A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1394: Destroy

"Fearing timid? Of course not! I have, only endless anger!"

The old lizard held up his crutches, and the body was in the gathering of the world's forces. The original body of more than 20 centimeters was young and huge at an alarming rate, and rushed toward the sky.

At this time between Green and the metal destroyer, it seems that there is a game.

It’s just that the table of the game is a world, and the legions controlled by both sides and the conditions available to the forces have become their own hands. This is the war vision of the dominant level.

In the hands between the two, Green is already at an absolute disadvantage. At this time, Green has played the only advantage card in his hand and played its strongest power.

"Go! You are the roar of the world's life and death, and let the enemy of the Tianshan Sea world bear your anger and hatred!"


A thunder wave broke through the sky.


On the side of Green, this guardian of the will of the whole world, even if it is only a short period of time, the power is enough to make Green and the struggling metal destroyers look at it, which is enough for Green.


The guardians of the world cannot leave the world, but within the world, with the power of the world, the guardians of the world can enjoy the unimaginable power in a short time with the joy, anger, sorrow and joy of the world. They are the externalities of the world will. which performed.

The palms of the hands pressed from the sky, the shadows have completely covered the island where Green is located. At this moment, the figure that gathers a large number of world powers rises to the sky and greets one of them.

The "bang" sound, along with the black cracks of the sky layered up, this only twenty centimeters of the small lizard world guardian, actually lifted the metal destroyer to come to the palm of the behemoth.

The two are separated by a layer of world clothes, and the world's guardians are blocking the world's clothing and balance rules, and wrestling with metal destroyers!

"Mom egg, really work! Green beast, we are also on!"

Xiao Ba stood on Green's shoulder and yelled, and Green's tri-color gaze also looked up. Seeing this scene, the corner of his mouth sneered.

"Oh, it’s just this level of adventurous power. It seems that it hasn’t made up its mind yet. It’s also true that if it is the omnipotent soul that will force the loss of the medium-sized world, I’m afraid it’s hard to estimate. The spiritual wizard forced the world of the soul, and because the black tower fell under the melting pot of the purgatory giant King Aiba, it was finally determined to come."

Said, the big thousand world ball flew from the left hand of Green, turned around Green, in a natural floating state.

The right hand held the extreme abyss magic wand magic, the head of the pole is extremely cold and glaring, and the ice flower "哔吧", "哔吧" burst, a low roar, Green caused by the continuous release of the big world ball slightly leaked the atmosphere caused by all directions Dark staggered, these distorted light darkly gathered to their own colorful runes.

"Do you want to force this level? Let me go back!"


It’s awkward!

The dark and dark twisted figures of the Green Light are directed to the other palm of the Metal Destroyer, and the impact is significantly stronger than the old Lizard Guardian.

The Thunder arc tore all the light in all directions, and the power of annihilation was used as a carrier to isolate the world's clothing that prevented the metal destroyers from coming, and even counterattacked the metal destroyers.

call out! call out!

Green, the old lizard turned into two black shadows, and tens of thousands of meters of giant hands, a short-term resistance, followed by a metal giant hand slap.

With a bang, Green fell on the island, his feet steadily stepping on the earth, and the land was raging and collapsed in all directions, and the stones rose.

In an instant, a few hundred meters of craters were cracked in the center of Green. Just as Green was snarling, he wanted to stand up straight, and the remaining waves of the body were scattered, but the hundreds of meters of cracks that were cracked by Green were fierce. Spread to 10,000 meters.

The figure that had just stood up was unloaded and the ground fell again.

On the other hand, the old lizard fell into the sea with a bang, and the wave blew up more than a hundred meters and then fell again. For a while, the old lizard no longer appeared.


A painful sullen, this bi-metal palm suffered the impact of Green and the old lizard, as if touching the hot stove, slammed back.

For a moment, the pressure of the folds of the sky was restored to a smooth level, leaving only the next strip of cracks of different sizes.


For the metal destroyer, there is no such thing as a crack. For some of the smaller ones, it is the place to be accommodated. Some little guys suddenly drilled from these cracks into the world before they cracked.

"Well? It turned out to be the idea."

The figure of the green floated silently from the center of the 10,000-meter crater. At the same time, the colorful runes gradually disappeared, and the natural phenomenon of light and darkness gradually disappeared. You stared at the three black cymbals robots that were being drilled into the sky.

There are three robots that have been drilled in from the cracks, all of which are crystallizer terminators, and are elites whose strength is far beyond the general meaning of the crystallizer terminator. The trade union elders can also be called vice presidents.

Still in the crack ~www.novelmtl.com~ These crystallizer terminators have finished blackening, forced to struggle in the cracks, and the cracks violently shake.

"Green Beast, how about starting from that?"

A small eight wing pointed to the sky.

Xiao Ba pointed out that it is a crystallized terminator with the most strenuous struggle in the sky crack. It is completely blackened and it has already struggled for more than half of it. Only the last calf is still behind the crack, and the eager and greedy eyes are being used. Look to Green.

"Well, don't worry."

Green said that the world ball that floated around the natural world once again fell into the hands, and then it was twisted into the past by the time and space of the three-coloured light.

Snoring, snoring...

Even with Green's current magical heritage, the mega-world ball will be absorbed by a whole army, and the energy consumed will not be easily withstood, and it will breathe slightly.

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻...

Unstoppable, one after another more than two thousand meters of virtual space shrink into small black spots like flies, the dense army of the robotic army has no resistance, even if the leader of the squadron of the squadron can not effectively resist, have been hacked The ball ruthlessly sucked in.

Once the world ball is inhaled, according to the concept of Quantum World Ball completely shielded from the Tianwang quantum communication, it is equal to Green's baptism of these metal robots, virtual aircraft carriers, and crystallizer terminators.

The Thousand Worlds Ball will be the cheapest way for Green to win the Stone of the Sage!

"Strengthen the front!"

Under Green's will command, he focused on himself, and the light of hope ushered in the direction of several inferior legions, adding an extra layer of power, which is equivalent to Green's consumption of himself, forcibly lifting his hand to a layer. This is the case with the Quanzu World Group's ability to breed spiders. (To be continued.) Good book, book friend's house! Unique URL:

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