A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 28 Chapter 1552: Guide

Different from the new human beings through the Skynet media, the major resolutions between the wizards must insist on contractual negotiations in reality.

United Planet, even though Green is the real master of the world, the supreme power, but in the real world, in addition to serving robots, there is almost no impact on new humans, and no new humans will treat Green in the real world, each one. New humans are still living freely in their own suspension cabins.

In addition to the online world, Green can't feel any special status in the new human beings, and cultivate the new human elites selected by Skynet wizards to cultivate the blood. It is not because the too weak body can't adapt to the wizard's world environment. Everything has not changed.

Of course, this is just a personal feeling in Green.

In fact, for new humans, the online world is everything...

Soon, the assistant sorcerer selected by Green's Tower of the Wizarding School for Green brought Green to the S-class intelligent suspension cabin. After the rapid arrangement of many metal service robots, the capsule-like suspension cabin was stationary to full speed. After breaking through the metal rings that built countless high-rise buildings, they came to the docking station outside the United Star.

Hey! Hey! Oh...

Looking at the energy beam that rushed into space, it is the energy spill through the time and space wormhole from the wizarding world. After the arrival of the universe, the energy spills, colorful, beautiful, like a dream cloud, gradually dissipated.

With the Vanguard perpetual motion, under the support of zero to one almost unlimited energy, the wizard world energy spar is rapidly depreciating, and the energy block brings unlimited possibilities for the wizarding world!

"Bring him over."

After Green finished, he went to the reception hall alone.

In the millennium since the end of the war of civilization, Green has no idea how many people have met in the reception hall. There are countless people who are dominated by the real world, there are real spirit wizards, and the world of the holy marks wizards has long been familiar with them.


This third-level wizard has a lot of opportunities to contact with Green, but the more he contacts, the stronger the reverence for Green, and the admiration is revealed from the bottom of his heart.

After a little while.

嘎哒, 嘎哒, 嘎哒...

The special metal mechanical sound, the eye of the eye, the sorcerer came to the reception hall. Even though the mechanical wizard and the elemental wizard were almost inconsistent, the contradictions became more and more fierce, one represents the vitality of the new life, the other is the coveted decline, the mechanical wizard occupied A comprehensive initiative, but for the famous sacred tower of the sacred sorcerer, with a special mission, the eye of the sacred sorcerer does not dare to have any disrespect.

This is the legendary sacred sorcerer who saved the world of the wizarding world in the battle of civilization. This is the great sacred sorcerer who has ended the battle of civilization for hundreds of years. This is the magical lever that once rejected the fate, and now holds the Vantage. The perseverance of the Supreme Holy Witch Wizard, he is a true spiritual wizard with the banner of the Holy Mark!

His existence, in the battle of the third civilization, is like a legend, he is the protagonist of this era!

The mechanical eyes stared at the three-coloured light with wisdom and infinite depth, and the head slowly lowered and respectfully bowed.

"I have seen the esteemed master of the Tower of Desolation."

Green waved his hand, and it didn't matter if he was low: "The master of the eye of the eye came to the universe, what do I need to help?"

"The eternal round of true spirit wizards is carrying out an extremely important experiment, not only about the development of mechanical wizards, but also about the future of the entire wizarding world. This time I came here to hope that the masters can get through and privately persuade a true spiritual wizard about The metal fire is a concession. For this reason, a true spiritual wizard can make some concessions on the Vantage eternal motive!"

The eyes of the eyes only opened, and the little eight screamed: "Oh! My God, the two old guys are no longer coming!"

One ring and no round of true spiritual wizards no longer communicate directly. This kind of explosive message is almost equivalent to announcing that the contradiction between the elemental wizard and the mechanical wizard has reached the limit of both sides' efforts to restrain!

If the contradiction is triggered...

"I once refused the fate lever magic wand inheritance, you should also know my status in the elemental wizard, if not, a round of true spirit wizard will not agree to temporarily save the perpetual motion. I will persuade a ring really Sorcerer, sorry, you may have to be a little white."

Green's refusal and long-term neutral stance, everyone knows the unique special status of this famous sorcerer in the choice of camp.

The eye of the eye, the sorcerer, paused. A pocket butterfly slowly flashed its wings on her shoulder. He said: "Maybe the master still doesn't know. The true spirit wizard admires the master in civilization. The contributions in the war have been taught to the mechanical wizards around you many times. If... If the master can try the true dedication, achieve a net, and break away from the elements, a round of true spirit wizards can support the master as the Vantage eternal motive. By!"


"Remember, the future stellar orbital guns must not be mastered by the same forces with the perpetual motion machine. Now, I am only temporarily keeping it! As for my future... A true spirit of dedication does not work at all. It seems that a great round of true spirit wizards. Busy in the construction of the wizarding world, ignoring the special rules of this."

Green answered the eyes of the eyes and couldn't figure it out.

"And, the great awesome wizards sent a messenger a few days ago. I also got a little understanding of the situation from there. Although as a holy mark wizard, I know that better development cannot be separated from contradictions. But our real goal is to hunter the expedition. If necessary, please also ask the great 17-round true spirit wizard Pumirosius to preside over the overall situation, even returning to the black witch king! To tell the great round of true spiritual wizards, I am not I will participate in the contradiction of either side, because I can't bear to see thousands of wizards go to the world of wizards who have been protected, but they are finally destroyed in their own hands! Right, and, my time is running out~www.novelmtl.com~ It is impossible to stay here forever..."

Pause for a long time, the eyes of the eyes gaze at Green, low: "Master, I can't wait for one thousand!"

"Hey, these words don't have to be said."

Green did not pay attention to this boring compliment.

"If you really care about the wizarding world, if you grasp it, you can tell the great round of true spiritual wizards. If the master really thinks about the wizarding world, don't think again about the destiny of the eternal sky. Leveraged, don't forget the original intention of the construction of the eternal sky city."

The short-term reception, more is that Green expressed his opinion as an elder, and then made a guest appearance, and he left the reception room first.

Directly, Green has become a force that all true spirits can't ignore, a new balance of power!

It is precisely for this reason that for a thousand years, Green has gradually realized the true face of the wizarding world and has gradually become the true leader of the wizarding world and determines the development of the wizarding world. (To be continued.)

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