A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1301: Iron blood, mother nest

The Suihua division did not respond as slowly as Green thought.

The Nether Star is near the void in the world, the third star of the Jagged River, the Death Star of the Sixth World, and the Battle of the Brood. As the platform of the ultimate civilized war between the two sides, the Mother Nest civilization obviously did not expect the Iron Star River civilization to invest in it. Power, even if it detonates the second civilization, it will not hesitate.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with the intelligence. The Jagged River civilization must have found something in that vast expanse of stars!

The infinitely endless sea of ​​worms and worms smashed with two iron-stained stars, and dispatched the fastest cosmic worms to carry meteorites and flew toward the nesting galaxies.

Be sure to communicate everything here to other blade worms as soon as possible.

After so many years of rest and recuperation, the various worms of the Brood galaxies have once again restored the Endless Insects Naval Corps. The new generation of the Golden King, the Golden Insect, and the Dark Gold Insect have evolved enough to support the new Civilized warfare!

The battle between the two dead stars and the blade worms is not a few small-scale corps, and they can be separated in a few days and nights.

Even if the two Death Stars come in excess of the relatively hurried blade of the mother's nest in terms of quantity, quality, and readiness, they are not able to compete for a large-scale war in a short period of time.

A few days and nights, but the mutual temptation of the surface forces of both sides is consumed.

Relying on the infinite number of endless seas, the Jagged River civilization cannot pose any threat to the several worms in the mother's nest.


As the Suihua masters swayed in the vast expanse of the sky, followed by the emptiness of the star of the dead star, the thundering intelligence in the source of the dead star squat pit, let a tripartite being fermented, brewed, until the peak of civilization, gradually occurred The offset is quickly moved toward the starry sky.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

It was a deep-spaced giant beetle that ejected in a nest that was propped up by several worms.

Every deep-space giant beetle has a giant foot of 100 meters, and the outer layer is incredibly thick and hard, and the thorns of the dragonfly are hung. After being ejected by the nest of the mother's nest, it is like a moving meteor, rushing toward the star of the blood-stained star that is looming at the end of the millions of warships.

They are the young bodies of the worms. The thick outer armor and the amazing energy reserves in the body allow the deep space giant beetle to survive in the void for a long time.

For powerful individual creatures, these deep-space giant beetles do not have any threats, and they rarely act alone, but once they appear on this large-scale battlefield. The deep space giant beetle is the enemy's nightmare!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

The main guns of the Iron and Blood Warships spewed out, and the vast void battles, these easy-to-break 10,000-degree dense energy impact, is nothing.

The deep-space giant beetle rotates at a high speed, and it has no hesitation to rush to the square, the mighty, star-studded star of the mighty star.

Heavy armor, high-speed rotating thorns, deep space giant beetles easily destroyed all the obstacles along the way, these thorns are even more plasma, surrounded by a range of kilometers.

"Fast! Send iron-blooded hunters, iron-blood arbiters, and intercept those deep-space giant beetles!"

The third world iron and blood star battle command room. There were rushing iron and blood military orders, dense and dazzling voids in the Iron and Blood Corps, and some super-iron warships that were in fierce battles gradually shifted their orbits toward the plasma **** that rushed.

After some deep-space giant beetles continued to be traumatized, the body flowed out a stream of blue mud and sprayed along the way.

The high-temperature current blasts in the void, and the innocent dark voids also illuminate a spot of light, turning into a path of aurora, and transmitting it to distant unknown places.

Rumble! Rumble! Booming rumbling...

Most of the deep-space giant beetles were successfully intercepted by the Iron Legion. In the void, an astonishing explosion of plasma blasts broke out, easily covering the tens of thousands of meters, smashing everything in the envelope.

But there are still some deep-space giant beetles, even if the body suffers a lot of damage. Outflowing the plasma juice in the body, successfully approaching the death star of the blood, caused some surface damage loss to the art of the peak war of the Iron Star River civilization.


Hundreds of iron warships cover.

Wearing a black bear mask iron blood judge, standing in the foremost cabin of the super battleship, dozens of iron-blood arbiters, iron-blooded hunters behind him did not say a word, the cabin is quiet and terrible.

The boring explosions of "bang", "bang" and "bang" continued to come. That was the destruction of the all-around iron frigate in the sea of ​​insects.

On the macro level, the battlefield explosions of the entire battlefield are one after another, but for this assault corps consisting of hundreds of iron-and-blood warships, even if the explosion sounds every few minutes through the thick battleship shield, it is also true. People are depressed.

As the scope of the gathering of the mothers is getting closer and closer, the number of attacking insects that have been hit is increasing, and the explosion is becoming more and more dense.

Suddenly, under the mask of the black bear of the iron-blood judge, the eyes are bright and bursting with a dazzling glare!

"For the will and glory of the blood, for the great Queen of the Ten Kings!"

The iron-blood judge, whose voice was low to high, roared loudly, which was the instinct of the glory, unity, discipline, brutality of the Jagged Warriors, and their loyalty.

"For the will and glory of the blood, for the great Queen X. Her Majesty..."

"For the will and glory of the **** ~www.novelmtl.com~ for the great Queen X. Her Majesty..."

"For the will and glory of the blood, for the great Queen X. Her Majesty..."

The many iron-and-blood hunters and iron-blood arbiters who were not able to speak behind the iron-blood judges, screamed and screamed, because in front of this super battleship, they were able to see a planet like the infinite endless waves. The giant behemoth is floating in the void, it is the ultimate goal of these iron death squads, the blade mother nest!

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

The super-iron warship swayed violently, and some of the worms had broken through the surrounding iron frigates, an infinite number of desperate numbers. The fire protection net of the iron frigate was not worth mentioning in front of such a number of worms.

"Start the final impact mode of iron and blood, for the glory of the blood!"

The frigates around the super-iron warships broke out with the strongest firepower. A famous warrior flew out of their respective warships, and they rushed to the blade's mother's nest. (To be continued.)

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