A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1337: Dark sun

Oh la la...

The Fountain of Eternity came from heaven, and the rushing to the sea was not restored. One day went east to 90,000 miles, and the oil well Hengquan was dark.

"Hey, hey, hey!"


In the spring spray that exudes a long-lasting temperament, Xiao Ba, Green, Dandelion, Sanzu Jinwu, and dozens of death crows flow down the river, followed by a slap in the face, falling to the bottom of a vast Qingtan In the middle, a large wave of water was picked up.

"Wow, it's so fun, it's really not fun, I want to play again!"

The Fountain of Eternity descended from the sky, and the sound of torrents continued. The little eight was very excited. He licked the oily luster of colorful feathers and opened the large drops of water on his body, suddenly discovering the anomalies in the sky.

"what is that?"

Green stood on the relatively calm water pool on this side, walking between the walks and strolling under the feet.

I have confirmed that there is no accident in the pedestrians around me, and there is no danger in all of them. I feel quietly that this scale is larger than the black gold world. The internal perfect rules have been able to form a strong restraining force on Green at this time. .

This is a powerful and powerful world.

Follow the instructions of Xiao Ba, the three colors of the face of Green Truth looked into the sky.

It is a black sun, pure black, without any light that can penetrate its pure black body surface, it is like a black hole that absorbs all the light. Once the free regular light in the world is close, it will be swallowed by its ruthlessness. It can only be judged by the change of ambient light.

"The source of darkness..."

Unlike many creatures, the world's appearance can only be perceived through the light field of view.

Green, who has the face of truth, can perceive the representation of the world in multiple ways, pointing to the mystery of truth, but also because of his long-term contact with the mysterious power of the source of darkness. This is a group of black **** that are gathered by the mysterious power of the source of darkness.

"Well? Not just the source of darkness."

In the more delicate perception, the source of darkness is the mysterious force that is freed from all directions in the world.

This group is hung in the middle of the sky and has become one of the dark suns of this world rule. There is a strong living body inside, and it seems that it is gestating a new form of dark creature.

Even the indigenous creatures in this world are also no shortage of the world's strongest. The strength of strength is far from being comparable to the average medium-sized world.

"Green, what should I do now?"

Only the most intimate wizards will call each other's names. For the higher wizards, the direct call name is equal to the direct name.

In the 22nd district of the Second Ring Santa, only Green and Dandelion are left. At this time, they are in the same foreign land, and they are competing with each other. They are eager to return to the wizarding world.

"The world is very strong and bears strong, and there is no shortage of strong people. As for the source of these darkness, it should be from the dark world group through time and space cracks, first look for dark heavy oil wells. To be larger."

Green looked at the free dandelion sacred sorcerer, this kind of thing, this holy sorcerer is very suitable.

The heart will be gods, thousands of dandelions will fly around. Although these avatars do not have any powerful capabilities, it is enough to find the oil wells of this world.

"Hey, I heard that the creatures of this world are drinking dark heavy oil as the source of strength. Master, let's try it too, see if it's good?"

Xiao Ba actually committed a addiction, and everything is like trying.

sky. In addition to the sun as the source of darkness, there is one spring after another falling from the sky, and the light of the free rule shines the sky in pale gold. The background is blue and the white clouds are blooming.

"Go first to see what is inside."

Green said. The figure is blurred, the wind whistling around the body, walking in the real time, in the air twisting and squeezing in all directions, close to the sun of the dark source that hangs in the high air.

The purest darkness, the source of a trace of darkness is like black tobacco, which is incompatible with the surrounding light sources, radiating in all directions, gradually merging in the light and darkness, and eliminating each other.

This source of darkness has hundreds of thousands of meters of sun, and it is almost the same as the eternal moon.

Overlooking the sky, the entire dark heavy oil land, all corners are braving the source of darkness, gradually gathering in high school, often most of them are low and half empty, only those relatively dark sources of dark light can Reluctantly insist on rising to the sky and gradually blending into the sun of this dark source.

"Oh? It turns out that it is possible to follow these dark sources to find enough dark heavy oil wells!"

Green shook his head and relied on the free dandelions to find dark heavy oil wells, but it was not worth mentioning at the moment when Green looked for the essence of truth.

At the same time, Green clearly felt the impatience and urgency of his little-eyed mystery elbow bird. In the light of doubt, the light flashed and the black flame rose.




The burning black flame, the pure source of darkness, the flames of the 10,000-headed bird unfolding the wings, covering the sky with tens of thousands of meters of body, long neck, nine hundred and ninety-nine heads stretched, intertwined, Like a barbarian giant python, a pair of cold scorpions stare at the darkness of the sun, the dying dark life in the midst of sleep.

"Xiaowan, what's the matter with you?"

Xiaoba flew to the head of the Yanshen Wantou, strangely asked, just a moment, the reaction of the soul of the 10,000 birds was very strong, that is the instinct of life evolution.

The soul of the 10,000-headed bird has a low head and a small voice, and the rest of the heads are staring at the sun of the darkness.

Compared to the huge volume of the dark source of the sun, the soul of the 10,000-headed bird is still as insignificant as a watermelon, with a red fruit.

Hey! Hey! Oh...

The strong heartbeat sounds faster and faster, followed by a strange sense of oppression, from low to high, gloomy and vast laughter.

"Hey, hey~www.novelmtl.com~哼哼哼哼哼哼..."


On the sun of the darkness, four narrow eyes were opened, and the pure white fusion luster was released, and the three colors of the green were slightly shrunk.

This feeling is a fascinating light that awakens!

"I have already completed the physical transformation outside the Diablo World Group and have grown into this situation. Now I am going to return to the Diablo World Group to achieve the Dark Holy Father?"

Four narrow and long white light, each looking at Green, Xiaoba, Yanwan Wantou and the earth, and finally gathered on the Yanwan Wantou bird.

"Unfortunately, there is a war where there is no sacred ancestor to make any lord sway. You are going back now, but you are looking for a dead end."

Sorry, these days are really busy enough, although I have been prepared before... It will be fine next month, I will adjust the time to update in the morning.

The second is about 9:30, sorry. (To be continued.)

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