A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1329: Black gold technology

Incarnate as two colorful starlings, clothing leather collar, carrying briefcase, Green and three feet flying in the sky above this bustling hatchery, can not help but look around. ??猎文????????

Colorful and frequent neon lights, passing through the black gold pipeline high train between the cities, the giant screen light curtain of more than 100 meters under the neon lights and searchlights, playing the Hundred Birds Aesthetic Contest, fashionable.

The highly disciplined black gold warriors of the high-altitude team flew over, and the passing passers-by looked serious and unsmiling, and formed a sharp contrast with the relaxed atmosphere of the high-end fashion aesthetic art on the light curtain.

At this moment, Green and the three feet are separated from the high-profile viewer and integrated into the hatchery.

The two people are full of horror for this highly integrated, informative, aesthetic and artistic city. It is as if the rural youth who have never seen the world come to the prosperous city for the first time, and they are full of novelties everywhere.

"If the sorcerer world civilians can live like the people here, enjoy the aesthetics, art, thinking, information and the high degree of communication brought about by the society, no longer the oppression of the Marquis, the old carriage, the servants in their childhood, and then Based on this, the wizard's ancestors' plan is completed. There is no longer a distinction between the nobility and the civilian class in the wizarding world. What kind of scene should it be?"

It can be seen that although the world is in a state of high pressure in the pre-unification period of the World War, it has already begun to prosper its material life.

This represents the advanced nature of social productivity, and the idea is highly inclusive, liberating, and avant-garde.

If the wizarding world is transmitted under such information, the ordinary low-level wizards can also look into the vision of the sacred sorcerer and even the true sorcerer, instead of concentrating resources on cultivating the great wisdom of a few dawning wise and hunting sorcerers. Let the wisdom of every wizard in the world of witches get the most out of it.

Green's twilight flashes, and you can imagine your future future wizarding world.

"I didn't expect that you were sealed for two thousand years. This world has been born with such tremendous changes. It has already shown a highly productive social prototype. Maybe you have been eliminated by this era of the world."

The three-legged death crow heard Green say so, the hair was blown up.

"This is the king's world! These sinister skills are more powerful than the power of death, but they are flamboyant leaves. Oh, if I did not return from the world of radiation, the space has been twisted for hundreds of years, and death. The Legion has lost all of its money in the war, plus the wounds of self-breakthrough... Their despicable ancestors have no chance at all, hateful!"

The three-legged death crow has a low voice of anger and squeezes out from the depths of his throat.

Carrying a briefcase, the two men descended from the flying state of the flying, next to a female kingfisher with a relatively slim and enchanting appearance. There are many decorative paintings on the feathers, even ignoring the green of the smiling gentleman, not looking up and down. The colorful crows of the dead crows seem to be attracted by the coldness of the three-legged.

The sullen anger made this female kingfisher have an urge to conquer.

In the midst of Green, the female kingfisher could not help but wink at the three-legged, until the working place of a giant tree house building, the female kingfisher left.

"It seems that you are very attractive."

Green is teasing.

"Hey, this humble female slave, when the king was raised tens of thousands when he was young, is it a low-level fun, just because she wants to have a good time with this king?"

Disgusted, the three-legged death crow tongue licked.

"But her meat fat tastes good. I didn't expect that after so many years of stocking, these slave meats are delicious. Oh, it's a surprise. You can enjoy the delicious food when you finish the **** game in the future."

Green was speechless, with a three-legged death crow, and came to the destination of the previous visit.

Black Gold Technology Exhibition Park.

The so-called black gold technology is a kind of transformation ability of the world's wisdom scholars to create a hollow combination of the characteristics of black bones.

Black gold, semi-liquid, semi-gas, semi-energy high form, the three are integrated into one, forming a perfect resonance.

The core of Black Gold Technology is to inject the black gold gas into the hollow humerus of the white poultry, thereby guiding the liquid and energy parts of the black gold in the body. Only a small amount of force is required to induce the partial change of the gas, and then the external energy of the resonance can be relied upon. The liquid part gives off amazing power.

It must be said that the principle design of Black Gold Technology has its advanced nature at the beginning.

On this basis, Hundreds of Birds have joined the nuclear power stabilization system, multi-core power system, energy structure wave effect, black gold purification, heterogeneous black gold, auxiliary system, remote control......

The world has become rich and colorful because of black gold. It may not take too long. The name of the world of Sifan will be completely forgotten by people and will be renamed the Black Gold World.

"This gentleman, what do you need?"

A cuckoo bird waiter came in and asked Green.

"Please tell me about the latest products here, I am from the west, I am planning to purchase some for promotion."

Green elegant, calm, noble temperament, casually said, suddenly let the cuckoo waiter's eyes light up, apparently have completely believed in Green's patron status.

The cuckoo bird waiter enthusiastically introduced the various black gold fittings on the booth. Is it better to buy some high-grade sage as a nest decoration for this month's bonus use arrangement?

After several hours of hourglass, through these representations, although Green did not understand the detailed principles of these black gold technology, but the design concept has been generally understood, this is enough for Green.

The elemental wizard's idea is to use a variety of rules to infinitely magnify its own unique abilities. Each elemental sorcerer is different, and there will never be a mechanical wizard's mechanical heart, the sky city and the exotic technology civilization. Normalized replica.


Ten years later.

Bailing Nest Empire Xingyu Incubation Garden, known as the first incubator of Bailing Nest, is the foundation of the founding of Bailing Nest. It has the strictest social review order and the highest specification secret research base of the Bailing Nest Empire.

In the sky, Green and the three-legged death crow stand side by side.

All black gold habitat hatcheries are bound to be built on the nodes of this world, and this Bailing Nest Black Gold Hatchery is undoubtedly a large world node in this world.

After three years of death, the crow traveled around the world for several years, and Green came to this world node to study and summarize the application and summary of the world for black gold.

For Green, the use of black gold in this world at this time is too low.

Before you go, you should probably stimulate the world and leave some painful memories to make the world speed up, just like...just like the Wizarding World Expedition!

Thinking like this, Green died toward the three-legged crows around him: "Tell the descendants of these enemies, you will come back, you will leave some memories in this world."

Said, Green reached out and volleyed to a giant ball of more than 100 meters.


The staff working in the hatchery were suddenly shocked by the "Oops" of the incubator, and they stopped to look at them. The next moment, the "black and white" incubator flew out of the air. , drifting toward the sky!

嗡呜, 嗡呜, 嗡呜...

"Alarms, alarms, this is not a war. Please all citizens enter the war bomb shelter as soon as possible. Please ask all citizens to enter the war bomb shelter as soon as possible..."

Governor's Office.

The magnetic woodpecker looks up at the sky and weeps in fear.

"That... what is it, the latest black gold technology of the Lanyan Empire? Is the world war finally inevitable? The world will be destroyed, oh, those black gold technology researchers are the sinners of this world, In the black panic, a hundred birds will go to the end, can't you make this world full of peace and love? Why?"

The ostrich governor also looked up to the sky, the vast atmosphere of death, the overwhelming death.


this is……

"My slaves, welcome to enjoy the dark killing **** game field, so fear in this world! Oh, I will come back soon, I really excited the king, this king has already thought about 10,000 kinds of deaths." The game is waiting for you, oh..."


The black flames of the sky were raging, and hundreds of meters of giant trees and mountains were instantly collapsed. There were screams of fear everywhere. The black death light passed through the bunker and easily incinerated the weak birds.

In the sharp anti-control and whistling sound of the whole city, the secret base metal door opened, and a black gold warrior that had just flown out was easily burned by the black death flame.

High in the air.

After Green has collected this hundred-meter incubator, it will be glanced at the city that has been largely ruined by the indifference of the three-color light.

With the fear of the three-legged death crows on the world, the countries that want to carry out the world reunification war will inevitably unite in an unprecedented way to deal with this death crisis that does not know when it will burst, just like the abyss world. The wizards of the various factions of the Wizarding World.

Therefore, we will concentrate on developing a higher level of black gold technology in the shortest time and in a short time.

At that time, Green only needs to take some higher-level black gold technology results, and just do his own unique research.

Thinking so, Green with three-legged death crows, in the envelope of this invisible magical array, the wide-ranging distortion of time and space disappeared into the world.

Grief and fear, the three-legged death crow hit the enchanted city of the Brauns on the map.

The countries that are in the arms race have received this news. The archaeological historians have begun to publicize the history of ancient history. It is a dark age in which the town’s sacred birds are slaughtered and slaughtered. The inhuman death wing patrols its territory... ... (to be continued.)

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