A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1438: 2 ring capital finance

The development of capital and financial rules, inheriting the ancient wreckage city, the second ring of the real spirit wizard with the witch coin as a true spiritual dedication, opened a higher resource plunder mode.

He has penetrated the essence of civilized war!

The war of civilization, traced back to the source, is the war of living space and resources. The biological groups are full of doubts and distrust, and at the same time annihilating other civilizations will have unimaginable huge benefits, making them stronger and safer.

In this way, the war of civilization has never stopped, never ending, true and peace of mind will only appear in fairy tales.

Compared with the ancient wizards and the vast majority of the biota, relying on the brutal war to forcibly plunder the living space and living resources of other ethnic groups, the wizarding system's plundering system above the war deterrence and the witches' coin is undoubtedly more advanced and more Unable to resist.

Every hunting expedition in the Wizarding World is filled with the rules of capital and financial operations.

Gold, which is of no value to higher creatures, can be simply and processed into the wizard's will, and the blood of capital can be brought to any conquered world, and the witches can exchange any energy that is of concern to the wizard.

It is just such a rule that the savage and plundering of the survival resources by the wizards is perfectly hidden. This is a fair purchase transaction!

Obviously, this so-called purchase transaction is more easily accepted by the alien civilization. Many of the worlds that should have been stubbornly resisting the end have chosen to give up. Some of the weaker worlds have chosen to actively join the Wizarding League, under the rules of financial capital set by the wizards. The so-called fair competition trading.

People who don't really go deep into financial rules can never understand its greatness, its art!

The endless world is as strong as the ruler. As long as it does not become a real enemy, as long as there is demand, there is desire and hope, and through the altar to communicate with other infinite masters to trade, it will be subject to the power of financial rules, otherwise the ancient wizards also It is impossible to summon a large number of foreign lords to join the civilized war against the abyss.

The most familiar light of hope, the great master who escaped from the secondary esophagus, is still degenerate. Although its appearance is degraded in the battle of civilization, its essence is degraded under the rules of capital finance!

The ancient wizards used a huge amount of resources and tailored special sky city to lure + to confuse their contract, complete the cross-border summoning, and finally with the ancient wizards, it is difficult to count the ancient legends, buried in historical legends.

With his own nine-level real spirit wizard as his fulcrum, Antonio incited the wizarding world to come to this wild world community.

The world of fragmented wizards is devastated, civilians and humans are almost extinct, all around the world is unknown, and a large number of true spirit wizards are exhausted, leaving only the last breath.

All of this makes the ancient wizards who have just experienced the most glory and darkness, heartbreaking, sobbing and sobbing.

History creates heroes. All heroes are no exceptions. They are the saviors of the most critical moments of the ethnic group. At this moment, witnessing the elements of the former competitors, Antonio is willing to sacrifice himself in order to save the wizarding world. Si stood up.

With itself as the container, all the sky cities of the mechanical wizarding world are united. Eternity stops at the core of the Sky City, saves a large number of true spiritual wizards in the Wizarding World, and proposes the Demon Hunting Expedition Plan, repeating the ancient glory of the Wizarding World.

In this way, the Wizarding World finally has the goal and hope, armed with hatred and anger in the humble wolf, regaining the long-lost self-confidence, recalling its nobleness and dignity, and reshaping the backbone of the community.

In the round table, the internal war of the wizarding world was completely stopped, and the elemental wizard system, the mechanical wizard system, the abyss sculpt wizard system, the black wizard system, the hidden system of the hunter witch wizard of the eternal sky city of the sea system, and the later Knights’ School of the Knights were planned. The principle of peaceful coexistence of the nightmare wizard system.

On the ruins of the ruins, in the confusion of many wizards who did not know how to open the battle, they witnessed countless ancient wizards who went to protect the wizarding world and went down, and a little-known sacred sorcerer appeared. He held the ruins. The gold coins that have been extinct from civilians and humans, with tears in their eyes, bravely came to the round table and presented an unprecedented bold plan, the Wizards Alliance plan!

We will not annihilate the aliens, and we will treat the foreign worlds with certain strengths, component alliances, and advance and retreat together to quickly stand in this world community and combine with the Demon Expedition.

The Wizarding League is built on top of the wizarding coins!

"This day has finally arrived. The day of the wizarding world is a day of life and death. The world community is about to complete a unified day. Repeating the plan of the ancient glory, the real opening of the hunter expedition!"

On the incredibly large altar, the two-ring true spirit wizard excitedly opened his arms and felt the mighty chaotic energy fluctuations in the void, and the words of excitement shook a little.

This is the real largest altar in the wizarding world. It is a time and space altar built for the strongest strength of the two-ring true spirit wizards. It is enough to carry many endless masters and cross the border!

"The rules of capital, the power of finance, hahahahahaha..."

As the wizarding world plays with the existence of capital finance, the omnipotent money filled with mysterious magic in the eyes of lower creatures is an infinitely large lever in the eyes of the two-ring true spirit witch. It only needs to be used by subtle means to make countless Unconsciously, the souls are willing to use them. Stupid, under the drive of money, sells everything about themselves, including their own souls.

The most basic means for capitalists to use capital finance is to have a temperate super-smart sorcerer coin, which causes the depreciation of purchasing power. www.novelmtl.com~ Any world hoarding witches is the most stupid act, the second ring of real wizards With the simplest means of super-smart sorcerer, the purchasing power of the sorcerer's coin is constantly diluted, so that the wizarding squad will never have a day in which any world's demand for sorcerer's coins will never be satisfied, and thus will never stop busy for the witches' coins.

Secondly, the Wizarding Alliance is constantly expanding. The wizards hold the most direct message of various ethnic origin trades. Through the monopoly of trading information, the exchange of excess value ingestion and cross-border trade is the easiest and simple resource plunder for the sorcerer world.

In addition, the central position of the wizarding world itself, the transmission of nodes in various worlds, and the control of productivity investment techniques are also the sources of witches.

Finally, thanks to the most sinister and looting art of capital finance!

Through a series of complicated wizarding conference policies, it seems that there is no connection, but it creates partial tension and balance of witches, which in turn causes financial austerity or inflation, and makes the real value and actual purchasing power of the witch coin fluctuate and change. Behind the scenes, the black-handed two-ring true spirit wizard can easily extract all the resources of one world after another!

The stupid creatures of these worlds still blame the natural disasters and man-made disasters because they do not understand the power of finance.

"As long as I have enough resources, I want the devil and betray my soul and bow down at the wizard's feet!"

In the low laughter, the grand time and space on the altar fluctuated more and more violently. The two-ring true spirit witch actually summoned the distant foreign masters through this unprecedented huge altar, and summoned many foreign masters!

Wherever the wizard currency circulates, where the wizard's plundering claws extend, where the power of the slavish sorcerer of the second ring is appearing, even if it is dominant. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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