A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1469: confirm

"The vast world wants to completely coincide with the wizarding world. It can't be completed in a short time. The real enemy of the wizarding world is the metal destroyer civilization."

With this kind of enlightenment, Green overlooks the city of Lingling in the sky of the sorcerer's world.

Although there is a source of annihilation, it is only a guardian of the sword of the ninety-nine, but after all, it is only the level of the strength of the three-level wizard. It is impossible to completely sway the powerful weapon of the ancient body of Green's body, which has been tempered by several eras. Yes, otherwise these metal robots are simply vulnerable.


Suddenly, a green mushroom cloud rises into the sky, and the fluorescent green light filament is like a fireworks bloom, which covers the whole city, followed by a drop of green pollution as if it rains.


In midair, the source of the annihilation of the nine-nine-one sword is maintained with all the magic. The sorrowful and sorrowful eyes are tightly closed, and the heart is like a knife. When it is opened again, it is already wet.


The witch who followed the annihilation and supported the avatar was pale and biting his lip. He said: "It has been polluted, and we have failed."

Thousands of silver flying needles linger, the source of annihilation has nodded, and the eyes of the Knights, who originally formed the guards responsible for the guardian of the city, the skin actually collapsed in the pollution with the naked eye, watching the bow on the tower The hand horrified scratching the skin, bloody, and able to see the bones of his palm.

Ordinary humans are too fragile, and the metal destroyer civilization is called the witch larva, which is very appropriate.

Even in the spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons of the wizarding world, the gentle environment of the reincarnation of the day and night, and the wizards of the wizarding towers are carefully guarded, and they may still die in large areas due to small wind and rain, and are radiated by these pollutants. Ordinary humans have no way to live!

"At least rescue the people in the shelter!"

The source of annihilation is said to be the body, the magic of the body is poured into the ninety-nine swords, and it disappears.

In the distance is a thundering monster, the wizard's world native, this thunderous monster has a huge body in the house, the scales are thundered, but it is shrouded in a strange dark red ominous atmosphere, violent and angry, seems to be for the wizard Have an unforgettable hatred.

Hey! puff! puff! puff! puff! puff! puff! puff……

Tens of thousands of flying needles penetrated the thunderous monsters, as if the tip of the duck's mouth was sharp and sharp, and then it fell to the ground, and the figure flashed, and the source of the annihilation was born.

"Go to the refuge, rescue the civilians inside, fast!"

At this time, the little wizards who were surrounded by thunder and monsters reacted and looked at the city of Luling, which had been completely polluted by the ground. There was no life of human beings surviving on the surface of the city. Only sporadic metal robots robbed the energy. , as well as powerful creatures of slave monsters and enemy wizards in the world.

At this moment, the source of the annihilation was split into a nine-nine sword to kill the falling body of the thunderous monster, suddenly flashing, and even appeared in the air, staring at the source of annihilation!


The bluestone and land of the shelter are obviously not isolated from the spread of pollutants.

Two metal robots looked up at the sky. More than a dozen wizards drove more than 30 slave monsters and swooped down. The target pointed to the two metal robots. Around the two metal robots, there were several ghost wolves. The creature sniffs carefully, and it seems that the human beings who have been sheltered have not yet found an entrance.

Suddenly, a figure appeared silently next to two metal robots, three-color gaze gaze, "咔嚓", "咔嚓", two metal robots quickly petrified, became two vivid stones.


A few ghost wolves rushed to the figure, and the sharp wolf claws caught deep dents on the bluestone floor. I can imagine the sharpness and strength of the wolf claws, and the two scorpions slipped out of the two ghosts and the fangs.


As if hitting a layer of invisible wall, the screams of "嗷" screamed, and several ghost wolves flew out faster than the rushing ones. After smashing a few pits on the ground, they twitched twice and they were completely stiff.

However, an astonishing scene appeared. After the ghost wolf was smashed, the corpse disappeared, and once again appeared in the same place, and the fangs were gazing at Green.

"Is it a nightmare creature? Is the rule of the unintentional hunter breakthrough?"

Muttering to himself, Green did not have these nightmare creatures as if they were a nightmare wizard.

A black ball did not suddenly appear in front of him, and a few ghost wolves have not reacted. The black ball has an amazing sucking force. Several ghost wolves are shrinking and irresistibly being thrown into the world. It is.


After a few hourglass hours, the wilderness ridge.

"Take them out of the Sanhuan Santa area, no matter where you go, it is safer than here. There are likely to be some changes here."

Green said calmly.

Behind the source of annihilation, in addition to more than 20 wizards, wizard apprentices, and thousands of ordinary human civilians, the fear of a pair of scared birds, helpless.

Looking at the city of Qiling, which has been completely ruined, these people are already homeless, but they don’t know where to go. They can only follow the source of annihilation and find new hope.

"Well, I can dream of turning down the real world creatures of the gods and wizards. The plan that the unintentional hunter has prepared over the years is probably not simple. You must be careful."

"We are one and we are talking about it."

Green shook his head and whispered: "I have to go to the Sanhuan Tower to confirm one thing, and then to solve the situation of the unintentional hunter. Let's go."

The crowd gradually disappeared into the horizon, and Green turned his head and looked at the other direction for a long time before turning around and heading for the Three Rings.

Three days later.

The reason why Green came to the Third Ring Santa is just for the large altar here.

At the level of Green's life, the general altar of the wizard cannot be carried.

With the support of Green's magic, gradually, a trace of black mist floated on the altar. After a while, a will projection gradually condensed, and Green realized cross-border communication.

"In order to build this altar, I owe a lot of human bones!"

Green hasn't talked yet, black fog in the ~www.novelmtl.com~ Three bones and souls will say first, the large body in the black fog is twisted, revealing a huge head, and Green is looking at it, wondering: "I have not yet Prepare the energy spar you need, how do you summon it in advance?"

"This time calling you because of other things."

The mysterious tone of Green makes the three bones a bit strange.

"Oh? What?"

"Your world, is the real name a nightmare?"

Green’s calm questioning surprised the bones. After a moment of silence, the three bones collapsed: “The reason I was hiding was because when we first communicated, I was just a fledgling cross-border trader, nightmare. The world is not famous in the world nearby..."

"Now is not the time to pursue this. What I want to ask is, are the kings of your dreams in the world, are you preparing for the whole army and preparing to attack a new world?"


"A few months ago, a message came from a king of nightmare in the south that it was a new looting field. I heard that many of the sleepy kings of sleep have awakened and are convening their respective corps. I am only one. New bone king, still... and so on!"

The three bones of the soul are incredulously looking at Green: "What do you mean, the goal of the Nightmare World is the Wizarding World!?"


Ps: I still have a runny nose, but I really don't dare to break it. I am sorry later. (To be continued.)

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