A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 26 Chapter 1375: Dark fear


It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward...

Tornado rain, under the support of the world, these unsightly raindrops are the sharpest sharp knives. The holes in the steel wreck are easily penetrated by holes. The tens of thousands of meters of tornado tear the thunder in all directions, and want to cover the entire Tianshan island. .

The tornado target points directly to the altar of time and space, the exotic breath that comes across the border!

Although banned weapons are equally dangerous, they need a considerable amount of catastrophe. Only one or two prohibited weapons can only pollute one or two Tianshan islands.

These pollutions are not important relative to the entire Tianshan sea world.

At this time, the 10,000-meter giant who burned with a black flame became the most prominent remnant of the Tianshan sea world.

"Wow, the Green Beast is refueling, and it’s still the last point. When the world can only get rid of resistance, I will admit your existence. Oh, I seem to hear it 呻+吟, its panic, its Don't be afraid! The Green Beast is cheering, feel it with your heart, this pure world is being taken by your majestic appearance..."

In the black flame, Xiao Ba is using his metamorphosis, and the words are like words. It is as if Green is strong and violent in the whole world.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, a black sphere appeared, accompanied by the incomparable suction of the black ball, which contained an eternal force that Green could not understand at this stage, sucking a giant metal piece into it.

Even the metal fragments that cannot be purified by the power of the Tianshan Sea World should be the essence of the wreckage of the virtual mothership.

Xiao Ba has nothing to do with people, still laughing in "wow".

"Wow, Green Beast, try more, see if there is any reaction after the big world seeks to **** in the power of these worlds. You are bare and there is nothing, the Eight Lords don't like to pull inside. !"

"Don't be bound by those appearances, soon, there will be everything inside, um..."

With a sigh, the giant struggled fiercely.

Facing the storm, only the giants in the knees of the time and space are left. One hand holds the 10,000-meter-bone magic wand, and the ice on the ice-cream, the ice flower "哔吧", "哔吧" keeps bursting, With the tornado's tears, the sounds of the high, sharp, struggling screams of the flaming souls, the black flames of the nine hundred and ninety-nine heads spurted one after another, offsetting a little raindrops.

The other hand of the 10,000-meter giant is trying to pull his legs out of the altar of time and space, taking advantage of the altar that has long ceased to exist.

Nowadays, this field, it is impossible to push Green back to the dark world by the pressure of the Tianshan sea world alone.


"Oh, hey, steal the door of darkness, the eternal thief, finally found you, you are here!"

Suddenly, Green was in the depths of the door of time and space that was finally struggling to break away. It turned out to be a terrifying and terrifying will. This will is so vast and majestic, even the Green at the end of the door of time and space is not full of humiliation. .

This is the beginning of the dark ancestors!

Now that the Dark Portal has been completed, the inner core of the Dark World will hardly collapse. It is also a matter of time to unify the entire world. At that time, the power of the whole world community will be assembled, and the darkness will be used to open the streamline back and forth, and the dark rules will be promoted in the secondary esophagus. With the endless and horrible five-level and six-level living bodies as the entourage, the power of the innocent dark ancestor will be powerful to the point of horrible!

The dark world community, and the world community where the wizards are located, is only separated by a chaotic world community.

Once the dark world is formed, the contradiction between the wizarding world and the dark world is almost inevitable.

The dark world will surely be the enemy of the wizarding world after the deep world!

Unless the Wizarding World abandons the interests of this world community, assembling all the forces of the Wizarding Alliance to launch the Enchanting Expedition and regain the glory of the ancient wizards, in such a way, the contradiction between the interests of the Diablo World Group is the only way to prevent the two sides from becoming the enemy of life and death.

"Oh, there is no dark sacred ancestor. The door of darkness is indeed a supreme sacred object. I believe that it will not take much time. Between the door of darkness and the magic lever of truth, it will be determined." Right, talking about the power of time and space, the wizard world destiny lever magic wand may be interested, after all, your real body has been banned by eternal, oh..."

Green smiled smugly. If he was in the tunnel of time and space, he was still afraid of the Sanzu, but at the moment he was completely out of the cover of the dark world. The beginning of the dark ancestor was stronger, and Green did not need to pay attention.

The next time he comes into contact with this mighty master, Green must have led an unparalleled sorcerer's army, a true spiritual wizard, standing at the wizard's sorcerer, leading the wizard's will, and determining the evolution of the wizard civilization!

"Small things, do you think you can be fearless when you leave the dark world? You are too ignorant!"

The "hh", the dark mist exudes a shocking sense of crisis, and it erodes Green through the tunnel of time and space. It is a high-level force that Green can't understand for a while, a regular force of dark attributes. .

"Darkness is everywhere, you go there to enjoy the dark horror, I have to see which master can help you through the dark fear!"

It’s awkward!

High frequency, unpredictable oscillating ripples, twisting all directions of light and darkness, Green's fiercely pulling out the right foot from the door of time and space, waving extremely far magic wand into the door of time and space is a annihilation arc bombardment, millions of degrees The qualitative change of energy suddenly caused distortions in the entire Tianshan island elements!

"This is a gift from the wizard!"

Green's hand in a transparent glass beaker ~www.novelmtl.com~ reveals the sinister evil, which is another kind of darkness that is completely different from the source of darkness. The hand is thrown into the door of time and space to be healed by Green. .

Among the experimental beakers, it is the abyss moss!

After being tested by Green for a long time, it only intensified the abyss moss with the purpose of self-destruction. Like the birth of six-ring algae, but it cannot be controlled, its existence does not conform to the rules of endless world.



The crack is closed, the first suspicion is from the other end of the door of time and space, and the second scorn is Green.

woo woo woo woo……

Because the extreme abyss magic wand counterattacks against the dark ancestors of the beginning, after losing their resistance, the Tianshan sea world tornado has completely overwhelmed the figure of the earth, the end of the world, the disaster is raging. (To be continued.)

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