A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1545: Star life body (middle)

Three months later.

Cappuccino and the night moon, have been discovered by the Vantage Commissioner, have been forced to leave the universe of the world, the rest of the people, in addition to Anders Seymour discovered the natural existence of the universe of the world's natural space-time wormhole rules, which seems to represent Exploring the "edge" similar to the small world, followed by random time and space to the unknown coordinates, in addition to not much to find.

"The Vantage Specialist found out the coordinates of your actions here. Well? This time, three of them came together. According to the calculation principle of Skynet's combat power, there are more than 15% chance to defeat you! Oh, it is only a hundred. Fifteenth, it’s unbelievable. Is there any secret in your body that has made your life intensity reach this incredible level? If Vantage Quantum Technology can get your corpse specimen, it will be able to shape a more powerful terminator, and even Destroyer!"

At this moment, Green is resting on the surface of a star, trying to solve some trouble with the help of this star's cover.

And this Tianwang independent willing service robot is protected by Green in a space cage.

On the one hand, the flame magnetic field storm is bound by the internal gravitational attraction of the star, forming a spheroid. On the other hand, it is the fusion phenomenon inside the star. The huge energy explosion causes the fire waves to spew out, forming a fire snake that swims in the sky. It was sucked back by the gravitational force, like a half ring.

On the surface of this star, Green's own quality has obviously affected the star, or the two are affecting each other.


The tri-color gaze looked at the unknown ring on the left hand. This is a sci-fi attack attacked by the Vantage Commissioner who intercepted Green half a month ago. The specific technology is unknown. This is a handcuff, half by Green, only the left hand is Imprisonment.

Its effect is to automatically reduce the energy response of its left hand, which has a great impact on Green, and it is no longer possible to use the left hand to sacrifice any witch.

At this moment, Green's location is a rare area in the virtual space of new human civil aviation ships. There are no resource planets nearby, and there is no livable planet. The relatively dense star trajectory is chaotic. There are often super-large scale meteorites. All conditions have determined that all civil airliner companies try to avoid route exploration here.

"It’s been a long time, I hope this is good news. Hey, is Vantage Quantum Technology really going to carry out the final homeland defense war, even if the new man is completely destroyed?"

After a cold cry, the little eight hiding in the space cage on Green's shoulders finally got a heart, and pulled out a red and green feather from the tail.

"Hey, Mom's egg hurts the Eight Lords! Take it, use the curse to break this energy ring, hey, I can tell you about the Lord, if you don't surrender there, you can go to the United Star. Declare war, don't think that because of the **** plan, I will be a bald man."

After picking up the feathers of Xiao Ba, Greene smiled under the gray-white mask.

The left-handed ring is a semi-transparent corrugated sci-fi property. It should be a pair of handcuffs. Because Green's struggle causes only one ring to be placed on the left hand. I think that many methods have not been solved. At this moment, Green holds this finger with his left hand. Gorgeous feathers, gently inserted into the ring of the left hand.

A low-pitched spell, this feather realizes the mysterious power communication. In the tri-color of the green, a blue-gray silk line falls like a time-space dimension, and the left-handed semi-transparent ring is in the mysterious power of this blue-gray silk thread. Next, it gradually melted.

The Skynet independent will robot, which was protected by the Green Space Cage, seems to be surprised by the incomprehensible ability of breaking the sci-fi handcuffs, and is looking at the colorful feathers of the small eighty-one for data analysis.

call out! call out! call out!

The three golden terminators exchanged special missions to fly around the star. The strong quality fluctuations easily destroyed the mass balance that Green and the star had just established. Where did the three Vantages fly around the stars, the stars On the surface, a ring of fire snakes will rise to the sky.

However, the three Vantagetes only guarded Green and did not attack.

"Why, Vantage Quantum Technology is still not willing to surrender? Hey, do you think that with only the remaining destroyers and space-based satellite ships, can you stop the sorcerer's army from attacking?"

Green's tri-color gaze gaze at the golden terminators who flew from the front and flashed at high speed. There is no negotiating intention for such a long time. It seems that these are just special agents who come with combat missions.

Green’s question was not answered, and the Skynet’s independent will robot suddenly said: “They are delaying the time and come to a Vantage Specialist!”

"Mom! It seems that these guys want to go black!"

It’s awkward!

An element is teleported, and Green instantly breaks away from the surface of this unknown star. Following Green's body, three brilliance follow, including the head of the Vantage Specialist and a pair of white practice robes, which belong to the culture of the old human period in this cosmic world.

"L Dragon Fist!"


Suddenly, a golden monster head with a white practice attire Vantage special agent sent a punch, actually appeared behind the void space Green, this is the first time Green sees such a precise control of energy in the metal world destroyer civilization of the universe, this has It has reached the level of the official wizard, far from being able to compare the metal robots whose energy is precisely controlled and even the wizard apprentices are far worse!

"Wild instinct third floor, open!"

Originally elegant and tall, the colorful rune sorcerer suddenly swelled up, and then in the face of Green's gray-white truth, a layer of energy ripples burst open with the green sturdy body, the extreme abyss magic wand head Under the subtle control of Green's subtle control and brute force, the azure ice flower has turned into a 10,000-meter fist, and it has been slammed into the mouth of the dragon's illusionary energy giant beast~www.novelmtl.com~嗡!

With the help of energy recoil, Green's speed is faster, and the stellar system is quickly rushed out. What is in sight is the huge fleet of hundreds of millions of Star Wars!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

One after another energy cannon, this is the scale of the interstellar war.

Green seems to have been prepared in general, personally facing this well-prepared Starfighter battleship, but there is no panic look, this is the majestic view of one side!

The left hand of the world ball is silent and uninteresting. In the cosmic world, the big world ball seems to have a new vitality. The huge mass instantly fits into one side of time and space, and then under the control of Green, the incredible gravitation is like a black hole. The overwhelming starship battleship twisted and sucked in.

"this is……"

Near this ridiculous galaxy, suddenly, several mysterious wills will recover and try to come. (To be continued.)

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