A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1344: Dilemma

"Why, do you have a holiday for the wizard?"

Although this cockroach is powerful, its essence is only a six-level creature, which can summon some of the power of dominance. For Green, there is no threat at all. ~

As the deepest legendary monster of the Digestive Esophagus, hunting the nightmare shadows of other monsters, Green is not afraid to exist below any dominant level.

"Oh, the chaos of the chaos broke out once and for all, but only the dark world group and the mirage world group were affected. It is not your sorcerer's blame! It is your wizard who uses the power of unknown time and space to reverse the direction of chaos and eruption. The strength of the world group, for their own time to develop and grow!"

The embarrassing answer made Green stunned.

Almost at the first time, Green thought of the fate lever!

A ring of true spiritual wizards has been unaware of the low-level wizards, affecting the community of the surrounding world.

Destiny leverage is one of the ultimate civilizations of the wizarding world. On the level of Green, it is by no means comparable to metal fires. Its carrying capacity is almost infinite.

It is the belief that the wizards use their own as a fulcrum and endless knowledge to incite the endless world.

And the rules of the chaotic world community, Green has also understood one or two.

The chaotic world community is not special in its whole. It is composed of a large, medium and small world with strange rules. The only center of this world community is a space-time base. Only when this time and space base point chaotic fog erupts After that, the creatures living in the chaotic fog will follow the chaotic fog.

In general, the properties of chaotic organisms are roughly similar to those of dark creatures.

Green's spiritual world once used psionic technology to artificially open a chaotic world crack.

"Green, be careful, the time and space around it is a bit fuzzy. It is a kind of superconducting illusory creature, and it is likely to have some special rules."

Superconducting illusory creatures?

Hey, he has a variety of weird abilities in the Digestive Esophagus to superconduct the time creatures, I don’t know how many...

There was a whisper of free dandelion in the ear, and Green could not detect it, and the three-color light looked straight at the black pearl.

"Oh? Then you follow this, how about?"

At this moment, Green's words and deeds affect the tens of millions of dark creatures around.

Although the vast majority of these dark creatures are only dark, the individual strength is not worth mentioning, but as long as they exist, it will provide Green with a source of darkness.

"Two high-level wizards. I came here to explore the evil spirits. I was lucky this time. I was able to get some unexpected gains! Oh, I want to pull you into my desires, as an eternal collection, maybe There will be great use in the future."

The black pearl's scorpion was revealed by the light of Green's hopes. Since it was not a dark creature, it was not hit by Green's previous expectations, but it was slightly uncomfortable.

At this time, as the mussels open, the black pearls look like a huge eye, staring at the green, and the time and space twisting the enchantment will cover the vast space.

The wizard is a creature that uses the magic and knowledge to incite the rules. The absolute energy in the body is not strong, so many creatures will misjudge the wizard's power system.

Between the hustle and bustle, like the world, everything around Green is changing, and gradually there are some light colors.

"Wow! Time and space seals, Green Beast, you should be careful not to immerse yourself in it, I am also shining!"

For the space-time seal ability of the small eight has a natural fear, seeing a situation is not good, a body to hide into the gap between the dimensions, no trace.

"Green, in what kind of illusory world we are now, I have not noticed the dislocation of time and space!"

The free dandelion body protects many dead crows, and the body attaches to Green's side, and Shen Sheng asks Green, apparently there is no good way to crack.

Everything in front of me has changed.

The hills are continuous, the mountains are green, the sky is bright, and occasionally a few thick white clouds drift over and cast a large shadow. The only peculiar thing is that every mountain has a fountain that rises into the sky and sprays into the sky. .


Around the green, the birds all over the sky seemed to have lost their sense of direction. After the confusion turned for a while, they gradually dispersed.

These birds are the dark creatures that surround the Green.

"It's still the old rule, the eye of destruction is trying to simulate the ambiguity, here is the eye of destruction. Peace of mind, we are only immersed in the self-will that is influenced by it, do not care about it all, as for the method of breaking ……Uh?"

At the last moment, Green was still full of confidence. At this moment, he turned his head and looked at the free dandelion that had been affected by the black pearls in his will.

At this moment, the free dandelion was naked and naked, and the skin on the body was covered with snow. It was exposed to Green, but looked at Green with a smug look. The figure of Dina was completely in the eyes of Green.

In most of the time, free dandelion is hidden in time and space to protect the dandelion situation, and to increase and protect the target when needed.

At this time, in the dilemma, the free dandelion turned out to be such a image, although in the Green Eye of the essence of truth, this exposure is nothing, but the loss of that surface camouflage, still not quite comfortable.

Of course, in the eyes of the free dandelion sacred sorcerer, Green may also have been transformed into something else.

I remember the Cangyan Mountain, which was disguised in the Eye of Destruction. At the beginning, Green was even enchanted by the wizards who turned into monsters~www.novelmtl.com~ until later the truth was discovered.

Gently shaking his head and throwing away the cranky thoughts, Green said lowly: "There are many ways to break, but for us, the easiest way is to be brute force, snakes swallow the image, oh."

At the corner of Green's right mouth, there was a brutal arc, and the extreme abyss magic wand in his hand quickly expanded with the support of Green's majestic magic.

The feeling of oppression that makes people unable to breathe gradually came, and the ripples of the rounds spread.

"Hey, Green, why is the abyss on your magic wand so strong, like a living incomparable ancient demon standing in front of me, I can't even suppress the original hatred of my heart!"

As the extreme abyss magic wand that absorbed the magic feather phoenix and completed the sublimation, at this time, Green released the extreme abyss wand pressure, the kind of atmosphere that makes each wizard inscribed with hatred is actually true.

"This will explain to you later."

Green smiles completely emerged.

Free dandelion can clearly perceive the abyss, so it is impossible to complete the consciousness completely indulge. In other words, you should soon see some real face.

It’s awkward! It’s awkward! It’s awkward...

At this moment, the high altitude of the original sun shines with the extreme abyss magic wand magic cloud, the world seems to have responded to this, an arc cut through cracks. (To be continued.)

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