A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1335: Leaving (sorry late)

The Black Gold Institute is divided into two modes: private research institutes and alliance research institutes.

Here is the forefront of research and exploration of Heijin Science and Technology. Through the study of the nature of black gold, the Institute applied for alliance patents to achieve profitability, promote the development of Black Gold technology, and enter a virtuous circle.

"Compared with the elemental wizards to pursue the rules of knowledge, the different wizards are infinitely magnified. The science and technology system emphasizes the process of social collaboration and self-replication. Although the development speed is extremely fast, it is easy to be broken by weak clicks, and there is almost no miracle. ""

Turned into a multicolored starling Green, holding a needle, gently on a piece of glassware, a drop of simple concentrated black gold on a glassware.

Distillation, precipitation, the world's purification method for black gold, only these two!

This has little effect on Green's expected increase in black gold purity.

Compared with the study of black gold structure and auxiliary energy core in this world, the research direction of black gold purification can be described as primitive. It seems that instead of pinning its hopes in this world, it is better to go back to the wizarding world with Green and use a more advanced knowledge system. Black gold purification.

As all the wizards in the field of alchemy knowledge, compared to the various ways of purification in the wizarding world, the distillation and precipitation purification technology of the Black Gold world is only a group of wisdom, but the instinct of a group of wisdom does not open up the primitive creatures, rough and ugly.

"Green Hughes, how is your research today?"

Green has come to this institute for nearly a month. This female cuckoo is fascinated by Green's indifference, arrogance, and sagacious appearance. In the past few days, he has been trying to get close to Green, and his intention to mate is not disguised.

Pushed the frame of the glasses.

The same is the product of Black Gold Technology. Under the manipulation of the black gold gas in the blood of the Green Bone, the glasses change shape and turn into a necklace charm. Although the black gold world can not be like a senior warrior, it can be used for extremely complicated mechanical armored combat weapons. To achieve meticulous manipulation, but the control of civil black gold technology, but also into the blood of each bird.

"As it was yesterday, the ideal black gold nature could not be achieved. It should be that our distillation and precipitation technology is too insignificant for the purity of black gold that we want to achieve."

The cuckoo is now completely attracted by the noble and wise atmosphere that Green can't tell. Oh, Scorpio, the colorful feathers on it are also very beautiful, it is so charming!

“Hey, Green Hughes, recently Bijinglongge has launched some new products, let’s go see it today?”

The cuckoo actively invited Green, the playfulness that could not be said.

At this time, there were only two people in the laboratory, light red light, that is the afterglow of the sunset, warm and comfortable, for a time two birds looked at each other, can not tell the embarrassment.

This feeling, like the time of the wizard apprenticeship, the boys and girls only need occasional eye contact, it will spark some sparks of passion.

In those years of youth, perhaps only a few glasses of red wine on this spark can make this spark into a towering flame and burn everything.

Green Instinct wants to look at the higher creature's overlooking posture, and inadvertently refuses, but suddenly feels something, the eyes behind the little cuckoo look at the wall, seems to have penetrated the layers of space to block, found something.


Green even promised it!

In the cuckoo's surprise, Green's colorful parrots are graceful and calm, and after the notes on the experimental bench are cleaned up, they follow the cuckoos and walk outside the door.

The suspension vehicle is parked in the capsule library. Although modern birds can fly with double wings, it is a fashion and a necessity to take the suspension vehicle. The cuckoo obviously has excellent family conditions. After only a moment, a high-end The suspension car drove over, the beautiful curve, stopped in front of Green.


The friction of the light sand, the suspension car door opens.


Green sat in, the suspension core has a design specifically for the body of a bird, a protective cover is formed in the car, and then quickly opened the 300-story scientific research building, facing a giant on the top of the city The tree flies away.


"Anlia Yabu, you... who is he!?"

In the Big Tree Building of Bijinglongge, Green, who accompanied the cuckoo to appreciate the aesthetic of the black gold world, was dragged by an angry swan. This swan roared to the bird, attracting hundreds of bright and beautiful buildings. The birds waited and watched and left soon.

This kind of arrogance and jealousy, the same as the normal situation during the wizard apprenticeship.

what a pity……

Green did not go through so many good things in that time, and some only explored the truth experiment day after day, every day spent in the fulfillment of self-satisfaction, but also lost a lot of fun in life.

"this is……"

The cuckoo screamed at the swan, and opened the wings of the swan, while the middle of the green seemed to be okay. After being recalled by the youthful emotional interest, the pair looked at the distant sky.

Outside the building, suddenly there was a chaos.

All kinds of police alarms sounded one after another, and the swan and the cuckoo finally reacted. They looked at the birds who had just wandered around, but now they were full of horror and hurriedly fled in a sound broadcast.

"Alarms, warnings, this is not acting, the wing of death has come to the edge of the city of Senster, please ask the citizens to look for civil defense measures to take refuge."

In the light curtain broadcast, the birds have not yet noticed anything.

Although the wings of death on the broadcast have been passed, the grass is not born, but it is in other cities, and it is only a second-rate city after another, and has not affected the first-tier cities and the whole world.

However, at this time, when the Wings of Death came to their own city, the birds were finally aware of the terrible disaster.

Oh la la...

The black death whirlwind passed, the black gold glass of one building after another was broken, the emerald green was dyed dark, and then it was a violent hurricane, accompanied by the metal twisting sounds of "Oops" and "Oops". The rice building has varying degrees of distortion, bending and collapse.

The shadow of the Deathwing is everywhere, leaving only a large ruin.

After all, it is a six-level creature, three hundred deaths, crows, hundreds of thousands of mourning dead heads, quickly interspersed between the ground ruins, one hundred birds that were originally protected by the black gold device, able to survive the chaos, in an instant It became an empty shell corpse and fell straight.

However, even so, the three-legged death crow is only the end of the strong.

Green hopes that in the distant sky, one powerful black monster, nearly one kilometer away, seems to fly in the sky, and the building is full of fluorescent light.

Needless to say, this is the ultimate battle weapon of the era of the Black Gold World, the Alliance, through the infinite stack of black gold technology combat weapons.

"No, no, this is not true!"

The high-rise building, the three-legged death crow that struck over a few kilometers away at the moment, in the gaze of the birds, every feather is clearly visible, this is a creature whose own power surpasses the most peak black gold technology! ?

Unbeatable shocks These birds, which have been degraded by the body, have lost even the courage to escape under the pressure of the six-level creatures.


The Death Wings passed, and the Bijing Longge Building was also unable to avoid the catastrophe. The internal metal brackets were twisted and the building collapsed in an instant. The countless birds fell heavily and even died in the collapse of the building, followed by tens of thousands. The death sorrow sorrowful head crossed, taking away a death grievance.

call out!

Gently put the stunned cuckoo in the ground, and after finally glanced at Green, he turned his head and walked on the ruin filled with death, and left with a flash.

Destruction and destruction are always easier than creating and building.

The city, once enveloped by colorful neon, advanced, harmonious and prosperous, has been completely ruined at the moment.

It’s just that the three-legged death crow as a six-level creature has been inadvertently crossed, but does not know how many hard-working birds are needed. It takes years to build successfully.

In the past six months, Green has gotten almost the basic information about Black Gold. This three-legged death crow should also recognize his situation. Now it is just a homeless evil spirit.

It’s awkward!

On the back of the three-legged death crow, who was escaping to death, suddenly the thunder exploded, and then the Green Human Sorcerer figure came out, first glanced at the dozens of weakly disabled crows on the back of the three-legged death crow. It is the last death crow of this world.

Then he said in a low way: "Hey, how are you, your death army?"

The three-legged death crow did not speak ~www.novelmtl.com~ Different from the past, at this moment, Green actually felt a sadness and sorrow in it, it was the helpless pain of the family, and there was no previous laughter.

Because on its body, bear the responsibility of ethnic inheritance!

"Go, follow me to the wizarding world, where there is no control of the ancestors, without all the memories you have ever had, I will assign you a medium-sized world that you have left, and you will die behind the battle of civilization." The crows have re-emerged and grown. What you need to pay is to help me firmly control the world. I want the wizard's will to erode the world community..."

Green's voice, as if with a magical, hoarse and low, that is the wizard's desire to control.

"The distant world community, the wizarding world... good!"

Disheartened, the three-legged death crow finally looked at this strange world. In the laughter of Green's "桀桀桀桀桀桀" laughter, the magical runes that had been arranged in all directions were flashing, and the time-space twist disappeared. . (~^~)

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