A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1547: Cosmic starry sky

"You have to know that this is the cosmic starry sky, not the new human virus world. They are just new viruses that are inverted after the Xiahe virus!"

After a brief will communication, Green got the historical clues he wanted from the roar of the planet's will.

"The weakness of the cosmic starry sky, from the outbreak of the Xiahe virus, is a terrible virus infected outside the cosmic starry sky, from the initial insignificant infection to the spread of the entire universe, once the vitality of the universe in the unprecedented pathological lesions Next, one after another active planet is dying, the universe is fading, and we have to enter a long sleep, waiting for the recovery of the universe's starry sky..."

A history of dust-cleaning that made Green stunned, gradually revealed in the will of the planet about 1,500 kilometers in diameter.

Incarnation as a big world ball, the time and space gravitation of Green in all directions is constantly collapsing, even though the light can not escape the shackles of the world ball, constantly twisting the past and following the two planets with a diameter of more than one million meters in space. Row.

"There was a period of time when one of the active planets died in the raging Xiahe virus, even those few surviving active planets had to fall into a sleep in the overall will decline of the universe.... One day! From the universe The higher-level cosmic will emerges. It saves the cosmic starry sky in the last lesion, completely destroys those Xiahe bacteria, and our cosmic starry sky has not completely died. It has escaped, but it has fallen into a long-term weakness and sleep. ""

Two planets, one of which is about 1,500 kilometers in diameter, are covered with high-level liquefied material and are wrapped in a thick layer of steam, like a bomb that can explode at any time, called the velvet star.

Another planet is about 2,000 kilometers. The surface is occupied by large and small craters. There is a halo of this small star meteorite group called the Hercules Nova.

According to the description of the two planets, standing on the perspective of this cosmic sky, each active planet is a normal natural cell that maintains the will of the universe. The active planet is the cosmic immune system, and those new humans, including the once-created Xiahe civilization The creatures of the Titans are just a variety of pathogens.

These allergic bacteria are extremely dangerous!

Their existence is itself a natural enemy of the normal operation of the universe. It can infect normal planetary cells at an alarming rate, plunder the resources on the planet and continue to expand, gradually infecting the entire universe...

"We had the opportunity to completely eliminate these new human viruses before they erupted. Unfortunately, some of them mutated and evolved after they re-invaded the cosmic sky. When we discovered them, they already had amazing Strong vitality..."

This description is tantamount to treating the cosmic world as an independent living body. The planet inside is the cell that maintains the normal functioning of this living body. Whether it is a flesh-and-blood creature or an independent Skynet robotic corps, these are only active planets. The germs in the eyes, even the witches who are about to invade the world, are only foreign germs, more dangerous germs!

"It turns out that the metal destroyer civilization, and even the powerful Xia He civilization, is only because of the energy control application on the surface, in order to seek the powerful destructive power on the surface, and there is no power to discover and grasp the will of the world rule, and thus lead to Not in accordance with the rules of the world. They have never really become the masters of the world, they are even the enemies of the world! In this way, the rules of the world have never changed according to their development, so in the process of their evolution, You need to protect yourself and build a stronger protective shell for yourself, whether it is the Titan Army or the Robot Legion!"

Within the big world ball, Green is slightly excited about his new discovery.

More and more close to the life level of the true spirit wizard, the knowledge that Green sees, learns, and discovers is getting closer and closer to the essence of life, and the gaze gradually shifts from the exploration of vast space to the history of timeline inundation. .

Undoubtedly, this is of great help to the true dedication plan of the Green Wizards.

"In contrast, the wizarding civilization, the abyss civilization, and even the sinister civilization and the worm civilization have the power to master the world will, reshape the rules of the world, and let the world cater to the development of its own ethnic group. Especially the abyss civilization, almost this The ability to reach the extreme! So it seems that mastering the will of the world is also one of the ways to distinguish civilization. This ancient cosmic world has experienced the Xia He civilization and the metal destroyer civilization, but the original inhabitants recognized by the world will But still these planets, it is better to use this to negotiate with Vantage Quantum Technology... Hey!"

Green's gloomy sneer, let the little eight open.

"Oh oh... I know the Eight Lords! You want to use the wizard's ability to change the rules of the world, and gradually change the will of the world to new human beings and become the true master of the world, and you use this as a bargaining chip to force New human beings accept the conditions of the wizard's will!"

The little eight pair of wings frustrated and frustrated, holding a pair of round big eyes, kept screaming and screaming: "Wow, you are an empty glove, white wolf, to the end of this world is still yours, betrayed It’s just the life of these planets. It’s sinister, I like it!”

Guided by the velvet star and the Hercules star, there are constantly camouflaged planets to join.

The emergence of Green's World Ball is highly anticipated by many planets along the way. This is an anti-soccer planet that can stop the metal robot virus. If it can be copied to it, it can prevent the development of metal robots and prevent new human viruses from spreading. Stop the "destruction" of the universe's stars!

More than 20 large and small planets, the smallest diameter is more than ten kilometers, and the largest is nearly 10,000 kilometers.

Of course, these are just representations. From the perspective of the universe's cosmic world view, the size of the planet does not represent the size of the mass. For example, the big world ball at the moment is almost equivalent to the white dwarf star in the eyes of these planets, although it The essential energy is the magic of Green, not the fusion energy.

As he gets closer and closer to the darkness of the universe, Green feels the fluctuations in the rules of the universe, and he mutters lowly: "The so-called white dwarf star is actually the guardian of the world of the world of the universe! It is unbelievable, this The deformed metal destroyer civilization can grow up in this environment~www.novelmtl.com~ It’s luck! When Einstein didn’t have a ruined world outside the universe, he developed the second generation of Terminator technology. Perhaps the first generation of technology to develop the independent will of SkyCraft's Skynet will probably have completely perished under the will of these active planets!"

I have got what I want, and I have confirmed the rules of the great world of the universe. Green knows that it is time to leave.

Far from the white dwarf star, Green wouldn't really go forward to communicate with the master guardian of the big world, even if it was just a weak master of the world.

Around the planet around Green, the lowest level is also the level of four levels of life!

It is no wonder that from the previous words of the velvet star, in the ancient times, this world once had a battle with the Xiahe Civilization Titan Army. The power of the universe’s great world is only as good as the current wizarding world, and it is likely to be stronger than Metal Destroyer Civilization.

"Sorry, you, I still have something to deal with!"

Instead of giving time to the enthusiasm of the surrounding planet, Green suddenly turned away and soon disappeared into the darkness of nothingness. (To be continued.)

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