A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1574: Successive slaughter (middle)

In a short period of time, the prisoner's evil spirits, the **** of justice, the red-flaming devil and the **** of the gods, and the resources of the souls of a large number of believers were harvested, and Green was able to resist the destruction of the world and came to the territory of the storm empire. Pen, interest, pavilion www. Biquge. Info

There are not many stories about the **** of storms on the mainland. Here are the separation areas of several powerful gods. In several countries around the storm empire, there are big differences in the customs and culture of the people.

And then heading to the center of the mainland, it is the Tianti Mountain in the center of the mainland, the land of the gods.


The wind is raging, and Green is overlooked by the demise. The terrain has entered the “wind vent”, and the surrounding mountains limit the sea breeze to this dry land, which is barren and desolate but vast.

The creatures living here, in addition to the more common wind elves, also have a flesh-and-blood creature like a round ball. By collecting the nutrients contained in the wind, it is hard to imagine that this fat ball has flying ability. Obviously It has also been confirmed that pigs can fly on the tuyere.

"From the perspective of the distribution of the soul, there is no temple of faith built here, and there is no biological gathering place. It is very troublesome to collect the soul. It seems to be a congenital god, and it exists like the Lord of the World."

Muttering to himself, Green's tri-color light looks in a broader direction. Is it going back to the left or right, or continue to the Tianti Mountain?

From the perspective of the far-away rule of the left, it should be the devil's system, and the magic is rising. Green even faintly feels that a relatively strong will is there, and the strength should reach the level of the Vantage Specialist Golden Terminator. It should be the head of the devil **** chaos.

In the case of Tianti Mountain, Green intends to summon the elite wizarding corps and then explore alone.

Looking to the right, the number of souls is relatively more dense, and the temple of the gods is a little bit of a star. Although there are no strong fluctuations in the power of the seven great Xeons, Green still barely senses the traces of the two upper gods.

"Well? That terrain... The Silbes Mountains, the goddess of the night! When I was a low-level wizard, I followed the ghost of the sacred sorcerer, the nine angry sorcerer, and the sorcerer of the sacred spring. It is there! After the war between the goddess of the night and the bloodthirsty demon temple, I got the spring of nine quiets and went all the way to the Tianti Mountain."

Others don't know, Green knows clearly that the goddess of the night has a moon fox apart from the body of the night cat family. Now that the law is fluctuating, the night cats have already achieved the upper god, if the two are combined for the night. With the goddess of the moon, the strength must be very close to the level of the seven great Xeon.

Before the choice of time and space smuggling to the mainland of the gods, the Green layer will pass the goddess of the night, attempting to summon through the two sides, but was rejected by the other party, only to spend the dimension of the eternal motive Here, the heart can be imagined about the entanglement of the goddess of the night.

"Oh, in this case, the temple of the night, the faith that was preserved from the bloodthirsty demon king, this time officially withdrew."

call out!

The wind whistling, Green is flying in high speed, it is really a shadow of the sky, a white tail mark is swaying in the sky, the golden silk is scattered and fluttering, and as the distribution of low-altitude souls gradually begins to gather together, the Silbes Mountains gradually begin to resist the wind, below Gradually some orc traces began to appear.

The hyenas rushed to the prairie. Here is the shelter for the bites. These lower gods survived in a slightly deserted area, with the night goddess in the depths of the Silbes Mountains. Since the chaos of the invasion of the war, here There is no war, and a lot of creatures are getting more and more prosperous.

"Which **** are you, I..."


A fireball fell, and the flames swayed the mountain completely. In the heat of the hustle and bustle, Green opened his mouth, and the endless attraction of the crying soul floating in the sky swallowed, and then continued to fly toward the night goddess.

The hyenas who are running happily on the prairie are suddenly stunned.

After the Chaos Demon War, the night cats of the matriarchal society, the status of the cat male has risen, and some of the important positions of the ethnic group gradually have these cat male figures. After so many years of development, the night cat family has become the largest ethnic group in the Silbes Mountains. Providing sufficient faith for the goddess of the night.

"Don't dare to marry the goddess of the great night, you will suffer the destruction of the goddess of the night, the magic, the song of the night!"

It is worthy of being a superior god. One of the districts is a small sacrifice to the temple. Even when Green came to the gathering place, he made a resistance. The goddess of the night went to Green and made it easy to get used to it. Stop the slaughter, and collect the soul of Green.

However, this so-called eternal night praise song magic is only close to the 100-meter range of Green's body, and the law of night is dispelled by the fluctuation of Green's natural overflow.

Even though the goddess of the night and the moon came together personally, in the face of Green, it was just a small thing that was pinned to death, not to mention a small sacrifice that borrowed the power of divine power.

Gently flick your fingers, and with a tiny fireball descending from the sky.


The night cats in this shrine are almost swallowed up, collecting the souls here. Green has brought the majesty of the ruins to the main sacrifice temple.

"The great goddess of the night, which demon is really so arrogant, and your majesty has been for 12,000 years, and the night cats have not suffered such heartbreaking losses."

The main sacrifice is praying and crying in front of the statue, the action of the unknown god, the old sacrifice through the night peeping, clearly in the eyes.

As the spokesperson of the world, the call of the old rituals, soon, the goddess of the night will come!

Although the Silbes Mountains are vast ~www.novelmtl.com~ but at the foot of Green, it is just like this. It will take a long time to get there. The goddess of the night is staring at the power ripples, when the air is unscrupulous, like a dazzling sun. Even the **** of brutal violence is hard to match its tenth.

"The Lord God level exists! Those alien monsters!"

The earth's powerful world is bound by gravity, and the creatures living here are rare to leave this bondage. The goddess of the night has mastered a long-lost ancient gods, and can receive the call of the endless world “different dimension”, and can also summon the “sense” The second dimension "powerful creatures come.

It’s just that the goddess of the night has never thought about it. One day, there will be a horror creature at the level of the gods in the mainland!

"Leave the temple, this evil creature is not what we can match. Even if I can't purify it with the power of the night, I must gather all the gods of the gods, even the overseas dragons and sea gods, to resist this powerful. Demon, he is more terrible than the chaos."

With the short miracle of the goddess of the night, it disappeared again, and the main sacrifice was unbelievable.

"The goddess of the great night has also retreated." (To be continued.)

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