A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1385: Prohibited weapon analysis

The topic of justice and evil is meaningless to the wizard who pursues the truth and the actual interests of truth.

Justice and evil are the judgments of the soul, and the wizards who are good at inciting the lower biological souls, in fact, will also make a boring oath before each hunting of the demon, showing the rationality and justice of their own hunting expedition encroaching on the world. Sex.

In fact, in addition to the new hunter, even the lowest level of the demon sorcerer did not take the justice of the sacred sorcerer as a matter of fact.

This is a layer of fig leaf, but it is necessary and even important to confuse the low-level creatures.

"The Legion of Justice!"

"The annihilation wizard of justice!"

"Let the world of Tianshan sea be better..."

Green will not know how the low-level wizards and the guardians of the Tianshan sea world propagandize themselves. In short, under the command of Green's will, the wizarding army is propagating the evil of the metal destroyer civilization with the image of justice and glory, and even has become a big evil. Bad guy, a symbol of dark evil.

They annihilate humanity, they are cruel and ruthless, they pollute the world, they are greedy and plunder, but also put on a harmless face to build a so-called ecological protection barrier.

These metal robots have become the most terrible shadow in the eyes of lower creatures.

In short, the metal robots of this world have been eliminated. How to promote only the Green Will, as for evidence?

The illicit weapons bulging of the Tianshan Island in the time of Green's time and space, the devastating energy crater, and the wreckage of the empty mother ship that almost re-formed an island on the sea, is the so-called evidence of Liu Aili.

The sorrow of the lower creatures can only be seen one-sidedly. If all the people around are making up a lie, it is already a fact that is surrounded by lies.

In this way, the annihilation of the sorcerer sitting on the throne of the Tianshan Ice Ice has spread closer to the myth, the image of the savior of the Tianshan Sea World, the leader of a large number of biological tribes in the world, greeted the savior and thanked the Savior for letting the world return to peace.

The top of the Tianshan Mountains, above the ice throne.

The year of sitting on Green is only to restore his magic to the peak, but for some lower creatures, it is a **** of the world, passing by his feet, even if he is only perceived by him, it is glory, this is already Become a certain faith.

Glut, whisper, whistle...

The right hand squats with the extreme abyss wand, and the blue chill that naturally overflows makes Green in a state of never freezing. On the left-handed book of Truth, a group of fluorescent green liquid is covered by Green's subtle force field. A trace of water from the water, leaving the most essential pollutants, concentrated.

The three-coloured light of Green is frequently swaying.

By frequently switching the face of truth and focusing on patient and meticulous research, Green gradually realized the extraordinaryness of this weapon!

“This is a pollutant that destroys biological genetic information. It can be subtly dissolved in nature, soaking in the energy of any pure material, especially the pollution of pure energy. The purer the energy, the more it is. Resistance. This contaminant follows another rule, the rules of energy purity, rather than the universally recognized rules of energy supply. The degree of energy is meaningless to it, wonderful!"

Green has been completely immersed in the excitement of exploring the mysteries of knowledge, forgetting everything around him.

The madness of this kind of higher sorcerer can't help but let other sorcerers who are willing to snoop on it begin to study these pollutants.

However, it is clear that compared to Green's use of truth to assist in the exploration of the mystery closest to the essence of truth, these sacred sorcerers have different results depending on their own preferences, different means of detection, and different areas of knowledge.

"Oh, there are still a lot of hidden worlds, but it’s really a space-based starship and a metal destroyer. These little guys are not enough."

Xiaoba stood on the shoulders of Green, overlooking the various tribes who came to worship under the throne of the ice, and made such sighs, and then looked at the pollutants that Green had studied for a long time.

"How, what have you studied?"

"嘭", "The Book of Truth" is closed, this group is re-sealed by Green's condensed pollutants, deep into the forgotten world, the green tri-color light overlooks, overlooking the ice under the throne, those gathered in themselves The original primitive creature tribes are everywhere under the feet.

"This is the power to launch the Cataclysm, similar to the abyss pollution of the abyss world. Although there is no erosion of the abyss, it can change the world's origin, but it is cheaper, more simple, and cannot be prevented. This information... Revolt with Skynet The will is just as important!"

Taking a deep breath, the civilized war will be more and more late, and the disadvantages will be more and more desperate. The wizarding world that has experienced two wars of civilization is the same. In other words, the metal destroyer civilization must be the same.

This thing that was previously ignored by Green is likely to change the situation. Green, with the forward-looking vision of his higher wizards, seems to have seen some terrible sights.

Be sure to stop this from happening!

"Oh, Mom, this time we have a lot of things to come back. Don't say our personal things, the true spirit of dedication to build the Santa system is enough to work, the truth lever magic wand still needs several processes, but also go The Shadow Enigma rewrites the pages of truth, the parasitic spore world settles the death crow, the stone of the original sin of the Earth's world, the sorcerer's expedition plan for the wizarding world, the dark world ambition, the celestial net rebellion, and now there is metal destruction The cheap catastrophe of civilization is destroyed..."

Xiao Ba shook his head and swayed.

"I, it is no longer the little wizard. These things are calculated in the millennium. The stronger the ability, the greater the responsibility. It is not the low-level wizard who can easily complete the battle and time. But the fire of my soul is not enough. There is not much left in the omnipotent soul. It is almost impossible to hunt the soul of the dominance in the material world. The road to dedication must be made as soon as possible."

Just between the words of Green, a third-level wizard flew over, his face panicked, flew to the side of Green, and hurriedly said: "I have seen the great annihilation wizard, the space-based starship... appeared! ”


"finally come!"

"I went to see……"

The Throne of the Ice is located at the top of the mountains. The other sacred sorcerers and the world's lords have followed the example of Green. They built the sacred throne at the top of the Tianshan Mountains. At this time, they heard the news of the space-based starship, and they all changed.


Green was just a light "hmm", slowly stood up from the throne, and the millions of days of the world's tribal army squadrons at the foot of the mountain screamed for a simple movement of Green, this It is a miracle!

Green gently waved the extreme abyss magic wand, the soft magic light gathered at high altitude, the wheel ring was attracted by these magic light, the projection refraction gathered in the past, a huge light curtain of several kilometers appeared.

It is a dark void.

Nearly the emptiness of the emptiness and the emptiness of the vast expanse of the distant sky, shuttled through the void, there should be only one empty creature and the light of the world~www.novelmtl.com~ A behemoth is slowly approaching.

A continent made of metal exudes the pressure of the entire Tianshan sea world, gradually approaching.

"Space-based starship!"

Green took a deep breath and recalled the space-based starship war facing the radiant world, facing the horror of the endless metal robot army.

Time is embarrassing. For the wizarding world, only three thousand years of civilized warfare has passed, but for Green, it has been a few eras. Green has become a terrible old wizard.

Once again facing the metal destroyer who led the space-based starship and the hundreds of thousands of metal robotic corps, Green is no longer the little wizard who can only pry into the battlefield on the edge of the battlefield, but stood in the original seven-ring true spirit wizard. The strong presence of the battlefield height!

Maybe Green couldn't create a magnificent victory in the seven-ring spirit wizard. Even Green's goal was to lead a remnant. In this war, he survived and survived, but at this moment Green is really standing. That height, the battlefield pattern of the dominant civilization, the true spirit wizard height! (To be continued.) (www..)

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