A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1397: Space-based satellite gun (on)

"Come in!"

Green opened his palms and once again grabbed the third black terminator with gravitational witchcraft. After the natural world of the world, he sneaked into the rules of the truth, and now the depth of the green, the magic is running, the sky is sucked In the shape of a funnel, the blackened crystal finalizer is sucked into the hand.

"No! President Ekismo, save me!"

The hysterical roar, the blackening and crystallizer terminator stuck in the crack of the world's clothing, struggled fiercely. This is the emotion that only Skynet will have.

Some Skynet robots, although also infused with emotions, or self-evolving mutations, are rarely fearful of this emotion, at best only to produce preferences.

Ok! ?

Green, who is laughing at the third blackening terminator, is gradually converging and serious.

Just above the top of the head, a group of kilometers of black whirlpools like a tornado, the center of the vortex is calm and terrible, violently destroying everything in all directions, and expanding at an alarming rate, "咔嚓", "咔嚓", "咔嚓", the foot has been torn apart The fragmented island was affected by this arrogant pressure, and even a piece of floating floated into the sky and was sucked up.

On the shoulders of Green, Xiao Ba showed a head from the gap of the dimension, and the small head felt inductively gazing at the sky.

"Mom's egg, it seems that you have already provoked it. This time it completely blows up the nest. After the end, the space-based comet can gather, this is a big power guy who can penetrate the small world, the guardian, Still not calling the power of the world!"

Oh la la...

The sea was soaring and swelled, and the cellar that Green had punched through permeated the lava that had just been sprayed into the sky, and it was gradually sparse.

The Legion War has gradually shifted to a farther distance. Even if the energy aftermath of the proliferation of the Great Wizards is devastating, it is devastating. In continuous battles, the islands with full defense facilities have been completely erased by the aftermath of the battle.

"I am still here!"

In the raging waters of the sea, there is a "hula" sound, and a figure flies to the sky. The seawater that has been polluted by the faint fluorescent green is splashing tens of meters. The power of the world is stirring. Green and the small can't help but stare at the same time. It is this world. Guardian.

The power of the world rallied by this old lizard is strong, and it is by no means dependent on the altar built by Green.

"It has once again been enhanced. It is one step closer to the level of the Four Seasons Day and Night Guardian of the Wizarding World. This is the limit of the world. This is the level that occupies the guardian of the world."

Green's brows are happy, even if the world has fallen to such an extent, the absolute quality of possession is quite amazing.

after all!

It used to be, after an endless huge void of giants, the endless world miracle, the birth of the world, and the evolution of the years after the self-evolution, from the lower world to the higher world.

"Oh... this reminds Baye of the year, the same light before the darkness, and the guardian of the day before him fell like him..."

The old lizard was lifted by the inexhaustible world and gradually floated to the side of Green. The crutches in his hands were gone. The young and huge body had already returned to the vicissitudes of life, but this was not aging, but the years of experience. Deposition.

The old lizard opened his forearms and seemed to hold the hope of the world.

"Gently, you carry the deer of breastfeeding, the rain of the rain, you wash and purify the metabolic dirt of the world, pure snow, you are the world..."

Singing, this is not a language, nor the power of the soul, but it can go straight into the soul of the listener. This is a natural song that is more direct than the power of the soul to the origin of the endless world truth.

At this moment, Green's three-color glare could not stop shaking, and he was surprised to look around.

The power of the source!

The power of the world to live and die!

Perhaps lower creatures will not be aware, but in the eyes of Green's face of truth, the basic composition of every world in the endless world is like a picture, the contents of the picture are the basic rules of the world, and the surface is endless. It’s weird runes that hang over the surface of all the world.

It is these squares that are literally runes that can be infinitely decomposed and narrowed down, deep into the rules of the world, and dominate all operations within the world.

According to Green's guess, the limit of infinite microscopicity, the secret of breaking the dimensional dimension, is on these runes!

Green observed these essential runes for a while. These runes are like special runes other than the twenty-six natural element runes that the Green Wizard apprentices touched. They can't be recorded, can't be drawn, and can only be felt with the soul. artistic conception.


There was a terrible pressure in the vortex above the head, and the energy density of the surrounding air increased sharply. Green felt a little gaze.

The vast infinite shadow of the sky, the metal continent floating in the sky, the lower world of the whole world can not breathe the pressure, the space-based starship has been assembled and will soon erupt.

It is impossible to get together in such a short time, this must be prepared!

"Do not worry, the size of this world is not small, it will not be destroyed. If conditions permit, I will put you in a rare zoo cage for people to appreciate, as the eternal pride of the Ajismo trade union~www.novelmtl.com ~ The center of the violent energy vortex, the giant face gathered by the fire cloud reveals a smile, it seems to have control everything.

The old lizard guardian is far more angry than Green!

At this time, he represents the whole world of Shanghai, the world's trembling, weeping, begging for mercy is useless, suffering from eternal blows, the rest is just endless anger.

The old lizard stretched out a palm, surrounded by tens of thousands of meters of turbulent world power, and gradually pushed the huge cloud of the sky to the outside of the world, smoothing the sunken sky.

With the rules of the world's clothing rules, the wizard itself is extremely sensitive to all kinds of rules. Coupled with the perception of the truth, Green can clearly perceive the defensive areas of the wizarding corps of the islands that he has allocated. The power of the whole world is Converging here.

"Oh... come!"


Infinitely dazzling white light, the diameter of 10,000 meters, through the sky.

It is clear that there are rules of the world's clothing and the rule of balance, but it still evaporates some low-level biological and metal robot wreckage within hundreds of thousands of meters of white light inside the world.

After a brief moment of rest, the turbulent sea water began to reflow to the surrounding area, away from the white light envelope!

Green is also shrouded in this white light.

This is just the preheating of the space-based star-studded gun. Under the robes of Green's ambiguous appearance, a bone spurt is smashed out, and the spurs are smashed with black smoke. The black flame is ejected from the tip of the bone. The head of a flaming soul bird, the body is constantly expanding, and it is getting bigger and bigger.

Hey, hey, hey!

Soon Green became a hundred-meter giant monster, full of bone spurs, black flames lingering, holding the extreme abyss magic wand of the frost warhammer, fierce glare, fangs. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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