A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1480: Void 1 even (on)

"Since there is no need to stop the nightmare from coming here, let me go outside and see!"

Really can't change according to patience, Green finally said.

At this moment, Hessian is in a painful stage. It is the struggle of the fire of purgatory. The former Hessian sorcerer is suffering from the burning of the infernal fire. The shadow of the shadow needs to monitor the unintentional hunter to observe the nightmare. Obviously, more attention is paid to the matters within the Three Rings Santa, and the fall of the nightmare rule is precisely related to the survival of the Three Rings.

The shadow of the shadow and the evil crystal looked at Green, and the two obviously did not stop what Green, let Green fly to the sky.

After breaking through the clouds, the water curtains and the long emptiness, as a big world enough to dominate the war, Green rushed through the cracks in the vast world of clothing and came to an unknown secret.

Hey! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

Just entering the secret here, Green was attracted by the bursting impact from the top of the head. The burning metal wreckage fell from the sky, slipping out a smoky trajectory, and thousands of like a meteor shower continued to linger on the secret ground. The explosions of "Bang" and "Bang" were heard.

Most of the metal wreckage is the metal robot of Misch, and occasionally there are some large pieces of virtual aircraft carrier.


The violent explosion sounded from the corner of the mystery. It was about one-third of the wreckage of the space fortress, and the fire was filled with smoke.

"The last coffers, the last struggle!"

The three-coloured light of Green reveals the color of excitement, and looks at the slowly empty space. From that violent fluctuation, it has been judged that many true spirit wizards and metal destroyers are hostile forces, leaving only four metal destroyers, a group of violent flames and one The black and cold power of the regiment is undoubtedly the king of the Purgatory giant Eb Adam and the ghost stone giant.

However, after a little attention, Green is now, one of the four metal destroyers, seems to be abnormal, it is a metal destroyer completely controlled by a real spirit wizard with metal fire.

It seems that the Wizarding World has undoubtedly entered the final reclamation stage.


There are no traces of the sorcerer's sorcerer in the territory, and I don't know whether to support the Nether War or to escape other secrets, or the metal robot army that has been invaded to kill and fall, "嘭", "嘭", "嘭" "嘭", in addition to the metal wreckage falling on the ground will blow out a crater, there will be a lot of corpses, a "squeaky" noise.

In such a doomsday situation, even a famous level sorcerer screamed and panicked to fly to Green.

After the tri-color squint squinted at the wizard, Green's thin figure squinted his right awkward magic wand, his left hand gently grabbed in front of him, and an amazing magic took the wizard and the left hand made a fist. The amazing oppressive force suddenly reached the little wizard who could not help but float in front of Green.


Under the incredibly amazing pressure, the wizard's robes of the little wizards were smashed and smashed, revealing delicate and white skin. The two eyes almost burst out, and the cherry mouth was desperately breathing. It was about to suffocate, but Green was indifferent to this, and left-handedness did not turn back.


The black juice splashed all over the sky.

This little wizard was actually a black terminator disguise. At this moment, Green was ready to regroup after being pinched, and the book of Truth was smashed and re-sealed by Green. The whole process seemed to have been done. A trivial little thing.


At the foot of Green, the earth was rolling, and a giant python slowly extended. It was Green who saw the creature and did not show a little curiosity.

"Oh? Native creatures in this mystery?"

This creature, the body is about a hundred meters long, the soft creatures of the bamboo section, the fluorescent light in the body illuminates the blood veins. It seems to feed on the organic matter in the soil, and sneak in the deepest part of the earth all the year round. Used to dig deep stones in the soil.

"The great wizard, I have lived in this land for two eras. The master of this land, Master Saul, has never been embarrassed to me. Here is my home. But now this land will be completely disintegrated, I will The loss of the home that I rely on for my living, I ask the master to guide me out!"

After talking about the ambiguous sorcerer's language with a mouth full of tentacles, this ancient creature made anthropomorphic votive posture.

"Seeking a life near the Second Ring Santa, I will send you a ride."

For Green, when the sorcerer's world of sorcerer's world was sent away, Green rushed to the sky with a large metal wreck falling from the top of his head, gradually coming to the edge of the real void battlefield, and the final battlefield outside the wizarding world. Line of defense.

"Which master is coming?"

There are three sacred sorcerers fighting with a crystallized terminator. The metal wreckage that falls in the mystery is the attempt to invade the wizarding world metal robotic corps by the three sacred sorcerers.

Of course, it is only one of them.

In other directions, the sacred sorcerers led the war between the huge legion and the strong crystallization of the Terminator, the space fortress and the powerful emptiness of the mothership group, the battle between the wizarding corps and the metal robotic corps, and the battlefield extended to the end of the field of vision. These are just these The true spirit dominates the war.

At the moment, the question is a five-level witch.

Compared with the early days of the civilized war, even though there are new scars in the wizarding world, the number is less than one-third compared with that before the war. Compared with the real wizards, the holy marks wizards are undoubtedly even more fierce!

As for the lower-level wizards who have not advanced the streaks, they can live from the pre-war to the present, just like the phoenix.

Green didn't know the female stature, and his attention was not in the small war scene here. After the low "truth of the tower" wave of ripples, he waved the extreme abyss wand and pointed to a nearby virtual mothership. .

Around dozens of spaceships, tens of thousands of little wizards are besieging the virtual mothership.

From the perspective of the low-level wizards, the war scenes are fierce, and the metal robots and fighters that have flown from the virtual mothership are being lost with the slave monsters and the mechanical squadrons in all directions. The main carrier of the space carrier is in the void. On the mother ship's aT force field, it can only cause a wave of energy response ripples. It is difficult for the cursed wizard who wants to break into the opportunity to succeed. At this time, the virtual mothership has already improved somewhat compared with the beginning of the civilized war.

It seems that if there is no external factor, such a battle must be anxious for a long time.

However, here is the battlefield of civilization, and everything can be randomly born, and the unstoppable disaster suddenly comes to the civilized battlefield!

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

The cold air that can freeze the whole city freezes, under the absolute control of Green's 100% force, bypasses the space airship and then rushes to the virtual mothership, and the aT force field cover is broken in time and time.

In an instant, the entire virtual mothership was exposed to a thick layer of white ice.

Hey... Hey!

The gravitational force field, the virtual mothership smashed, turned into one of countless wreckage and fell to the wizarding world, and ignited a blazing flame in a rich elemental environment.

"That is... it is a holy mark wizard!"

"It seems that the attack from the wizarding world should come out of the wizarding world~www.novelmtl.com~ our battlefield happens to catch up."

"Too lucky, call, hurry to recover the magic, and wait for the new instructions of the combat headquarters!"

A small wizard gathered in the spaceship and prepared to support the other battlefields of the three holy sorcerers. For these little wizards, Green’s place was too far away to judge the void of the wizarding world. deep.

It is very different from the vision of these little wizards.

At the moment, in the eyes of Green, these low-level wizards are a grain of loose sand. Although they can be seen, they do not count and do not distinguish between the differences. In comparison, the virtual carrier and the spacecraft are Green. The smallest unit of war in the eye.

Even those sorcerers, space fortresses, and crystallizers are in the eyes of Green, but they are just the soldiers who influence the battlefield pattern.

At this moment, their existence has been sensed by the raging raging sun in the nearby battlefield. They are the masters of this war. The existence of this war, the metal destroyer, the endless master, the true spirit wizard! (To be continued.

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