A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1568: Death crow

The death of the crows caused the death of the crows, causing the original spirits of the evil spirits, the scorpionfish, the bone thorn porcupines, and the hooligans to flee to other nearby empires, and began the new temple of Xue Xin to seek refuge and gave up the belief in the **** of evil spirits.

Although for the sacrificial offerings of the temple, it is of course excellent to be able to gain more faith without going through war. After all, the great gods do not care about the race that provides the power of faith, but the cause of the evil spirits is to be engaged. Clearly, after all, the reality of the evil spirits is too sudden.

And no one can be sure whether this disaster will spread to him.

There are many empires bordering the evil spirits. This is a place where evil spirits gather in different places. Most of them are just the lower gods. Occasionally, one or two median gods have little influence on the mainland. As for the upper gods, they have no influence. The mainland of China is also the phoenix horn. The evil gods have not heard of the existence of the upper gods. Therefore, they are the most oppressed among all the gods. They can only establish temples in the remote and barren land, and build beliefs with the low-intelligence biota. system.

Among the empire that borders the evil spirits, the just empire is the mainland gods. Although it is also the lower god, as a member of the gods, the body is ignored by the rules of the gods, and the status is incomparable with the general evil spirits. The subject group is human.

Here we have to explain the meaning of human beings.

Here, the human and the wizard world humans, although biological evolutionary form is generally close, are not the same biological group. The human name is only the first person of the multi-ethnic world ruler, similar to "I".

In order to investigate the cause of this evil spirit empire, the Justice Temple sent seven sacred powerhouses to the evil spirits.


In the sky, from time to time flying a group of dead crows, the scale is only a small number of only a dozen, the large foot has thousands of, the pressure of flying over, can be carefully selected by the three-legged death crow into the army, these death crows at least A first-class biological standard has been reached.

After all, it has assembled a medium-sized world. Even if these omnivorous creatures are only a small part, it is easy to ravage a weak evil empire without the guardian spirit.

"According to those fleeing goblins who have escaped, these death crow disasters began from the emperor, but according to the escaped strong, the most primitive disaster is from the coast. I suggest that our seven-person squad be divided into two teams to investigate the reasons. Where."

A one-eyed sword in a gray cloth gown said to everyone.

This one-eyed sword saint is the peak of the empire of the empire of the just empire. Some people rumor that it is only the last step away from the sword god, and even began to enlighten the Shinto, want to consolidate the law of God and promote to a new god.

Although the sacred **** is the simplest and most practical way to promote the sanctuary, but wants to blaspheme, even the **** who lost the faith system, the possibility of success is low, not to mention the most important distribution of many participants. snatch.

In contrast, instead of being rewarded by the Temple Wars and the Enlightenment Law, it is safer.

"Master, this sudden disaster is the alien evil in the intermittent vortex? After all, forty-eight main vortices are under the surveillance of the high priests, and the mobile vortex has not experienced this."

The voice of the female thief sanctuary is dignified, the figure is hidden under the shadow of the tree, and the camouflage color makes it close to nature.

Under such a disaster of magnitude, there are all such terrorist creatures that have never been seen. Even if everyone is a strong sanctuary, they have just entered the territory of the evil spirits, and they have felt the difficulties of this trip.

Any mission involving the gods is impossible to be safe, and may face the fate of destruction at any time!

"Intermittent vortices usually only appear briefly. It is unlikely that such a large-scale army will suddenly appear. Although there is no way to communicate with these dead crows, the level of wisdom is not low. Obviously, there is a sudden army. It must be prepared. ""

This is a temple offering a scepter with a short stick. It is the most intelligent old man among all, with a strong black leopard next to it. It is very eye-catching with a sharp fang, and a pair of sapphire green eyes are half squatting, and the breath is close to no.

Sacrifice words, let everyone think hard, but it is his own open-minded look: "It is also true, we will perform this exploration mission, otherwise how can the wisdom of the main sacrifice be guessed? In fact I doubt it, maybe some underground existence is broken..."

"Hey, are you talking about the gods of the ancients?"

The strong and stupid sanctuary who took advantage of the giant hammer heard this and was shocked.

"Who knows about the war of the ancients, but it is not difficult to imagine from the battle of the violent God Kingdom and the **** of the stars more than a thousand years ago. In the war of the ancient gods, more than one ancient **** was completely sealed, some of them. The powerful **** with incredible power is still alive and the power is still strong."

The old sacrifice said a bit of his own conjecture, but it was the first one to propose the squad's one-eyed sword, and it seems to have different conjectures.

"Do you know the origin of the demon god?"

The old sacrifice that is telling his own guess is suddenly looking at the one-eyed sword, and seeing his eyes are heavy and heavy, it is difficult to set the channel: "You mean the gods that came from other dimension circles? Impossible..."

After all, even the resurrection of the ancient gods has only rejoined the various gods, and once there is such a presence as the chaos, it is to break the rules of the gods and re-establish the gods in the continent of the gods. Words are a disaster!

The last time the Devils established wars lasted for thousands of years, and hundreds of gods indirectly fell.

"In the end, if you look at it, you will know. Now other empires should aim at the evil spirits. No one knows the most primitive changes. I will first explore it by myself. If I am not at the meeting after seven days, Just prove that there must be a major secret there, and then please report it to the Lord."

One-eyed Juggernaut has absolute confidence, although the entire evil spirits have been shrouded in death crows, but as long as they want to leave, no one can stop themselves except the great gods.


Immediately, the seven sacred domains of the imperial empire were divided into two teams. The one-eyed swordsman single team marched toward the barrenness of the coast, while the other six went to the evil spirits.

Two days later.

Only a dozen kilometers away from the evil spirits, far away, you can see the countless black crows hovering over the emperor, more than 100,000, and six people went deep into the evil spirits for so long. But such a large-scale death crow group is still the first to see, and there are some sacred death crows!

"There are other people on the trail, well, it is the prisoner's empire, go, look at the past."

Soon, the sacred team of more than 20 people, not only the prisoner empire, but also two other evil spirits of the sacred empire, like the six people of the imperial empire, a pair of wolverine tired attitude, is peeping to observe the loss The towering clouds of evil spirits shrouded in the temple.

"Is the empire just six of you?"

Although the gods are in conflict, they are only a larger macro level. For these low-level existences that are busy for their respective gods, there is basically no difference, just to promote a higher level.


After the old ritual responded, he asked, "Are you still not in?"

"No, there are many crows in the sanctuary here. Once the evil spirits have gathered at least ten sacred places for a long time, now even the glory of the temple is no longer there. We have no chance at all because of our strength. Let the people of the empire come together."

In this way, the six sacred powers of the empire are integrated into this sacred team, waiting for opportunities.

the other side.

After the one-eyed sword sacred through the Greenland Bay Mountains, according to the information obtained, it gradually approached the place where Green blasted through the veins.

"that area is……"

A thick smoke rises into the sky, although Green has penetrated the veins, although it has not completely triggered the lava eruption, it has already raised smoke, causing the attention of the one-eyed sword.

Naturally, the one-eyed swordsman who realizes that there is no volcanic trail here is close to the past.

Half an hourglass time,!

In front of the scene, the one-eyed sword is standing in the same place, and even the breathing becomes unstable. The hand has unconsciously pulled out the long sword.

On the ground, braving black smoke, unknown in front of the inexplicable lava cave.

At this moment, a death crow of about one meter is facing away from himself, licking a human corpse under his feet and tasting the internal organs. This corpse is familiar with the one-eyed sword, but it is...the master of his own , Dragon Sword Saint!

More than two thousand years ago~www.novelmtl.com~The master is like the present, and is creating a period of prestige. The adult giant dragon who died under the mentor’s sword has reached more than ten heads. It is the coastal area of ​​the gods mainland. The real unsuccessful people of the empire at the time of the empire, compared with it, after all, the last step is to use the same strength to create the legendary retreat.

In order to promote the Divine Realm, the Master has chosen to join the Prisoner Temple for more than a thousand years and has never appeared in public.

I am meeting again now, it is here!

And he has become the body of a dead crow's claws.

Slowly, this crow that turned back to the one-eyed swordsman turned his head, and the death scorpion burning a black flame seemed to come over. Time, the power of cold death is like being in hell.

"There is another one. Although it is impossible to disturb the great annihilation tower sacred sorcerer, you still can't let you live again. Hey, your body should taste good."

And this dead crow is one of the dozens of death crows that Green brought back from the distant world of the world. It has become one of the top three strong crows in the world of death crows, guarding Green waiting for the dimension. The period of recovery.

And the two top death crows, one guarded in the death crow world, the other in the evil spirits, the ground of the extermination of the army that Green is about to establish, and now many empire of the empire are trying to break into the place of exploration. !


A few days later.

Once the one-eyed Juggernaut and the empire of the Imperial Empire met together, they were still empty, and no one could live back to the just empire.


PS: I have to update before 12 o'clock. Yesterday I updated later in the Q group. The result is too late, QAQ... (unfinished.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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