A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1499: Nightmare (16)

Two days later.

"It's so cold."

Black snoring.

The fire of purgatory drifted away from the body, and the rice began to weaken. It was as if it had been consciously chilled in all directions, and it formed into ice crystals and then dissipated.

There is only the purest winter cold, and there is no possibility of providing energy for the world's passages.

It is only necessary to put an end to the energy neutralization of the two worlds, and there is no inertia provided by the world's original coordinates. Then, after only a period of calm, the time and space overlap between the wizarding world and the nightmare of the nightmare will gradually decline until it is completely separated.

"What a nice view."

The last sacred soldier next to Silvana has also been completely broken, reaching out, and if the white scorpion has no bones and smooth fingers, the energy weaves a plum, and it is quickly frozen by this ice and snow into a bunch of ice flowers. , lonely and self-reward.

Slowly bend down and implant the ice in the hand to cover the ice and snow continent, which is a few hundred meters thick, and sigh.

"Everything that was once buried under this frozen rule became the memory of the War of the Ancients and became the history of the wizards of the younger generation."

咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚...

Not to mention these two wizards, at this moment Green and Mina stand tall, the phoenix phoenix dances around the two, as the guardian of the wizard world summer, Mina needs to try to gather his power here to prevent the guardian of winter. The seal has an impact.

"With such a large-scale seal, even with the long-standing accumulation of the heart of the world and the support of nearly a thousand guardians, it has already been over-extended and returned to the heart of the world to rest, you can't see her."

Mina looked at Green Twilight and was very different from what used to be. It seems that she found something strange from Green.

咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚, 咕咚...

At this moment, if the general wizard may not be able to sense anything, but in Mina's ear, every heartbeat of Green drives the rule of the wizard world nearly 10,000 miles, just like the heartbeat of the wizarding world. These rules change even with the winter rules. One, but did not cause changes in the structure of the seal.

"The heart of the hunter grows with the help of the wizarding world and the world of dreams and bones, and has such a strange change?"

Green is also feeling the changes in the second heart of her body. This feeling is like Green's body avatar is completing another spiritual devotion, but this true spiritual devotion is not only dedicated to the wizarding world, but also dedicated to Dreaming of the bones of the world!

Perhaps, you can use this hunter heart to create a new body incarnation, the eternal incarnation of the body, far better than the body of the three-level wizard who is much stronger than the green magic source in the wizarding world!

"It itself represents a nightmare rule. It is unintentional to break through the boundaries of the nightmare parasitic wizards and create rule loopholes in the wizard world rules, thus creating a large number of nightmare creatures and nightmares that have never existed. Now This heart has been swayed by the power of the wizarding world and the power of the nightmare, and has gained incredible growth. It does have amazing power. But..."

Greenton paused and condensed: "But I always feel that it has not gained true total physical strength. Just a little, it can be melted into the rules of the nightmare rain, or save the wizarding world, but the rules on both sides. The fusion is only the last point, maybe this is the price of my seal on the way."

"You don't have to think about it. Even so, with this heart, you can easily do a lot of things."

Mina comforted a little and said slowly: "It’s all over. With the power of the guardian of the winter guardian, the world of dreams and bones is not broken. Haha, now we can also sneak a little and relax for a while, Would you like to go to my sister?"

"Oh... the young master, I saw, except for a few high-level bones, the other low-level bones have been sealed and they are all inseparable. However, with those high-level bones, it is not as good as we annihilate. The number of crystallizers is much different, which is of no importance to the overall pattern of the wizarding world."

The small eight fans moved their wings and turned into residual images. They flew from the horizon at an incredible speed and landed on Green's shoulders.

"With the ice-covered power here, I hope that at least one or two eras will be seen. I am here today as a nameless place. It is better to give us a name here and to give convenience to future generations."

Xiao Ba is very interested in suggesting.

"Ha ha……"

Green, whose interest is high, is about to say something. He suddenly stops, his brow wrinkles and looks up at the sky.

"what happened?"

Mina asked in confusion, as Green looked up at the sky, but found nothing. Seeing that Green still looked up, Mina could not help but feel more.

After a short moment.

Finally, Mina also sensed something, the smile solidified, the face was a bit stiff, and the eyes flashed a shock.

Xiao Ba passed through the soul-sensing sharing of Green, feeling the sunset fireball filled with bursting, tragic, barbaric, and incomprehensible. After breaking through the layers of the wizarding corps interception, there were dozens of corps destroyed in the moment. Falling into the wizarding world, he stunned: "Wow, no!"

Hessau and Silvana, who had already wanted to leave, also stopped at the same time, staring at the clouds above the sky, gradually reflecting and constantly magnifying a red.

"Purgatory giant Wang Aibad!"

Black rope suddenly awakened.

It turned out that the fire of his own purgatory was not derived from the rules of winter, but was suppressed by the king of Eba.

Almost for a moment, Hessian thought of some things during his time in the Black Sota St. Mark II, and his heart turned sharply and exclaimed.

"Purgatory Furnace! Right, the hope of the metal destroyer is the melting pot of purgatory! With the power to burn and destroy the illusory time and space, the memory of the second life was fallen because of this power, we must stop it, we must not let it destroy here. Time and space, completely overlapping the world of witches and the world of nightmare! Otherwise, in the case of the wizarding world at this time, the spirits will be smeared, and the roots of this civilization will be hit hard!"

In the sky, the red glow is more and more glaring, not just a small red dot, but the second sun, and even the faint sensation can already feel the other masters of the real power.

There are foreign dominators, there are metal destroyers, there are spiritual wizards, all of them are diving toward the wizarding world ~www.novelmtl.com~ The goal is to point to the winter guardian of the winter seals!

"It turns out that the original world passage is still there, and the invasion is not over... it means this!"

Mina clenched her fists, closed her eyes, took a deep breath and then opened her eyes again, leaving only the incomparable repression and calmness, but from the depths of her heart, this moment was an indescribable wild madness, forgetting Dead and fearless.

"I will stop it!"

"I help... um!?"

Green stood side by side with Mina, only halfway through it, and suddenly he was shocked by the endless black breath of the earth rising.

Every cell is trembled instinctively, and the uneasiness and fear in the depths of the soul. Under the face of truth, the face has been secreted with a cold sweat.

Green was even shocked by this force, unable to make a turning position, but with the all-round perception of the truth, he clearly knew what happened behind him.

Endless black fog, which is the twisted face of endless human sorrow, after a slight twist in midair, formed a dark vortex, followed by a black misted wizard from the dark step, came to the wizard The world, plain and unfortunately fell behind Green and Mina.

At this moment, the phoenix phoenix, the guardian of the summer, is also desperately eclipsed under the negative emotions of the sky.

"Oh, uh... this is something you don't want to let them get in. I didn't break the contract. It seems that the wizarding world still needs my old bones. Oh, no. I just sent my perfect smelting material and strange melting pot, and also attached this ring of loss... Mys are mine, no one wants to take it away from me!"

Green stiffly turned back, but it was a small eight-character word on the shoulder: "Black Witch King." (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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