A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 27 Chapter 1502: Nightmare (19)

If Green is here, he will be shocked. The three-ring true spirit wizard has not fallen.

"I am tired of the element system, not only does not leave the ring of loss, but the second ring for this cost a huge omnipotent soul, but also because the separation from the original ring of the altar broke the shell to the fate lever The rules that led to the release of Megatron devastated people, I am a sinner of the elemental wizard."

At this moment, the soul of the three-ring true spirit wizard is not as good as the 30% in the heyday. The power and the new spirit are no different, the sorrowful tone makes people cry.

The vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of the real spirit sighs and sighs: "The power of the wizard is to leverage the rules of incitement, to exchange the best interests with the least sacrifice, and to turn the dream into reality. The error is not in you. At first I tried to use the rules of fate to explore the death. When you have a mystery, you should think that one day you will inevitably be punished by fate, but you have not thought of it."

A ring of Santa's projections in the Wizarding World, the iconic building is the original six-star manor altar, built after the Second Civilization War, and now it has been completely broken, as if it was broken by something.

"As for the elemental wizards, the future... Maybe we should unite the underground abyss and sorcerer, fight against the mechanical wizards, and delay to the new generation of elemental wizards to grow into the world leader of the wizard again! I have not heard that the little guy in the abyss has been ambitious. Is it necessary to open up the abyss and the ancestors to evolve?"

Speaking of a ring of true spirits, the sorrowful face of the sorcerer, the appearance of some gloom, seems to have made up his mind.

"Hey...that sea agreement?"

The three-ring true spirit witch muttered.

"Remember, you have fallen. Now you are just the original meaning of death for the sake of death. You can use the fate lever to transfer to the omnipotent soul of Huangquan in the other side. No matter in the future, you are following the three ring magic spirit, or other Nothing has anything to do with the last generation of the three rings, including your holy institution. For the sake of the elements of the wizard, whether you or the sea, this is a necessary sacrifice!"

A ring of true spirit wizards seems to have laid the foundation for the development of thousands and tens of thousands of years in the future wizarding world.


Speaking of the original six-star manor altar built after the second civilization war, you have to say the mystery of the birth and death of the Black Witch King.

It was the witness of the power of the Black Witch King that a true spiritual wizard would try to secretly study the mystery of death.

It was the history mentioned by a rare wizard, the history of the Black Witch King during the First Civil War and the Second Civil War.

As one of the two oldest spiritual wizards, the historical position of the Black Witch King in the ancient era of witchcraft has become a rule, imprinted in the hearts of every wizard.

What the lower wizards don't know is that he is like a behind-the-scenes hand, manipulating the wizarding world, inadvertently changing the history of the wizarding world, and even... including the third battle of civilization!

In fact, during the first war of civilization, it was discovered that several nightmare reborn dreams of alien civilizations forced the evolution of weakness, it is the black witch king of graduate students and the mystery of death, and the second civilization war, even the wizard world from the abyss nightmare The claws are detached and come to this ridiculous primitive world community, but there are still a large number of incomparable ancient devils occupying the abyss of the earth and fighting against the remaining wizards. This is also the black witch king as a pioneer, and they will kill these ancient demon ancestors a little bit. Do it.

However, in the history of the past, since the battle for the hegemony of the ancient world, there has been a positive message from the Black Witch King...

Just like the battle of the third civilization, the later wizards will never know this last battle of guardianship, because this is a historical choice, and the black wizard is destroying the wizarding world.

At this moment, the black witch king stands on the body of the ancestors.

I don't know when, the Black Witch King will no longer pay attention to everything except the persistence of the heart. If there is anything else worthy of the Witch King, there is only the glory of the wizard...

No one knows what the Black Witch King saw, what he insisted on, and where he went in the mystery of truth.

In short, he has been too far away from the ordinary wizards, as far as the behavior he insists on is so strange in the eyes of ordinary people, regardless of the process and the feelings of others, everything seems to be just an illusory experience, bearish everything, just for the persistence of the heart.

So, as Green said, the same human sorcerer is just his stepping stone.

Even if a ring of true spirits did not deal with the violent and violent at the last moment of the war of civilization, at this moment can only resist the temper, cold-eyed face of these alien dominated by all the shocks, at this moment he is the ultimate guardian of the wizarding world. !

call out!

The first to swarm toward the world of wizards is Megatron and the Little Emperor. As the ancestor of the new mankind, the spirit of Quantum’s quantum technology, the Little Emperor can share the strength with the magical wizard who holds the lever of destiny. Strong.

As the president of the First World Congress of the Universe, Megatron, known as the most powerful destroyer, although the war was initially suppressed by the power of leverage, but the strength is absolutely beyond doubt.

The two take the lead and take the lead!

"This elite commander sorcerer, strong strength, I am afraid that no longer the list of the celestial net hunting list is the first ring of the real spirit wizard, the wizard world is still hidden. This gambling is adventurous, but if it is a copy of the rules War, I am afraid that we will have no chance to fight for another thousand years."

Megatron roared: "And now ~www.novelmtl.com~ I have the strongest power! Little Emperor, we are entangled in him, creating opportunities for the friendly NPC Dozensday Furnace!"

"The little emperor is a good boy who loves people. Any bad person who doesn't love the little emperor will be destroyed by history!"

The little emperor held a small fist and stood on the shoulder of Megatron. He shouted in disgust, and his voice was cute and breathless.

"There are a lot of strong people. It seems that you need to use the power to have points. Maybe this day is still coming, and you have to be jealous of those guys, the fear of the weak, the instinct of control. The mystery of life, the devil Zongli's blade, no one has ten dead bodies."


In the judgment, even if he is combined with the corpse of his ancestors, he is unable to forcibly guard the world of the wizard in such a large dominance. Under the low hoarseness, the black witch king actually swayed in the abyss magic, and once again summoned a synthetic beast. !

Amazingly powerful, this synthetic beast is actually made up of ten well-preserved, breath-matching, vitality-free corpses of the sacred ancestors, which is the end of the Second Civilization War, the Wizards of the World Abyss and the Ancient Wizards. There are many incompetent ancestors who have fought for a short period of time.

The abyss breath is like a wave of waves, rolling, no tens of thousands of corpses, thousands of arms, ten heads and four arms, with the most pure abyss magic as the thread, stitching it, ten faces like a white It is flat in paper, has no facial features, and has a spiral-shaped fangs on the chest. It is composed of an eye and sometimes dissipates.

This kind of awkwardness, in terms of breath, seems to be only slightly weaker than the body of the ancestors!

The kilometer corpse stood on the other shoulder of the corpse of the ancestors and looked up at the many foreign lords who swooped in. The Black Witch King still did not stop, staring at the Emperor Quantum of the Quantum Science and Technology, and twirling the book of the Wizard of Life and Death. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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