A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1426: Summer blessing

Green can't come to the wizarding world after a simple declaration of remarks like the low-level sorcerer period.

At this time, Green's strength is too strong. Inadvertently, every move may cause time and space disorder, causing great damage to the lower biological ecological balance. If the foreign world does not matter, but in the wizarding world, if the real wizards are willing to move around, I am afraid that ordinary human beings cannot proliferate on a large scale. The fragile bodies of ordinary humans and even the wizards of the wizarding towers must be carefully cultivated in order to mass-produce in the wizarding world in the form of villages and towns.

This is the limitation of the wizarding world.

In this way, Green wants to come to the wizarding world, after thinking about it, he decided to find Mina, the guardian of the summer, to seal himself to the outside world, so that he can control his destruction of the wizarding world to a minimum for a period of time. The real body is coming to the wizarding world.

Taking out the crystal ball, Green sat in the void carrier, standing on the shoulders of the small eight, a ripple out, through the wizard will connect to the Mina near the tower of the annihilation of the 22nd district of the sorcerer's mainland to the underground abyss entrance guard .

The blazing light is extremely hot!


Mina suspiciously stared at Green from the crystal ball, confirming that only Green was in the room, and then showed a playful smirk.

"Hey, brother-in-law, my sister is not around? Hey, although I have given you to my sister, I just can't help it. You know that I first saw you, now that I have promised my sister, I am still private. Contact me, it seems that you guys are not so strong, want to have fun between our two sisters to give you a long time? Oh, I don't mind."

璀璨 红 红 眸 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Suppress "嘎嘎嘎嘎" and laugh.

"Wow, this is exciting!? Mina, you have fun, I like it!"

Green smashed the eyes of the little one, and said to Mina in the crystal ball: "They have become the guardians of the wizarding world in the summer, and the world of witches is in a state of life and death. How can we still be a serious look, we can not Then there are those who don’t know how to be tall and thick."

"Hey, the tower of the annihilation tower, the wizard, you can't come to teach me!"

Mina's eyes wide open, and the green crystal ball bursts with glare, as if the fiery world of the wizarding world is about to emerge from the crystal ball. If the general sorcerer is deterred by this world, I am afraid that it is already at a disadvantage. Green, who is in the secret of his own gap seal, has no reaction at all.

Seeing Green is still a cold ice, Mina is uncomfortable: "Well, let's talk, what are you looking for? I am busy now for the Metal Destroyer Legion that may appear at any time. There are many Guardians of the Wizarding World, but It’s the last fight against the metal destroyer’s civilization, and I don’t want to disclose it because of my dereliction of duty.”

The guardian is more mysterious than the true spirit wizard. If Green is not familiar with Mina, he will not think of the majesty, hegemony, and mysterious guardian of the new summer, which will be such a temperament.

"I am going to the Wizarding World now. I need you to help me to suppress the spread of nature. It is about spiritual dedication. There are also a few things that need to be done and trouble."

Green looks serious and can't wait.

"Cut, I know, waiting for me in your secret, I will be embarrassed in a while."

Said, Mina hung up the crystal ball contact.

"Mom, this guy is really a natural summer guardian. It is simply returning to nature. The guardian of the previous generation is a temper trumpet, and she is afraid of it."

Xiao Ba recalled the six guardians of spring, summer, autumn, winter, shackles and nights in the heyday of the wizarding world, muttering.


嘶, 嘶, 嘶, 嘶, 嘶, 嘶, 嘶...

The dim tower of the annihilation tower was illuminated by a round of fireballs. The red burning clouds spread to the end of the sky. The ground was illuminated by the sun, the muddy land was heated by steam, and the Green’s squadron was once again smashed and squatting into the mud. Drilled away.

The fireball is like a meteor. After a slight hovering at high altitude, the cloud of all elements is squeezed out and rushed to the virtual mothership.

"Every time I come here, it’s so big. Now it’s time to prepare for the crucial period. These squadrons are very useful. You don’t know what it will be if you don’t know what to do.”

Just entering the room, I heard Green’s complaints.

"Less and I come to this set. Before you come back, this mystery and my sister don't know how many times. The vitality of your squadrons is terrible. It's so easy to die. It's not worth my attention." ”

Mina used this place as her own home. She took the coffee from the tray on the Rab, and sat lazily across the green. The temperature in her hand went through the coffee cup, but did not hurt the coffee. The cup itself, just burn the coffee inside, the aroma is pervasive.

"How long does it take to make a good trip? If it is an accident, don't call me the second time."

"嘘", a sip of hot coffee in his hand, Mina faint.

"Six months."

Green thought about his own formation, and it was like this.

"For six months, the time is not short, then use the strongest summer blessing to bind your radiation ripples, um... what are you hiding?"

Green's three-color scorpion can see the cockroaches in front of Mina's eyes, the playfulness of the corners of the mouth, how Green does not hide, Mina went straight to her front, bold and even, and even the breath has hit her face.

"What are you doing?"

Green frowned and asked.

"You are not coming to the wizarding world, I will give you the blessings of summer blessings! How to ~www.novelmtl.com~ have to repent, or say... afraid of my sister?"

Mina is a little taller than Millie, and her body is more popular. Some of them are arrogant and overbearing. At this time, they are only slightly lower than Green, almost close to Green, but they are teasing with a kind of overlooking eyes.

Getting closer and closer, "squeaky", lips kiss, no one closes his eyes, just staring at each other, like a matter of care, of course, Not worth covering up.

After a while, the lips were separated, and Mina was like a stolen cat. I laughed badly: "Good taste, like the citrus is sour and sour, your taste is good."

Said, Mina licked her red lips and turned her head and said: "I am gone, this is our secret 哟, what my sister knows... oh."

Mina's departure, Green's self-sealing and 100% control of power, now has another layer of wizarding shackles, enough to ensure that the wizarding world will not be destroyed.

"This is too exciting! Mom, this is too cool! I have to ask Ye Ye if she has a distant sister, wow, Green Beast, don't pretend, I don't believe you, I don't know if this is Mina is stealing, when is the official blessing of a wizarding world, seeing that this guy has just enjoyed it."

Xiao Ba jumped and jumped on Green's shoulder. The look was almost crazy.

"Follow me, I said to you, look at your serious look, is it particularly cool, and you are excited to die... Grace?"

Xiao Ba kept his eyebrows, not serious.


Green did not bother to leave, leaving the Void Mothership, ready to descend to the Wizarding World. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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