A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1303: The king of the emptiness of the world!

"What is this world?"

Wearing the crown of the void, Mellongwei Stone, as the king of the new emptiness of the emptiness, thoroughly opened up the time channel of sacrifice, and the first time, he realized that this time and space is also in the midst of fierce battle. This is civilization. Battle!

After seeing the Iron Judge's stone tomb Long Quinn, Mirlong Wei Shishi, an unknown creature that signed a contract with himself, communicated with the will.

The skin on the chest was divided into dozens of times by Mellon Weishi, and it was made into a scroll of time and space, which was placed along the tide of the void.

Although most of these scrolls are lost in the long empty sky, there are still very few unknown places that are filled with material energy.

There is a lot of brown-purple spots between the gaps of the flesh and blood of the skin that has lost the skin. The majestic heart "咕咚" and "咕咚" are constantly beating. The five-meter-high body of Mellongwei stands in this unknown space, only Under the head of a curved horn, the azure-colored eyes gaze at the little thing in front of him, a living body that helps determine the space-time coordinates.

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

The stone tomb of the Long Quinn Golden Lion masks under the eyes, looking at the horror creatures that ran out of the passage of time and space.

For a moment, the stone tomb Long Quinn actually had a thousand years ago, and he saw the vast imperial pressure of the Queen of the Ages, and overwhelmed himself, and it was difficult to breathe.

At this moment, in front of him, it is so small!

His body, which is surrounded by higher exotic and unknown atmosphere, is so perfect, so powerful, so violent, the stone tomb Long Quinn has no doubt that the other party only needs to gently extend a finger. Kill yourself.

"My king, those abyss demons have come over, this is already our last tribe!"

The tone of sorrow is extremely sad.

Among the distorted time and space passages, the scorpion scorpion king leads the less than a thousand vain walkers. Difficult to escape to the side of the space-time channel, faintly able to see the endless dark magic cloud behind these empty walkers, and the screams from behind the magic cloud.

The sinister and violent abyss of the Devils laughs as if they are fully enjoying the joy of the winner. Chasing the dog that finally lingered and died.

"Abyss world! Ah..."

From the deepest part of my heart, I don’t hide my hatred and roar.

Mellongwei Stone is in the sky, and a scaled eagle claw is held high, gathering the amazing time and space power in all directions. For a time, the whole world of the Nether Star is more turbulent. It is as if the whole world is going to collapse completely.

The deep purple smoke gathers more and more among the scales of the talons, and it becomes more and more dense. The twisted and distorted time and space makes the nearby iron judges in the state of residual image, and the meteorites in all directions are sucked over. The group was smashed in strong time and space fluctuations.

This iron-blood judge is constantly being sucked over, as if to crush it.

Under the golden lion mask, the stone tomb Long Quinn double-faced reveals an incredible light. What kind of monster is this, what have you done in the end!

Under the iron armor. The body of the blood is violently shaken.

Just as the stone tomb Long Quinn is about to resist the time and space, when it is to be sucked in, the horrible monster that ran out of the distant unknown time and space roared, and the dark purple in the claws interfered with the smoke of time and space. A fist hit into the space-time passage behind him.

This door of time and space, nearly a kilometer, was dyed pure purple.

The void walkers who are struggling to move forward, and the only ones who are dying in the sky, are helped by this time and space fluctuations. The "噗嗤", "噗嗤", and "噗嗤" are squeezed out from the inside, and they are ignored. Everything, under the armor of the emptiness of the void. Looking terrified at the door of time and space behind me, it seems that there is something terrible behind.

"My king, they are chasing after the whole, the entire prison is dead. Everyone is swallowed up by them, everyone..."

A four-legged beetle Voidwalker sorrows and weeps.

As a travel information exchanger in the void, there is nothing more than a loss of home companions, and even more grief for these ancient lives.

From then on, they will become homeless wanderers!

" Needless to say!"

Mellon's stone roared because it screamed fiercely. It seems that the front chest without skin is pulled and painful, and I can't help but **** a cold breath.

"From today, I am the king of the emptiness of the vain walkers, and the vain walkers will never be extinct, and we will reshape the peak!"

With the roar of the king of the new emptiness, the door of pure purple time and space seems to have gradually stabilized, and the rune of ancient flavors is so dense that it seems to be a kind of seal.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

Hula, screaming, screaming...

At this moment, the top of the crowd, the endless turbulence came, it was the advancement of the squadron and the squadron’s nest, respectively, and the encounter was over, as the whole world was in an unprecedented chaos. Among them, these advance corps and the three-party civilization in the void have not yet realized the spatio-temporal turmoil of the emptiness of the world.

The three worlds are still fighting each other, even at the cost of the end, gathering more powerful forces from the rear, lifting the power of the entire community, and safeguarding the best interests of their own civilization!

The corpse of the worm smashed from the crater of the Death Star, accompanied by the smashing of the **** battleships and the bodies of the cockroaches, cockroaches, cockroaches, and cockroaches.

Occasionally, some of the worms and iron-blooded warriors who struggled at the end of the last dynasty~www.novelmtl.com~ can't help but linger in the last life, screaming at the alien life that appears here, and the door to time and space.

The half-body's nightmare giant beetle falls just next to the stone tomb, Long Quinn.

Out of the instinct of the mother's nest zerg, this is only the vitality of the skull, the stubborn giant beetle, a pair of giant tongs, all the best to make the final attack on this iron-blood judge, and was stoned by the stone tomb Long Quinn. It is.

This kind of movement, but attracted a lot of empty walkers watching.

Although there are only a few hundred, the weakest ones have the third-class life, and the world's lord, which is equivalent to the iron-and-blood hunters, is not rare.

Especially the king of the emptiness of the world, its strength, I am afraid to force the Queen of the 10th!

"Respected foreign time and space strong, welcome to the Iron Star River, this evil mother nest Zerg and their scorpion accomplices, is the enemy of the Iron River, please be alert, let them fight hard!"

The stone tomb Long Quinn took the opportunity to make a decision, and the golden lion mask said so. (To be continued.)

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