A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1494: Nightmare (11)

"The soul of the 10,000 birds has indeed reached the limit."

Among the three colors of Green, the source of hundreds of millions of energy radiation is shining from the top of the head. Because the size of the Yanwan Wantou is too large, the energy radiation is too much, and the sorrows of the birds are melting.

The fire of Hessian purgatory forms a barrier, enveloping Green and Silvana, bearing the light of hundreds of millions of nightmares, the fire of purgatory tumbling and jumping, and the black cord is almost hoarse in the depths of the throat: "just cross-border With a small amount of power, there is such a force. The strength of this king of nightmare is only one level and one level!"

"It's still a long way off!"

Green replied in a cold voice, in the hands of the big thousand world ball inspired by the Green Magic, and gradually began to rotate at high speed.

The force field between the space-time and the dimension dimension gradually spreads around the door of time and space. All the nightmare bones and monsters that are close to each other are concentrated to the limit under this force field, inhaling the black sphere table like a cinder. Becomes like a two-dimensional creature.

Because there are so many nightmare bones gathered around the door of time and space, tens of thousands of big and small nightmare monsters are inhaled at all times. Even with the Green Foundation, the magic is like a flood. It is difficult to last.

"walk into!"

Centered on Green's big world ball, it formed a huge vacuum area. Green was the first to take the black rope and Silvana to face the difficulties, ignoring the sun's aunt's dream, and rushing into the door of time and space. .


The wizard rules alternate with the nightmare rules, which are illusory spaces that are influenced by the rules of the two great worlds.

However, unlike the scenes of the monsters that are filled with countless nightmare monsters, in the illusory space at this moment, in addition to a heart like the moon, the heart of the sky is “咕咚”, “咕咚”, “咕咚”, It is the seven giant worm eggs and the white worms that are everywhere.

These giant egg shells seem to be wrapped in layers of strips, and the inside keeps squirming, and the ribbons are followed by tremors.

"Call...the heart of the hunter!"

At a glance, Green found the high-hanging heart of the sky. It is the target's inertial overlapping coordinates. I don't know why, perhaps because the heart of this hunter is copied to himself. At this moment, Green has a subtle relationship with the hunter's heart. .

Recovering the world, Green intends to seal it with the Book of Truth.

"How is this going?"

Silvana is strangely ridiculously eccentric, and obviously this should not be the case.

These white worms on the ground are branded with strange patterns on their backs. When you look closely, these patterns are actually a nightmare, and the rain in the sky is dark and red, and these nightmare rains seem to have some special features. The rules, the worms with no patterns on the back, after being exposed to the rain of these nightmares, after a short struggle and violent, they also have the nightmare demon pattern.

"This should be the place where some primitive nightmares are exiled. Unless they are sealed in time and space, these nightmare bones are immortal. It is like a nightmare creature. The death on the surface is nothing but a rebirth. It grows in a new life form. stand up."

As the top-level nightmare wizard, Hessian explained it, and apparently knows more about these nightmare creature life forms than others.

With the intrusion of the Greens, the milky white worms in the space became obviously restless, and they began to swallow each other under a strange wave of turbulence!

"Don't bother, first seal the heart of the hunter."

In the kilometer range, a layer of milky white worms smashed into a green pus, and Green jumped up and went straight to the heart of the hunter.

Hey! Hey! Oh...

It seems to be inductive to the intention of Green. The giant eggs of the sky are violently squirming in the sky, and the hard layer of the shell is broken and detached. These seven eggs are different in size and the speed of breaking the shell is different. .

The three-color light of Green removed from the heart of the hunter. After gazing at the seven giant eggs for a while, the "桀桀桀桀桀桀" was stunned and laughed.

"Oh, it turned out to be the case! In the early stage, because the world's coincidence was too narrow, even if the projection of the projection could not come, and the fear of the possible destroyers, the transplanted seeds were transplanted to make these seeds. With the development of the world's gates to grow, in order to maintain basic resistance. Now, with the overlap of the two worlds, these seeds have already grown into projections but still have not broken the shell and invaded the wizarding world, continue to accumulate strength, really I am afraid that I can already be above the ordinary projection."

Muttered to himself, Green turned and snarled toward the black rope: "First, start from this easiest, collect it as soon as possible."

After that, Green turned to Silvana: "Masters can participate if they are interested."

"Forget it."

Seeing that Silvana is completely uninterested, Green did not say much, and he took out the book of Truth, and with the right hand, the Abyss magic wand whispered again and again, the forgotten rune was like a floating bubble. The high altitude hunter heart is attached.

This heart is now over a thousand meters, in a contradictory space, I do not know how many dreams of the world of the bones and the power of the wizarding world bless, bred with amazing power ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ after the forgotten rune brand, it will be " "Awkward" slammed and actively resisted Green.

"Oh, interesting."

Green did not care, and the speed of forgetting the mark was faster.

"Hey? The Green Beast seems to be a bit wrong."

Xiao Ba reminds that Green is awake from the heart of the hunter, and the three-color gaze looks at the vast space of this space, but sees the ground almost endless white worms spit out a filament, spurting seven giant worms into the sky. egg.

In contrast, when Green kept forgetting the brand, these white filaments were connecting the hunter's heart with the seven giant eggs. If Green tried to seal the hunter's heart, he would inevitably suffer from the control of seven giant eggs. The projection is full of resistance, and the result of the seal failure is the magic counterattack.


Hessian has already fought with the first master of the broken shell.

The skull is a giant minotaur, but its body is a section and a snake bone. Except for the spit in the mouth, the two horns are an ice and a fire, and the black scorpion is at a disadvantage, hacked. Suo Zhenli’s seal is afraid of it sooner or later.

According to Hessian, the nightmare wizard needs to seal the king of nightmare with only a few real forces.

"There are some problems that can't be dragged down. It's useless for so many kings of nightmare. Clean up a few."

It’s awkward!

The black arc is distorted with light and darkness in all directions, emitting high-frequency oscillating ripples, and the flashing lasing is directed at the largest egg, "squeaky", abrupt, a bandage in the egg, and black arc Eliminate.

"The soul of Almighty!?"

Green was shocked. These nightmare masters abandoned some of the Almighty Soul and implanted into the world. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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