A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1455: Ring of Loss (10)

The torrent of white stars and flames of the stellar orbital gun finally stopped.

The mighty virtual battlefield was completely emptied by the stellar orbital guns. Among them, there were a large number of metal robots, the corps of virtual robots, and the elite hunters and sorcerers. The ultimate goal was the masters and true spirits who were contaminated with positioning devices.

The melee between the wizarding civilization and the metal destroyer civilization is still going on. It will not stop because of the stellar orbital gun. The king of the purgatory giant, Aba Dang, and many of them are just a corner of the battlefield.


A quaint ring floats quietly in the void, the rune shines, and as the dark red glow gradually fades, the fire of Purgatory gradually turns into a stunned figure, the burning head, along with four The narrow flame slammed open suddenly, and the right hand slammed a golden furnace.

At this moment, the perfect fusion, the violent aesthetics is vividly displayed in this flame giant.

"Hey, the wizarding world!"

Bang, boom, boom, boom...

The flame giant strode out, each step bursting into a large wave of fire in the void, and went to the quiet and peaceful wizarding world in the depths of the distant void, walking in the empty path of being completely emptied by the stellar orbital gun.


The three-ring true spirit wizard's palm reel is decomposed into a dark black ash, disappearing into the emptiness of the sky, and the islands of time and space are also ruptured. The three-ring true spirit sorcerer looks around, leaving only the smashing stone star to form the tile force and the black swan house. The thousand.

The overbearing flaming light is no longer blocked, fearless, coming towards yourself!

In order to ensure that nothing is lost, the Three Rings Spiritual Wizards took the plan to seize the sacred spirits and even signed the asylum contract with the Neptune. However, it did not expect that the metal destroyer civilization would also expect this. In fact, this ring of loss has been used as a bait, and it has hit hard against the power of the wizarding world.

At this moment, the King of the Inferno, the king of Abba, has completed the agreement with the Metal Destroyer, which has once again gained freedom and belongs to its own choice.

Destroy the wizarding world!

"Although he relies on the ring of loss to achieve the eternal soul, but we only need to hold it here for a while, the wizard world wins the general situation, and can only stop here!"

The three-ring true spirit wizard communicated to the masters of the two two-ring true spirit wizards.

The first reply is the thousand years. This black swan master from the evil dragon world community has got everything it wants. The exotic world and the wizarding world resources have long since resigned.

"Sorry, the distinguished wizard, I signed a contract with the Second Ring Spirit Wizard to follow him to participate in all wars. When the Second Ring Spirit Wizard died and evaded, I also lost the obligation to continue to complete the contract."

After that, after the black swan disarmed the real body, he even took the initiative to retreat. Obviously, he was unwilling to be an enemy of the king of Aba Dang, who was against the purgatory furnace, and disappeared into the void.

On the other hand, Wally is also afraid of the flame giant's eight-level dominance of the majesty, seeing the black swan's retreat, and Wally has his own decision.

"This is an eternal master. Even if it can suppress him, our omnipotent soul will lose more speed than it. This is a dead end! The world is born and collapsed, and it has its own destination. They are just the seeds of the endless world. They have no ability to decide the fate of the land. The wizard, I reject your proposal."

The star stone rolled, gradually gathered into a ball, became a sphere, and also flew to the depths of the void to disappear.

I have to say that these two masters did go for the great fortune, and briefly came. After a little shot, they completed the contract. The loss of the Almighty Spirit was negligible and neglected.

The departure of the two masters made the three-ring true spirit wizard very heavy.

Although I know that this is the most correct choice, even if I am a three-ring true spirit wizard, I must be the same choice, but at the moment, the three-ring true spirit wizards feel the feelings, it is difficult to level.

The Purgatory Giants are arrogant and arrogant, and all the big steps are coming. The Three Rings Spiritual Witch can clearly feel his will. Any enemy that blocks this Flame Giant before going to the Wizarding World will be attacked by his most violent destruction!

Turning briefly, staring at the calm, peaceful, and beautiful world in the depths of the distant sky, the three-ring true spirit witch feels his inner love, this is the love of the wizarding world, the love of the elemental wizard, it needs its own protection, needs Your own insistence must not be avoided.

Breathing deeply, when the three-ring true spirit wizard turned again, the deep shackles only left a firm belief, staring at the flame giant who was oppressed by that momentum, and snarled.

This is the call for the former evacuated wizarding corps.

Compared with the vertical and horizontal voids of the real spirits, these low-level wizarding corps, like the little fireflies of the stars, will be too slow. After being summoned by the three rings of the real spirits, they will gather together and the three rings. Together with the real wizards, they intercepted the path of the King of the Purgatory King to the Wizarding World.

"Never back, for the wizarding world!"

These wizards led by the sorcerer's sorcerer ~www.novelmtl.com~ after a previous stellar orbital shot, the same loss, the remaining lucky ones were re-convened by the three-ring real spirit wizard.

The relationship between the seven-level creature and the eight-level creature has no meaning. Even if it can achieve the suppression of the appearance, in essence, the seven-level creature is not proportional to the loss of the eight-level creature.

Although the endless world is big, but behind it is the home of the wizarding world, there is no way out.

"Oh, I tried to seal my purgatory furnace, the wizard, your soul will mourn forever in the fire of purgatory, and the bones will become the most precious nourishment in the Purgatory Furnace!"

Kneeling, squatting, the golden stream of the Purgatory Furnace spilled, the blazing flames rose into the sky, turning into a golden sun with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters. Eba was roaring and the Purgatory furnace was thrown out.

The furnace turned into a burning sun.

After the Inferno Giants, those light-brain ID players passed through the stellar orbital guns and finally reacted to the friendly NPC intention of the former chaotic violent mode. At this moment, they escaped and organized them again, following Behind the Purgatory Giants, he launched an attack on the wizarding corps stationed in the void.


It is the flame that devours everything, and the three rings of true spirits are left with only gold and red.

"Never let this ring of loss fall into the hands of the black wizard..."

The three-ring true spirit wizard sticks out the magic wand, the big ring sets the small ring, and the six small rings that represent the power of the six elements 'clam dunk' collide with each other and make a crisp sound. The original quaint six-pointed star magic matrix gradually forms, the power of the rule. It is gathering from the entire Void Battlefield Wizards and the Wizarding World behind him.

Booming rumbling...

The void collided, and numerous wizarding corps marched forward and collided with the Metal Destroyer. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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