A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1465: Exhausted

The Wizarding World Second Ring Santa 22 District, the Tower of the Sorcerer.

"President Permi, there are five towns in the Tamm Basin, with a population of 220,000, 130,000, 65,000, 60,000, 40,000. The latest information is that the Small Metal Robots Corps are in existence. Near several towns, I suggest that the college send a wizard squad to clean up. With the sorcerers, wizard apprentices, and knights there, I am afraid it will be difficult to protect several city-states."

The second-level witch wizard asked the dean of the college to show that only the blue-skinned python tattoos were vivid on the malt-colored skin, under the white high-hat cap, and the eyes showed cherry blossom pupils.

The dean of the college is covered with wrinkles, and the power of blue-gray elements shrouds. Behind the transparent windows of the wizard tower, a frame of mechanical cymbals and guardians of the Thousand Eyes of the Soul Crab Academy circulate in droves, and the sorcerer’s tower is stalked with thick The power of the elements formed a huge whirlpool that shrouded the entire college and suppressed it.

The wizard apprentices living in this era are a sad and helpless generation, and the chances of being incapable of resisting the immediate event are far more than those of Green.

The dean also had time to speak in the future. In the distant sky, a fireball slid a long tail flame and rushed to the tower of the annihilation.


After the identification of the sorcerer's hood, in a short while, the elemental wizard appeared in the room, and turned out to be another dean of the college. At this moment, his appearance was fierce, the sorcerer's robe was ragged, the hair was burnt, and the blood of the eyes spread. The atmosphere is uncertain and very weak.

"Permi, immediately contacted the Yunyunhai Wizarding Academy and found the liquid terminator's whereabouts, and sneaked in the direction of the Yunyunhai Wizarding Academy."


With the desk, Mir stood up fiercely, and the tea cup on the table was slammed on the ground and smashed, but I didn’t know it. I couldn’t take care of the support requested by the previous witch, and quickly took out the crystal ball and the zero boundary stone. Send an alert message to Xiaoyunhai Wizarding Academy.

In the corner of the room, several wizards waiting anxiously heard the words of the Terminator, and their faces changed.

Since the war, every time a period of time, the six colleges will have the news of liquid terminator invasion. These liquid terminators are very powerful. Unless several college deans join hands, it is possible to confront. The Hatsota Wizard Academy has had two times. The liquid terminator led the small-scale robotic army to invade the war, and they all defeated the invading army with the deep foundation of the wizard tower.

The head of the returning class replaced Permi and continued to assign the college mission.


Suddenly, the entire wizard tower shook slightly. On the spire, the elemental cloud that enveloped the entire wizarding school was spinning rapidly and gathered at the wizard tower.

The sorcerer of the screaming screams glimpsed, and then, the dean of the college that first responded seemed to think of something, and it was difficult to set the channel: "The tower Lord is coming!?"

"If it is the annihilation tower, the holy mark wizard is coming..."

When I heard the words of the sorcerer in the mouth of the college, the mystery wizards of the college showed an incredible surprise.

The sacred sorcerer, the sorcerer of the higher level and the sorcerer of the college are completely different levels of concept. The source of the magical power of the sorcerer tower of the entire college is to add magic to its source, its powerful and horrible degree, can be imagined!

It is said that such a powerful wizard has been fighting in the void with more powerful metal robots since the war began, killing in the endless metal robots and guarding the wizarding world.

These metal robots that the Wizarding World invades today are just a fraction of the virtual battlefield.

These wizards have come to the wizarding world. Is the void battlefield over, and the holy marks wizards begin to completely eliminate the wizarding world?

This is great!

Not to mention what these wizards think and think, as opposed to these wizards, the wizard apprentices who live in dedication every day are stunned by the sudden changes in the wizarding tower. The vibration of the wizard tower seems to collapse at any time. For the wizard apprentices. The Wizarding Tower is an oasis of security in the last days, and only in the Wizarding Academy can you enjoy a short period of peace and tranquility.

Although there are often horrible rumors that the wizarding college was destroyed by metal robots, the Wizarding Academy is much safer than the ordinary human city where hordes and team metal robotic corps may emerge.

On the other hand, the guardians of the Thousand Eyes Crab Academy seem to have eaten the stimulant, rising from the surrounding of the college, like holding a welcoming ceremony, gathering around the wizard tower, circling.

The figure of Green was distorted and appeared in the transmission tower of the Witch Tower.


Compared with the Santa's transmission array and the secret transmission array, the wizard tower transmission array is too small and exquisite, because it is too scrupulous to convey the feelings of the low-level wizards, so that the higher wizards have a feeling of not relying on toys.

The tri-color light sweeps around a circle of respectful college auspicious wizards, and Green has turned his eyes to the outside of the college. The three-coloured light seems to have passed through the wizarding tower and the vast geographical space~www.novelmtl.com~ To understanding.

"I have seen the Great Tower of the Oblivion Stigma!"

Many wizards respectfully bow.

"Oh, this time, the Eight Lords and the lower bounds of your towers are entrusted by the Second Ring Spirit Wizard to arrest a sorcerer of the Wizarding World. The reason why the Wizarding World suffered such a disaster is directly related to this traitor. I don't know for this. How many holy marks wizards, true spirit wizards have fallen for this, it is this evil black wizard!"

Xiao Ba said that he was so eager to paint the traitor.

Hearing this sorcerer's world disaster, it was caused by a traitor. These sorcerers with limited knowledge, knowledge and vision have been stunned. What kind of sorcerer is there, for what purpose, the sorcerer world suffers such loss. Such a traitor is not an exaggeration.

“Is there any difficulty in the college that is difficult to solve?”

Green asked casually, the three deans rushed you to say a word, I said, the difficulties that the college was difficult to solve in recent times, Green shook his head, for Green is really nothing small, if they are handled by themselves, what else Don't have to do it.

After thinking about it, since the war is nearing the end, it is still not too good to be surprised. Green has a decision.

"Small eight, you and Xiaowan play in the college first, I will solve the task."

Xiao Ba twisted his neck and thought about it. He nodded and said, "Oh, let's do it. I will play here now. You can't lose it. Listen to the tone of the second ring guy. The new human rule seems to be very important. Yeah, with my many years of experience, there must be some secrets here."


After Green’s response, he disappeared silently in the wizarding tower. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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