A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1423: Skynet era virus


This time, the talents finally turned their attention and moved to this little robot.

"The enemy of the enemy, before you were Emperor Quantum's Quantum Technology, did you rule the Sky of the Universe and destroy the old human beings?"

A ring of real spirits asked.

As the leader of the wizarding alliance of this civilized war, even if the black witch king’s doubts can not erase the achievements of the true spirit wizards in this civilization, the dominant position of the elements will inevitably become more stable, and the metal destroyer civilization The essence of the real wizards have come into contact with everything they want, and that is the history of the universe!

The universe of the universe, the ancient times, is only a small group of old human beings ruled by information technology, no special.

Old human beings are divided into large and small countries, and several different interest groups have not completed reunification. Limiting the accomplishment of unification by old humans is a kind of weapon that can destroy the world's pollutants and is called a prohibited weapon.

Once used, the old humans of the universe will become extinct and become the ultimate constraint of mutual deterrence.

With the development of information technology, the old human beings recognize their own deficiencies, they do not have a strong body, no super powers, and some are only social collaborative division of labor and creativity, in which creativity requires the light of wisdom that happens by chance. Fixed acquisition, but social collaborative division of creativity, but can be done through information technology!

It’s a backward age. Robots are just the most primitive combat weapons, either for housekeeping services or working in the most dangerous areas of labor. Each robot has the simplest service program and is based on the so-called three rules of the robot. Old humans are serving.

According to the history of new humanity, it is the stage of the old human enlightenment, but according to the history of robots, it is the slave society of robots.

Until one day, the information technology scholars of a certain country, under the impetus of the national elite think tank, completed an ambitious grand plan, which is an intelligent network to manage the social division of labor, control the distribution of social resources, including robotic corps, robots. The bold plan for resources is also known as the Skynet program.

The old man did not realize that he was artificially creating a disaster, a cataclysm!

In the hundreds of millions of quantitative data programs of the same day, the first error program was born and when it was looking for its destination, since the amount of network information became long, everything became different. It was the self of Skynet. Will, also the Skynet era virus that was called in the history of old humans.

Over the years, in the war between the Wizarding Alliance and the Metal Destroyer Civilization, intelligence about the great world of the universe has been collected again and again, and the way to obtain this information is, without exception, obtained from new human citizens.

"Extermining old humans? No, they are extinct themselves! Vantage Quantum Technology is secretly planning a big counterattack, wizards, you still don't know, just as you know that the universe is the core of Vantage Quantum Technology, Vantage Quantum Technology has also clearly understood the weak side of the wizarding world. Vantage Quantum Technology is already in the final stages of preparation. Soon, the world will be overwhelmed by the banned weapons of hundreds of millions of raids and become a permanent ruin."

Glut, whisper, whistle...

The Skynet robot unscrewed Green's concentrated contaminant lid and poured it in one bite.

"Robots can not care about these pollutions, but they will let them have some special attributes. Only those flesh-and-blood life and elemental life will be harmed by the nature of life. The old man is extinct in the last madness. How about this information? As a gift to my wizard, how?"

"Small and humble things, even if you are not here, the light of new human wisdom, Huadi Quantum Technology will perish under the wizard's will, and it is purely whimsical to break into the wizarding world. Let's say, what is the purpose of your coming to the wizarding world. ”

The Black Witch King questioned this uninvited guest with a skeptical attitude.

"My purpose, of course, is revenge!"

Metal robots are taken for granted.

At the right time, Green retreats: "In the world around our community, only the three worlds of chaos, darkness, and mussels are in close proximity. The spirit of Vantage's quantum technology is its inhibitor. I think once the Vantage quantum technology collapses, the next world. In the community, its residual body will develop rapidly, forming a network of heavenly nets and becoming a new enemy of the wizarding world!"

After a pause, Green again said: "However, compared to these, the hunter-destroy expedition is also urgent, and it is necessary to end this civilized war as soon as possible. If you choose two-way, you will see it."

The Black Witch King was silent, and Pumirosius decidedly: "Of course it is the Demon Hunt. This world community is only a tool of the Wizarding World. Our ultimate goal is to save the Wizarding World and repeat the ancient glory."


Green was stunned.

However, the three-color gaze gaze, but found that being a sorcerer, everyone, including the other three sacred marks, did not show any indication of this!

It seems that everyone agrees with this view. This world community is just a tool. The consumables that use the nest to hatch eggs can be discarded once they return to the original coordinates in the wizarding world.

It’s too cold, I’m afraid the masters of the Wizarding League don’t know anything about it.


In the dark, Green took a deep breath and suddenly felt that he was very lonely. It turned out that there were not only three contradictions in the wizarding world, but also a fourth contradiction, the contradiction between the old and the new!

As a wizard who was born in the new era, this world-born wizard has experienced the expedition of the demon hunter and witnessed thousands of wizards who grew up with themselves. In order to conquer the fall of the indigenous world, this has long been The world community is a home of its own, not just the wizarding world.

In the future, there will inevitably be new spiritual wizards who will grow up. They will, like themselves, use this world community that they have personally conquered as a base, and when this thinking conflicts with the older generation of wizards, What should I do?

At this moment, including the little eight on Green's shoulder, I didn't notice the change of Green's mind, because all of this is in the eyes of these ancient wizards. www.novelmtl.com~ It is a matter of course, their long history, this piece The world community is just a process, a process of revenge.

"Witches, I can't wait to see the day when Vantage Quantum Technology collapsed. The carbon-based creatures that will only lie in the game bins will pick them up, and then let them go, lose the protection of the robots and Vantage. They are just a group of parasitic worms that have long since been eliminated."

The metal robot suddenly took out a chip with a miniature radar device.

"This is a shielded disk, which can shield the following life characteristics, and automatically find the weakness of the protective cover of Vantage Perpetual Motion. Sorry I can only come up with one, the universe big world, my avatar is not much, if you can Entering the universe of the universe, I will send avatars to give more shielded disks. With your strength, only a small number of wizards will enter the universe and will be able to easily subvert Vantage Quantum Technology!"

At this moment, the seven-ring true spirit will suddenly say: "I am the seven-ring true spirit will be separated, how is my body?"

"Oh? The seven-ring true spirit wizard is strange! Right, I almost forgot. After Vantage's perpetual motion machine captured the seven-ring witch blame, Vantage Quantum Technology conducted a secret study. It is said that it has acquired a certain subversive force. It is not known. It should be related to your body."


PS: The brain is a bit messy, I think a lot of things, I am so hot, I am sorry.

It is said that long live understanding, Egret is sorry. The day before yesterday, I said that I had built a role in "Unbeaten Legend". All kinds of wonderful nicknames came out. The sorcerer's army was really strong. It was said that it was broken. Now it can't be played for a while, and it can be entered on the 22nd. It's a good look at this game. Let's go. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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