A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1562: King of Wizards Seeds

A round of dreams, the real wizard did not show up, in Green's expectation, but for some reason, the elemental wizard did not appear to block Green, plus a star of the real wizard to save the Abyss of the Abyss The feelings, the Green's expedition, the only block is the eternal round of mechanical wizards.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

There are more and more sacred sorcerers gathered together, and there is a lot of sorrow in the sorcerer’s world. The turmoil caused by the sorcerer’s world, the lightning and thunder, let these sacred sorcerers who have witnessed the hopes of the sacred marks become more determined. Greenfly came.

Most of these sacred sorcerers exist at the 4th and 5th levels, and rarely at the 6th level. They represent the new era of wizards who grew up under the rules of the Wizarding League after the Wizarding World came to this world community, representing the future and hope.

Seeing that there are more than a hundred sorcerers gathered in the collection, and still in the endless stream, with such support, some of Green’s innermost concerns have begun to vanish, and confidence is as if the flames are generally ignited. The support of the sorcerer, no matter where it is, will be a force that cannot be ignored, and will reach its peak after the irreversible promotion of the new era of Green’s wizarding ancestors!

Today, Green's master plan of the wizard has been officially placed on the bright side. At this time, Green couldn't help but feel that he had wisely chosen to open the door of chaos and let the Black Witch King go to the chaotic world and reduce the resistance to change.

The second time you open the door to chaos, Fang Hesuo will inevitably delay some of the steps of the Black Witch King.

"Oh, now my family is full of green beasts, and I want to be the king of the wizard to end the era of chaos in the world of wizards. The old guy, what do you want?"

The arrogance of Xiao Ba, let a round of true spirit witches ignite the fire of nameless anger, especially at this moment, gathered under Green's sorrow, there are so many mechanical wizards, they voted for Green in their own face!

If Green is a mechanical wizard, the development of the so-called King of Wizards plan, although very reluctant, but at least the hope of mechanical wizards, but Green is an elemental wizard!

However, he has made a great wish to rob the lost mechanical wizards from the elemental wizards. Now with the evolutionary nourishment of the mechanical wizard system of this civilization, the opportunity is in front of you. This elemental wizard wants to be the king of wizards. I also confuse so many holy marks wizards from my own mechanical wizards.

The more you think, the more angry you are!

Nowadays, as a true ancient wizard, the eternal round of true spirit wizards still does not get rid of the shackles of factional wizards. It is still in the interests of the witches to distinguish the wizards, and does not understand the desire of Green to establish a truly unified and powerful wizarding world. Represented, it is only the elemental wizard reserve plan.

"Growing Tower Green, you always have to remember that you are just a holy mark wizard. No matter what achievements you have made, what kind of underworld blessings have been stolen, the essence of the life of the holy mark wizard will not change, you are only one Ignorant little wizard!"

The energy ripples have expanded from the eternal round of true spirit wizards. The silver flames are burning, and the metal firepower control controlled by the infinite microscopic secrets has enabled the metal giants in the sky city to complete the activation and reorganization, becoming one by one. A metal robot that is infected by a metal fire.

Tick, ticking, ticking, ticking...

The heart of the ancestors beat, the eternal round of the power of the wizards never used, combined with the eternal mechanical clock of the city of the sky, hundreds of sorcerers gathered under the green sorcerer saw this scene, as if their blood The cells are completely imprisoned by an unknown force, and the color is evident.

Time seems to be still, and the eternal round of the real spirit wizards cover the sky and the metal giants, so they ignore the all-in-one grasp of Green, want to take a picture of it and complete the crushing.

"Wow, play really, eat people, Green Beast!"

The ants on the small eight-like hot pot are urging on Green's shoulders. It seems that the time and space in all directions seems to have been completely imprisoned. At the same time, I don't know whether it is affected by the infinite microscopic effect. Green feels that he is getting smaller and smaller, just like the one in the second esophagus. The world ball absorption scene.


At this moment, Green's left-hand dimension dimensional ball, right hand extreme abyss magic wand, the face of the truth, the three-color gaze gazing at the covered sky-covered giant hand, and finally the right hand extreme abyss magic wand was replaced by a beam of illusory and beautiful rules. Green did not choose the direct confrontation of the dimensional dimension ball, but instead of balancing the space and time, defensive enchantment, energy protection, and crossing the bridge between life levels, as the balance of life equivalence, Green and Eternal The wizard is connected.

"Equivalent balance."

Green no longer has some action, and after completing the equivalence balance with the eternal round of the real spirit wizard, it is so straightforward to stare at the eternal round of true spirit wizards.

Silver-gray flames overflowed, the original imposing manner, the pressure of all the eternal round of true spirit wizard, suddenly stopped moving, looking straight at Green, or staring at the light of this balance rule ~www.novelmtl.com~ difficult The color of confidence is shocking.

"This is... you! You have mastered this rule ability!"


Xiao Ba sighed and yelled: "My family is still a lot of green beasts. If you are not in a hurry, you will definitely play with this old thing. What position will you pick, how, is it? Was shocked by the effect of life level balance?"


Green is low: "On the basis of the establishment of the ancient wizards, the latecomers will eventually become stronger and stronger, constantly breaking the mythical **** and creating a new era of mythology. This is evolution, and it is also the true strength of a civilization. , Eternal round of true spirit wizard, ready for the new era!"

The Wings of the True Wings looked at the light of the rule of the left hand of Green, thinking about the Green discourse. Suddenly, the eternal round of the real wizard seemed to think of something, and the twilight continued to change between the light of the balance rule and the dimensional dimension ball. With.

"It turns out!"

It’s unbelievable that the eternal round of the true spirit of the wizard is incredible.

"My way is why you rejected the inheritance of the fate lever magic wand element, thinking that you just cooperated with the elemental wizarding reserve plan. I didn't expect you to be... well! With your wisdom, talent and prestige, I admit your wizard. Wang plans to give you an opportunity to create a new era of rules. Hey, the new era of battle is a battle for you, to complete the dedication, but to see what kind of wizard world you want to create!"

After that, the eternal round of the true spirit wizard will not hesitate to leave the wizarding world, and the eternal mechanical clock will return to calm again, completely under the power of Green.


The hope is that the metal continent floats in the sky, the sun and the moon are dull, and the shadows are scattered. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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