A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1538: Believe in science...


Unknown magnetic field storms will be discovered in the ZES-22 galaxies after 750,000 quantum hours. Warning, the interstellar spacecraft does not have the ability to survive the cosmic storm. Please look for the planetary field circle to avoid it in the shortest time.


There are still 740,000 quantum hours from the arrival of the energy storm...


Distance energy storm...

Starship ships, except for the captain in shallow sleep, will wake up every time, passengers have already entered deep sleep, reducing the genetic time lost during the long interstellar voyage.

After all, this is just the interplanetary spacecraft of Second Stream Technology, not the higher citizenship spacecraft launched by Vantage Quantum Technology.


After the captain wakes up from sleep, he refuses to set up a restorative massage program. He first came to the main control room of the spacecraft. When he saw the magnetic storm data message on the main control screen, the whole person was completely shocked.

"Oh, my God, is this a supernova exploding! Fast, end the auto-navigation program, turn on manual control, look for nearby coordinates that can be forced to land..."

Sliding the tail flame, as if the hero in the heroic epic movie, the captain of the spacecraft was forced to fall into the general layer of a pale red desolate planet in the final crisis. The magnetic storm ripple in the void space was weakened by the planetary atmosphere. The forced landing ship is still "Oops" and "Oh," shaking, and it may fall apart at any time.

"Initiated SOS automatic distress signal, FJIK129384 Vallon Meisheng Group civil aviation spacecraft accident, the spacecraft has two second-class citizens, 397 third-class citizens, fifteen third-class service robots, requesting the nearest administrative planet Rescue!"


The pale red wind whistling on the planet, this is not the flame energy, but the rich mineral element reaction. As an inferior planet that is not suitable for the survival of new human beings and has no major strategic value, the environment at this moment is also much better than outer space. .

At the same time, a dandelion fell silently on the planet with the magnetic field storm, gradually turned into a human form and looked around, picked up a few inferior ore from the ground, and observed it for a while. I even chewed it in my mouth.

"Elemental vacuum, as an elemental wizard, the answer that I have never been able to get, is actually here..."

With the words of this avatar, it was once again turned into dandelion, and gradually buried itself underground.


Duvalduk Executive Star.

As the colonial planet that has been developed by Vantage Quantum Technology, the Duvalduk Executive Star has a wealth of new human genetic resources, responsible for the exchange of dozens of inferior administrative stars around the world, providing a central environment for the survival and reproduction of new humans.

"Received SOS for help signal, the coordinates are located in the ZES-22 galaxies, from a civil aviation spacecraft, immediately submitted a report to the Civil Aviation Administration of the Planet, starting the cosmic telescope to observe the status of the galaxies."

The service robot is dedicated to its work and passes the message to other departments through Skynet.

Even in the new human era, people rarely have to rely on Skynet to communicate with each other through reality, but there are some different kinds at any time, such as the Duvalduk Executive Star Astronomical Station.

"Hey, you know, in the old human era, our same-sex intimacy can basically be judged as the basis, but fortunately it is the new human period, haha."

A male new man does not use Skynet, but dictates his mouth like another man with a common astronomical hobby. This is a different kind in the new human period.

Observing the law of movement between galaxies, analyzing human development and changes in the universe, and searching for unknown natural phenomena in the universe, this is the common hobby of Saidi Kino and El.

"It seems that your history is only C level. In the old human period, before Skynet did not develop and use it on a large scale, the communication between people was a dictation. Some infectious viruses were also transmitted through the mouth, so we This kind of communication is not an intimate move at all. Don't mention anything to me!"

While recording the trajectory of the stellar meta-cycle, Aier continued: "Based on this defamatory vocabulary, there is no result of the natural reproduction between two rare XY chromosome males, but some men will still In the case of emotions, congenital orientation, acquired hobbies, etc., it is necessary to know that the XY chromosome at that time communicates directly with the XX chromosome, rather than the service robot foundry of the new human society."

Suddenly, Saidi Kino turned his head and looked at Ayr. The huge head was in sharp contrast with the slender and small limbs. The pale skin was not so bloody, it looked as if it was a piece of paper.

"You said that the recent rumors, is it true?"

Eddie also turned a huge head and glanced at Sedi Dicino.

"You are crazy? How can there be a so-called star-rated life in the world? If it is true, then our new human beings will soon be extinct! Hahaha, you will not really believe in conspiracy theory, think that Vantage Quantum Technology is protecting With us, Vantage Quantum's first-class citizens and special citizens have already possessed the ability to break through the plane, using wormhole technology to open up a new layer of space, and have come into contact with a completely different new life, hahaha..."

Eddie shook his head~www.novelmtl.com~ You have to believe in science! I did not expect that they have reached the new human era, and there will still be people who believe in these ghosts. You are standing at a higher scientific starting point for the imagination of the unknown. These unknown imaginations make you fear. ”

Said Didi Kino said: "How do you know that you are not too traditionally conservative? The latest scientific research has confirmed that Vantage Quantum Technology does have the ability to open the wormhole of time and space, even if I suspect that the second-class citizens who are missing are There was an accident in the impulse space. By the way, how do you explain the Vantage Commissioner robots and the light of Vantage in each colonial planet?"

"That is just the golden light of the special material service robot and the light of SUU. Also, don't say any perpetual motion. This kind of thing that violates the physical phenomenon is impossible. Otherwise, the whole universe is created by God. You will believe it. Does God really exist, ah!?"

Just as the two of them chattered, suddenly, a Skynet intelligence message came.

Note: From the Civil Aviation Administration's information, please immediately observe the unknown magnetic field storm of the ZES-22 galaxies and submit the specific information to the Civil Aviation Administration.

Temporary truce, this message two people will touch each month, which is the meaning of their work here, so it is common to start looking for galaxy coordinates, searching for the trajectory of the ZES-22 galaxy in the space.

"Is that stellar system not very stable? There are no large-scale space clouds and unstable stars nearby. How come..."

"Ah! Then... what are the ghosts!?"

The two observers at the Space Observatory seemed to see something incredible, incredulous and screaming, and the huge head expression was leaking. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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