A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1142: Abyss refining wizard

After the Second Civilization War, the ancient wizards faced the fragmented wizarding world, and all kinds of problems lingered. Fiction.

It is as if after the first civilization war, the alien civilization has left the world troubled. After the second civilization war, the abyss civilization also left the abyss problem in the wizarding world, and may create more land in the magical land. The magic of the spout, spewing out, completely polluting the wizarding world.

The problem of the abyss of the imminent underground, the wizarding world at that time, held three views.

The first point is to completely separate the abyss of the earth, and the cutting operation is generally completely removed.

The second point is to completely seal the abyss of the earth and become an abyss laboratory for the demon hunting, to specifically study the weaknesses and characteristics of the abyss.

The third point is to learn the abyss without the ancient demon, just as the creation of the elemental wizards by the alien civilization, the wizarding world can also use these abyss to make the new era wizard system.

The issue of staying around the abyss of the earth has been arguing for thousands of years, involving many interests, and the round table cannot be completely resolved at one time.

Thousands of years have passed, and when the elemental wizards gradually took the lead and determined to completely seal the abyss of the earth, many ancient elemental wizards who persisted in studying the abyss world and pioneering a new system, the dedication of the true spirit was successful!

The element radically smelts the sorcerer, combines the power of the element with its own powerful physique, and the double fulcrum incites the deeper lever rule. This is the power system that the wizarding world has never had. From the essential structure, it seems to be the elemental wizard. High pursuit, let the wizard to the pursuit of more perfect biological evolution.

A star spirit wizard was born!

The one-star true spirit wizard who was greatly attracted by the wizarding world did indeed make the elemental wizard feel the crisis and even in some balance needs. The black witch king and the sea and the mechanical wizards all supported one star. The true spirit wizards have opened up the abyss of the earth, and have completely abandoned the abyssal conditions of the seals of the elemental wizards.

In this way, the one-star true spirit wizard established the first underground abyss tower under the huge eyes of the wizarding world, and let thousands of ancient elemental wizards with higher pursuit goals become more advanced than the so-called elemental wizards. The elements of the spurt of the refining wizards incited the pursuit of higher levels of leverage.

During that period of madness, at least half of the ancient remnants of the elemental wizard chose to join the underground abyss refining wizards in an attempt to make a breakthrough on the platform of higher achievement.

The resistance of the elemental wizards and the underground abyss sorcerer's chambers also flowed from that period, which was the most difficult period of the wizarding world element wizards, because many people believed that the elemental spurs of the sorcerer would replace the elemental sorcerer in the wizarding world. Status, just as the elemental wizard replaces the mechanical wizard who once dominated the wizarding world, this is the choice of historical progress.

In this way, the wizarding continent and the abyss of the earth began a hegemonic road in the new era!


The elemental sorcerer is in the midst of hardships, and one after another, the sorcerer's sorcerer has sprung up. On the originally devastated continent, under the care of the sorcerer's tower and the sacred field, the almost extinct ordinary humans have re-emerged and revived. vitality.

In contrast, even though many ancient genius wizards gathered in the abyss, in addition to the difficult promotion of the two-star sorcerer, and the combination of the wizard and the abyss and dragon power, the difficulty of the elements of the singer is almost the same as that of the ancient wizards. , entered a no return road.

The difference between the two is growing!

The eyes of the world gradually recognized the difference between the elemental sculpt wizard and the elemental sorcerer. The enthusiasm for expectation gradually subsided. Even when the abyss sorcerer was only an appendage of the era, the miracle appeared and it was the appearance of a genius wizard!

Different from the elements pursued by many elemental wizards, the path of the refining sorcerer is very different. He studies the evolutionary path of the abyss and the ancient demon, and stimulates his potential with the abyss, and opens the seal of human ancestors through the layers of life and death. Awaken the talent of the barbarian giants, and then open up the ancestors and gain the power to destroy the earth.

This is the real abyss sculpt wizard, pure physical passive evolutionary power, life and death tempered combat instinct, wild instinct sculpt wizard!

The birth of Samsung's true spirit wizard finally gave the abyss refining wizard a new vitality. Although there are still many limitations, at least it has become the threat of the elemental wizard and the dominant dominance.

In this way, the development of the hunter-destroy expedition in this wild world community has been unified for a period of time. Elemental wizards and abyss sculptists maintain a cooperative and competitive coexistence relationship and progress each other. The rules of the underground abyss are gradually promoted. Elemental Wizarding Academy war trials have their own characteristics.

The bottom of the abyss is a star tower.

"Ashuro, the underground abyss sculpt wizard, although there are elements to increase the sorcerer, the wild instinct sorcerer, the **** battle knight, but even the three-in-one, compared to the elemental wizard is just barely contend ""

A true spirit wizard is holding a magic wand, his eyes are deep and his voice is low.

"At the round table, one circle is right. It is not a paranoia about the war pattern, but the potential of the abyss refining wizard is far less than the elemental wizard. We have completely failed in the battle with the elemental wizard. After this war of civilization, the mechanical wizard will acquire some core secrets of the metal destroyer civilization, and the elemental wizard will gain the energy application of the metal destroyer civilization, but we..."

"Do not!"

The voice of the dispute ~www.novelmtl.com~ is full of unwillingness, this person is the abyss sculpt witch who wants to replace the fallen true spirit wizard in the round table.

"We didn't lose, we just didn't completely unearth the potential of the abyss sculpt wizards, those elemental sorcerers stopped us, they were bound by the rules of the sacred] they were afraid, fear!"

The one-star true spirit wizard was originally stunned by the two scorpions, staring at the sacred sorcerer who was fighting against this, and seemed to be waiting for his words.

Suddenly, this sculpt of the sacred sorcerer slowly said: "The ancient abyss is incomparable with the ancient devil. The most powerful thing besides the real body, there is also the abyss of the endless abyss of the dragon. This is the ancient element. The wizard defeats the real powerful power of hatefulness! In addition, the reason why the Black Witch King is strong, in addition to his own life and death, and the power of human despair, is the separation of human beings, and compared to the people, we The abyss sorcerer's wild instinct, the seventh layer of the ancestors, did not exert its true power at all. Just because the despicable elemental sorcerer used the sacred rules to protect the lords of the sea world, we were only limited by the rules!"

"You really are like Samsung..."

A true spirit wizard, no longer speaks. (.)

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