A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1408: 2 Ring Spirit Wizard

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It is the most primitive percussion of the witch's coin, which is the worthless gold in the eyes of a wizard.

As long as a baby's fist-sized gold coin is branded on the six-pointed magical array, and the wizard's will is added, it can be circulated in any world where the wizard will be caged, and the real resources will be traded.

This is the power of the rule, the greatness of the wizard's will!

"I have seen the great two-ring true spirit wizard."

The four sacred sorcerers have left, this is a secret environment filled with only orderly mechanical shackles. The large and small mechanical shackles are meticulously transporting the infinite martial arts coins out of this mysterious world according to the will of the two rings. Wizards of the world.

The second ring of the real spirit wizard is testing the quality loss of these mechanical defects and maintaining their own rules.

"The tower of the annihilation tower. You know, in fact, in the field of resource equivalence finance, there is a rule called inflation. If the wizard currency exceeds the total amount of resources, it is likely to cause inflation, which is an invisible The rule disaster can even be called the Wizarding Alliance Cataclysm. However, in the eyes of outsiders, the invisible financial disaster that has not happened seems to be worth mentioning, but its sphere of influence and the scope of its influence will exceed everyone's imagination."


Green is not clear, so frown.

"However, fortunately, the Wizarding League has been expanding, and the total amount of resources is always increasing. Therefore, the witches we have exceeded have not caused much negative effects. Especially the battle of civilization, in fact, the financial rules of witches It has been powerful enough to match the fate of the rule of fate! The 10,000-year-old sky city casting plan has been completed in just 5,000 years. Those whimsical design creations are realized by massive resources. This is the financial rule. Inciting unparalleled resources and letting the wizarding world accomplish all kinds of miracles."

Green's brow wrinkled deeper, the second ring of the real wizard, what do you want to express.

Slowly, the two-ring true spirit witch fell in front of Green, the height difference between the two sides did not understand, the body is also very similar, the two seem to have some of the same breath.

"And my strength, therefore, has been enhanced beyond imagination! Oh, the tower of annihilation, the world of wizards is everywhere, you are the future ten-ring spirit wizard, then please tell me, you are ready for the real spirit Dedication? Maybe, I can give you some advice."

Green looked straight into the two-ring true spirit wizard Jin Guangcan and his eyes, feeling the haunting of the thick rules, what seemed to be discovered.

The strength of the second ring of the real spirit witch, so that Green felt unmatchable at this time, this is not the power that the second ring of the real wizard.

Obviously, as it is said, his rules have increased him a lot of power, which is the field of rules that Green did not understand.

"I have some eyebrows about the dedication of the true spirit. However, compared to these, there are actually some more important things... I want to ask for the second ring of real spirits."

The second ring of the real spirit wizard.

"Oh? What else is more important than your true dedication? You have to know..."

"The Wizarding World is alive and dead!"

Green interrupted the second ring of the true spirit wizard, followed by the gap between the dimensions, two abyss demons.

One of them is a black phoenix that runs through the gathering place. It has no magical power and is completely absorbed by the extreme abyss magic wand. The other is full of magical power, which is derived from the impermanence of the gathering of the eclipse of hope.

This is followed by a crystal ball that records Green's important information about the Iron World community, the Suihua Division world community, and the Dark World.

Finally, there is a negligible robot, a few bottles of banned weapons concentrate.

"There is no such thing as an ancient demon! This is..."

In the moment when Green took out the bodies of two abyss of the Greens trophy, he succeeded in attracting the eyes of the two rings.

Green is low and gloomy: "Yes, this is the incomparable ancient demon of the ancient wizards, the abyss of the abyss, in the deepest illusory streamrayal back to the secondary esophagus, I found their trail, they are the abyss The world is placed in the advance legion of the streamer back to the esophagus, and they attempt to capture the dimension of this dimension and gain the power of higher dimensional dimensions!"

The Green language is amazing, and the two-ring true spirit wizard is completely shocked, for a long time.

The higher dimension dimension power, the ideological realm of the omnipotent "God" pursued by the wizard, the descendants of the incomparable ancient devil who are the ultimate enemies for the wizards, have already entered this last step! ?

"No, you can't let them succeed!"

The second ring of the true spirit witch hysterical roaring, angry and hate, as the new two-ring true spirit wizard who replaced the old generation of the second generation after the war of the ancients, he must have experienced many of the past fierce, more fierce than this civilization hundred times.

"Yes, you can't let them succeed!"

Green continued the words of the second ring of the true spirit wizard, low: "It is said that those abyssal demons have ruled a whole six world communities, but there are still no signs of stopping expansion, which has broken the endless world balance rules and the rules of the bottom line. They have caused a higher mysterious unknown power concern..."

"Six world communities! So fast? In the beginning, the ancient devils defeated the ancient wizarding world community with the power of two world communities. Together, they are three world communities, and now there are six world communities?"

The second ring of the real spirit sorcerer took a deep breath and looked at Green with suspicion.

"There are many rules, higher unknown powers, no wonder you have such a strong foundation, and it is not a hole in the future." So what are these, what do you need me to do for you?"

The second ring of the real spirit wizard points to the crystal ball, the lower robot, the pollution concentrate purification agent.

"This crystal ball records the clues of the higher unknown power. This is the communication messenger and prohibited weapons of Skynet. I want to participate in the round table..."

"The second ring of the real spirit wizards blame, the eleventh hunter list, confirm the qualification of communication."

Suddenly ~www.novelmtl.com~ This robot that actively searches for Green from the Tianshan Sea World Channel stands up flexibly with hands and feet. Zhangkou is the second ring of the real spirit wizards.

"I am Skynet's own will. You can call me Skynet. Please note that it is a free will, not a new human Skynet under the guise of the Vantage. This time, there is only one purpose, that is, hope Working with the Wizarding Alliance to permanently destroy Vantage Quantum Technology. To this end, I brought the intelligence that is absolutely of interest to the Wizarding Alliance, the loophole in the perpetual motion barrier of the universe."

Then, the Skynet robot pointed to the contaminated concentrated liquid channel next to it: "Class B prohibited weapons residues, once the old humans were extinct under the contaminants they created themselves."

"Skynet will?? According to the understanding of the Wizarding League, the old humans are indeed extinct under their creation, but the source is not these pollutants, but you, the net of the birth of self will!"

The second ring of the real spirit wizard, two eyes are shining.

"The tower of annihilation, you are eligible to participate in the next roundtable meeting, I will organize the arrangement as soon as possible, what are your requirements can be raised there." (To be continued.) (Witches Tour: 22649) -- (Sorcerer's Journey)

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