanied Green to grow up, witnessing Green's arm of the ancestors who became one of the leading sorcerers of the Wizarding World, with Green Truth The balance magic wand is shaped day by day, and it is increasingly going to history.

Oh la la...

Green's left hand, the book of truth flipped, recorded countless drops of neglect behind Green's success, as the medium of Unicom's forgotten world, like the cheerful movement in Green's ear.

The three-color light reveals the truth, the knowledge, the deep, the mystery, the majesty, everything in the eyes of Green, through the layers of data attributes, stripping the representation, and analyzing the essence.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine... one hundred thirty two, one hundred and thirty three."

Low and murmur, Green surrounds the Snow Wolf Peak and counts the higher life gathered here.

The existence of being able to enter Green's vision must be the lower god, corresponding to the world's main level, a total of one hundred and thirty-three, and sometimes outsiders are called by the magic flame drums, the emperor wolf God, and sometimes leave, the overall It has been maintaining more than one hundred gods. It is centering on this snow-wolf mountain and is equipped with a huge energy gathering place. I don't know what it is.

These are the leaders of many worlds. Although they are strong and weak, even the horrible forces that can not be ignored by the lord, if they try to accomplish some ultimate means, I am afraid that they can create a big obstacle for Green.

In this way, it is indeed wise for Green to give up and continue to pursue the chaos that is like a bereavement dog.

The gods 6 , although not fully aware of the threat of Green, fully organized against the Green has been quietly silent war, but some of the gods have first realized the terrible shadow of the shadow, in an attempt to stop.

Blue Shadow Peak.

Green is half-empty from the glacier, and the unreal shadow is like the mysterious phenomenon of ghosts in the eyes of ordinary people. Without any life, this kind of close-knit gaze gaze at the thousands of gods that are busy in the range of several kilometers.

The goddess of Blizzard, as the median **** at the foot of the Snow Wolf Mountain Range, is far less powerful than the Magic Flame Drummer, but it is also the leader of the gathering place. It is gathering the power of eight gods to complete the secret. plan.

"It is not a seal."

From the overall macroscopic view, Green has observed the arrangement of these gods in an all-round way. From the perspective of energy flow, it seems that it is necessary to use Mo Dawei to open up a certain time and space.

"Which preparation is it, so that the magical ancient temple emperor wolf **** and the **** of brutal violence are so exhausted? And from this gathering point of view, it seems that more gods gather power, is it to crack the gravitational force of the earth's veins, Escape to a foreign world?"

Shaking his head, Green's translucent illusion disappeared.

In just a moment, it appeared on the top of another snowy peak separated by a hundred miles.

Cat foxtail, the top of the scepter of the night is a half-wheeled crescent, graceful and heroic, this night and the moon goddess is also commanding several gods, also busy carrying out energy gathering.

In the depths of the three-color pupil, a cold light flows through, and the lower half of the body is in the hidden secret. The upper body suddenly floats in the air, and is approaching the goddess of the night and the moon, and the distance is less than 100 meters.

So close, Green seems to be able to pinch her neck at any time.

Time seems to stop, it seems to hesitate to choose, after all, Green silently retired to a distance of kilometers.

"One hit will kill the sneak attack, it is not worth wasting here, there is a better choice there."

On the other hand, the goddess of the night and the moon did not notice this. The law of the moon at the top of the scepter became one of the ten peaks with the energy pattern of the foot, guiding the power of the eleven lower gods.

"We must now abandon our suspicions and go all out! I can feel that the crisis is very close to here. If it is not long, his claws will reach into each of our temples. On the Big 6, no **** can rely on it. His own power stopped him. Since the War of the Ancients, the gods have lost too much, so we must see that its power has not yet reached its peak and will do everything we can to stop it!"

The will of the goddess of the night and the moon encourages the surrounding gods to the extent of "risk-talking".

Some of these gods have obtained secret news, some are obstructed by high gods and have to come, while others want to witness the legendary mysterious realm of the ancients and gain some opportunities.

Above the Big 6, all who have made a difference as a superior **** have acquired some inheritance of the ancient gods.

"Is the ancient mysterious world? Also, after all, it is the dominant level. Even if it is fallen, sealed, exiled, lost in the unknown time and space, the kingdom of God will not collapse, but in some illusory time and space, wandering, obviously this magic flame The drums of the Emperor of the Drums know what is going on, and they attempt to fight against it."

Silent, Green disappeared again.

A cold wind blew through, and I was commanding a glimpse of the goddess of the night and the moon. I looked around with suspicion, but nothing happened. I didn’t know that I had just escaped from the dead. After a while, I continued to invest in tension. In the command.

When Green appeared again, it was the main peak of Snow Wolf Peak.

Countless snow wolves surround the arch, and Green stares at the body of an ice sculpture, cleansing the flames under the hair, beautiful and wonderful.

"What a beautiful creature, like a pearl in the history of evolution, is really a work of art, and people are reluctant to destroy, hehe."

The cruel smile of the corner of the mouth, can not see even if there is half pity in Green, no doubt, here is the center of the entire array, the pole of time and space.

This wolf **** is searching for the remains of the lost Lord God in the chaotic illusory time and space with all his will. On the one hand, he saves his strength and temporarily escapes into it, waiting for the gods 6 to be awakened by the will of the Green World, and on the other hand Looking for opportunities~www.novelmtl.com~ Enhance yourself and respond to the upcoming crisis of extinction with greater strength.

In the cruel smile, Green's extreme abyss magic wand gradually appeared in reality from the illusion, quietly appearing in the snow wolf peak.


the other side.

The chaotic mountain range changes, and the demon gods who are panicking and fearing are flying to the gods. The identity of Green's annihilator has completely detonated the horror of every temple, like the black plague.

Even the chaos of the chaos can not be defeated by this destructor!

So, what else can stop him?

Naturally, everyone thinks of other Xeon gods. Apart from the ancient sea gods that have never appeared in the long-term, the other five top-ranking gods are the hearts of the gods, including nature in the snow-capped mountain peak of the northern country. The **** of brutal violence.

When it comes to prestige, the **** of brutal violence is still on the top of the magical flame of the ancient wolf god, and it is the only one who knows the history of the land and the history of the monks. It has incredible secret ability.

At this time, above the peak of the eagle, this savage violent **** ushered in a quest to escape the devil.

"What! Even the chaos of the devil, even under his hand, can't be defeated, and the emperor escaped!"

Once with the hate god, the magic flame ancient temple emperor wolf God teamed up against the chaos demon, the **** of brutal violence certainly knows the power of this alien invader, but now it is... not to be continued.

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