A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1514: Destiny lever magic wand

At the moment when Green completed a fate lever with a magical wizard, an unprecedented feeling shrouded the whole body.

This feeling, as if the drowning man seized a life-saving rope, is completely different from Green's balance light lever. This is the light of fate, a beam of unspeakable fate!

As for the ring of the true spirit witch, if Green completed the seal, it would be enough to constitute the dedication of the true spirit. However, Green never thought that he would become the protagonist of the world war. Could it be that the words and expressions before the departure of Xiao Ba?

Then, if it is really to complete the dedication of the true spirit, the land in the back of the world, the gods invaded the plan...

Temporarily depressed the mind, can't wait, Green explores the property of the fate lever magic wand in his hand.

Destiny Lever Magic Wand:

First, the element inheritance: the degree of attack of the element to be held exceeds 3000000 degrees, and the base degree of the elemental witchcraft attack increases by 3000000 degrees.

Second, the elemental field: collect elemental energy, shape solid element space debris, elemental field, elemental world, automatically ignore any attack below 3000000 degrees in elemental fragment, elemental field, elemental world, secondary blessing 2000000 degree element attack.

Third, infinite time and space: in the cost of energy at the cost of instigating the rules of time and space, the destiny of the fulcrum needs to bear one percent of time and space to collapse and counterattack, the time and space rules to sway the losers will bear the magic of counterattack.

Fourth, the call of fate: the collapse of dimensions forces any living body to temporarily detach from the dimension of time and space, and suffers from the call of destiny. The living body will lose this time and space. The holder needs to balance the power of the dimension with the Almighty Spirit.

Fifth, change the life against the sky: the person who resists the destiny is the protagonist of the dimension, and the life must have the power of miracles, the light of wisdom, and the power of the king. The power of miracles cannot be possible, and the probability of one percent is greater than ninety-nine percent; the light of wisdom is inspired by the light, the source of thought runs through the imagination of the legend; the power of the king will make the unwilling, the lost, the ordinary The suffering people unconditionally follow the songs.

Sixth, the dimension of the curse: Resisting the fate, will inevitably suffer a higher degree of attention to the fate, can not be calm.

Green is stunned, is this the fate lever?


Except that the holder needs three million degrees of element attack use conditions, this is like a protagonist in the biographical novel!

In particular, the fifth attribute is changed against the sky and the sixth attribute dimension curse represents the inevitable experience and the basic conditions of the insurance. If the stupid person holds the fate lever magic wand for a long time, it will inevitably grow into a transcendental existence. However, those who attempt to threaten the fate lever holders will become one of their extraordinary experiences and become history.

If it is not a magical wizard, the fate lever is a dimensional curse, the holder will inevitably die, and Green can't imagine how his truth balances the magic wand! ?

"You now have the basic conditions for holding the magic wand magic wand, the three million degree element attack attribute, you need to play the power of time and space to complete the door of the nightmare gap seal plan. Now the black witch king, one Stars true spirit wizard, five-ring true spirit wizard, eight-ring true spirit wizard, one round true spirit wizard and Megatron, Vantage quantum technology light to the nightmare bones magic world, vying for the purgatory giant king corpse and the ring of loss, you are Here, familiarity with the fate of the lever is an empty incitement rule, and many true spiritual wizards can implement the seal plan once they return!"

Staring at Green, paused, and a ring of true spirits whispered: "With your power, inciting the annihilation of the debris of the secret space to the one-hundred-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousands of time, enough to bear."

One-hundredth of the time and space is the price of the fulcrum of destiny. In ancient times, Antonio suffered the time and space of the entire world of wizards to escape from the world community!

Although Green has unparalleled confidence in the balance of magic wands, he firmly believes that one day he will surpass all the ancestors of the ancestors, but when he holds the destiny lever magic wand at this moment, the unparalleled fantasy power, can't help himself, just like a true spiritual wizard. What is said is enough to make any person who gets it indulge, rely on it completely, and cannot extricate himself.

Green's first, second, and third attributes of the magic that can be played at this time alone have already made Green's earth-shaking changes!

Inheritance, Green is in the state of self-seal, which is close to four million degrees of attack. At this moment, with the fate lever magic wand blessing three million degrees, it is seven million degrees. This kind of attack is enough to make Green attack. The low-level masters consume a lot of omnipotent souls every time.

As for the creatures under the control, even the existence of the Dimensional Esophageal Magic Doll can no longer compete with Green!

In the field of elements, although Green does not have time to shape the field of elements, the Wizarding World itself is the largest field of pure natural elements, and there is no need to shape it.

In this way, Green is able to ignore any attack below 3 million degrees, and twice to bless the two million degree element attack!

Such a force, if Green is to unravel self-sealing and break through the tens of thousands of attacks, this is also a strong existence in the dominance, which is very close to the ring of the loss of the peak period and the seven-ring true spirit of the Ebdam Purgatory Furnace. wizard.

With this power, you can display unlimited time and space power. www.novelmtl.com~ The horrible degree can be imagined...


Green nodded, responded with a loud voice, and tried his best to prevent a ring of real spirits from seeing their inner waves, trying to adapt to the power of time and space in the destiny lever magic wand.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

Every attack of the ancestors of the ancestors, every movement, is a disaster for the bone demon corps near the door of the nightmare.

In the unexpected world war, after Ebazar carried the eternal battle will with his own body and smashed the frozen nightmare time, the Emperor and Megatron followed the escape for the first time, followed by The Black Witch King and a group of true spirit wizards.

So in order to chase down Megatron and the Little Emperor, or for the Ebba corpse and the ring of loss, everyone knows.

Or, because the wizards still don't understand the unique nature of the perpetual motion machine, the perpetual motion that the emperor has “hidden” is the ultimate goal of the wizards.

It was not until these dominating life bodies broke into the world of dreams and bones that the endless nightmare of the kings of the nightmare began to invade the wizarding world.

Why don't these kings of nightmare choose to guard the world of dreams?

For these kings of nightmare, the plundering attributes determine that they are really unimaginable. In the end, there is nothing worth looting in the world of dreams. If they can exchange the world with each other, these kings of nightmare, which are constantly being plundered, are of course very willing. When the wizard world source is exhausted, the next one is plundered.

In this way, the kings of these nightmares, one after another, invaded the wizarding world, and were shackled by the infernal purgatory of the Purgatory Furnace. This was re-established from the vast crater of the infernal purgatory, and the giants took flies to kill. A low-lying nightmare. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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