A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1318: 怒, BrianLai


This big guy!

"Destroy the wizard? Hey, what are you doing in my world?"

On the huge body of the propaganda spider, the countless child spiders crawled and looked very horrible. Compared to the other side, even the Green who opened the ancestors was really small.

The dominating level exists, and it is easy to destroy the power of the world, and look to the whole world community, the void.

"I want to free the dandelion. She is also from the wizarding world. It is my partner. I want to take her back. This is the guide from the wizard's will."

Green is so sullen that there is no doubt.

The human ancestral mandible is relatively large, which is evolved for chewing and swallowing a larger prey. It is snoring and heavy, and the sound is heavy and rough.

There are many compound eyes in the breeding spider, and the "drop" is turning.

"Oh, it turned out to be her, the food that I sent to my door more than a thousand years ago, can! Complete my conditions and let her go."

Apparently Green didn't expect the propaganda spider to be so easily promised, and the ancestors exposed by the fangs rushed to open their mouths.

"What conditions!?"

Said, Green has listed all the tradables in his mind all the way, if you can, Green even made a price to pay a part of the soul of the dominance!

"Help me subvert the world of eternal moon and implant the spring of hatred into the eternal spring of the world. I will consider letting her go, oh..."


Green immediately vetoed.

It’s crazy. If you rush to participate in the war vortex between these masters, even the more powerful lords of the Fountain of Eternity and the Spring of Hate are involved. If you sign a contract, I am afraid that this world community is the journey of Greene’s return to the Wizarding World. The end point.

What's more, in contrast, Green is even more willing to stand on the side of the Eternal Moon, and will never reverse the condition of propagating the spider.

"Oh, then there is no way, wait until the day you think about it."

The body of the propagating spider is too large. It is precisely because of this, the will is thick and concise, and the heavy feeling that people can't break.

"and many more!"

Green roared and stopped the propaganda spider who was about to leave. Shen Sheng said: "Let her, you will have the friendship of the great wizard, and..."

Green is trying to list some of his tradable resources. Suddenly, the propagating spider mother laughed hahahaha. It seems that he is laughing at Green's words "You will get the great wizard's will".

Standing on the spider silk screen, the spider's mother's vast fat body, with the laughter, caused the world's clothing layers to wave.

"Destroy the wizard, your self-righteous fart has succeeded in making me laugh, hahahaha, the friendship of the great wizard's will? It seems that although you have reached this level, you have not realized the real gap with the master. Hey, now You can roll with your **** wizard friendship. Hahahaha..."

Under the face of truth, the Green face was completely gloomy, and the three-colored light was shrouded in shadows. It was unspeakable and suppressed, and only the laughter of the propagating spiders echoed.

However, it is obvious that the propagating spider mother also clearly perceives the powerful and unparalleled release of the Green Terran. No interest in time-consuming and laborious battles.

Green's last hope and patience have been swallowed up by the mocking laughter of the propagating spider.

After a while, the Greens ancestors suddenly raised their heads.

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

In the angry gasping, Green growled.

"How dare you trample on the wizard's friendship! Insult the great wizard's will! In my long years, I have only met one person who dares to do this. Now it has accepted the most cruel punishment of the wizard's will! No one can insult the great The wizard's will, never! Snoring, snoring, snoring, and in this case, then feel the cruelty of the great wizard's will!"

The body of the ancestors of Greene was truly snarling. Unexpectedly, the crack in the dimension gap on the left hand flashed, and a strange paper emerged out of thin air.

Of course, Green knows the difference between himself and the endless ruler!

At this time, Green is only able to briefly resist the real dominance during the eruption of self-sealing. However, with the master of the Almighty Spirit, for Green, the ruler is innate and invincible, and the Almighty Spirit gives the ability to dominate the infinite resistance. .

However, Green can only connect life with the rules of life equivalence of the light of the rules, and passively guarantee his invincible position.

Unless it is an Albanian savage madman, or a war of civilization that is related to the survival of the race, no one will die like this.

The runes on the page of destiny are the same as the original rules of the rune in every part of the Green Worldview. At this moment, the ancestors of the ancestors are like a fine sand, insignificant.

It seems that it appears in the material world itself, and there is no special effect except the most basic magical function.

"呜", the words on the page of Destiny in Green’s hands disappeared with a strange wind, leaving only a blank page in Green’s hands, completely without any effect, even the propagating spiders were This slightly stunned, a Green will launch a terrible attack.

Although knowing that the curse of fate is in accordance with Xiao Ba, it will take effect after a few hundred or even thousands of years, through the play of fate, but at this moment, Green anger rushes to take out the card to punish the other party, but it has no effect at all. Look, still let the mood dingy.


An overwhelming white giant net, facing the Green hood.

"Hey, if that's the case, come over, if you can eat you, I can give birth to a billion children."

It’s awkward!

The annihilation of the arc annihilated a huge hole in the giant net, and the Green element escaped from the moment. A stone of original sin gradually changed in the Green Magic package. The Green ancestors were huge and full of body, and the quaint runes permeated.

"The original sin is broken!"

Under the original sin to break the blessing ~www.novelmtl.com~ Green's hands in the extreme abyss magic wand tip, thousands of icebergs into giant hammers, igniting the ice and tide in the void, and heading toward the breeding spiders.

However, when hundreds of millions of people spread the poisonous spider horror army, it was only a vassal of a spider's leg that spawned the spider mother. In the desperate pressure, a slap in the face, a large piece of frozen frost Flying.

"The field of alienation!"

Hand-held yin and yang dissimilation light, the hands of the ancestors, this shadow of the alienated light on the wick blazing on the blazing flame, suddenly will be slightly stunned Green around the clean up.

At this moment, Green has been able to clearly perceive the power of the rules.

Unlike most of the masters who draw strength from the Legion of the People, this propagating spider can give their own power to the Propellers, and increase the possession of the propagating spider! (To be continued.)

PS: The third is more.

Congratulations to BrianLai for his "Sorcerer's Journey", to complete the dedication of the true spirit, to achieve the great wizard of the wizarding world, to build the Holy Tower, to nurture the hope of one side, to build a great wizard will!

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