A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1299: Fate of fate!

This giant with iron and blood, the impact is too strong.

There is a raging raging wind around me. The strong pressure is squeezed from all sides. Under the face of Green Truth, I bite my teeth and sullen. I work with the six sources of annihilation to try to dispel the pressure in all directions and resolve this distortion. The impact of a foreign body.

After a while.

With the Green's ontology and the six sources of annihilation, the power of the annihilation is combined, even if there is no way to break the force due to the sudden impact, the iron and blood foreign body gradually calms down, and it will take a long time to completely resolve the impact. .


Like a layer of bubble smashed sound, Green and the six sources of annihilation were actually smashed into a world of empty stars by the twisted iron and blood excavator, flying to the outside world of the Nether Star.

The emptiness of the surrounding area is innocent and dark.

Green screamed and snarled at the same time as the six sources of annihilation. The twisted iron excavator continued to rush to the void, and was constantly eroded by the force of the void, causing a strong annihilation fluctuation.

"I rely, what is that ghost thing!?"

"I want to attack us in this way..."

The six sources of annihilation are separated from you by a word, and Green is the three colors of light shining on the face of truth. Through the protection runes on the vast picture of the world, you can see the chaotic storms everywhere. The infinite void is dark and the earth is dark.

"Go, go down!"

Green said that the element of "噼里啪啦" teleported, "咻", "咻", "咻", "咻" broke into the air, and fell into the world with the six sources of annihilation. With sufficient carrying capacity and broad tolerance, the rule of the world of the void and the world of the world has not formed any blockade for Green.

Hey, oh...

Hey, hey...

The violent chaos storm raged, whizzing past Green's ear, disturbing Green's silk hair, and the earth's faint screams of "咔嚓" and "咔吧". Like the cracks in the glacier continent, it sounds a bit crisp and somewhat dull.

Under Green's meticulous micro-perception, these sounds came from the mainland of the Nether Star World. The billowing sounds like a thunder, as if the whole world is shaking!

"What happened, the broken layer of the mantle?"

Rumble! Hey! Rumble! Oh...

Anxious mood led the six annihilation sources to fall back to the mine of the mine source. The sight perception was blocked by the chaotic storm. However, it is faintly felt an indescribable repressed melody.

Unclear, the road is unknown.

It seems to come from the deepest part of the soul, the fear of screaming, this kind of repressed feeling, so that Green even has some breathing, as if a mountain is in the heart, clasping the palm of the extreme abyss magic wand exposed, highlighting the deep inside of Green The chaos, the three-colored light blazing, facing the chaotic storm, desperately continued to dive to the ground.

What the **** is that?

With the distance from the sky, the world is getting closer and closer. Green's tri-color ray gradually found what was found in the sky through chaotic storms.

"This! This is..."

The bursting of the cellars of "咔嘣" and "咔嘣" turned out to be a series of cracks spread around the star of the Death Star, which has spread to the end of the horizon and between them. Have a staggered effect and connect in series.

In this way, the sky is overlooking, like a giant spider web spread over the earth, and the center is a huge black hole.

These cracks are not known to tens of thousands of meters. Straight through the ground, the continents of the cracks are constantly sagged, and the lavender and gray gas spurts out, a kind of strange attribute energy that Green has never heard of. It seems that there is an extremely clever use of the power of the void!

What really shocked Green was that the ruined earth in the entire Death Star crater had disappeared completely at this moment. The huge mega-meter crater appeared in this world, which is composed of the Nether Star. In the big world, and this black hole is constantly expanding and spreading.

The bottom of this deep bottom hole. It reveals incredibly strong time and space fluctuations that seem to lead to an extremely distant world community.

"The breath of the abyss of the abyss! That is the will of the abyss civilization!"

Under the face of truth, Green made an incredible whistling sound, as if gathering a lot of wolverines to flee, lingering, and humiliating the raging anger of the ancient wizards, hysterical screaming roar.

Although this abyssal breath is isolated by the power of time and space, its thickness is so strong that it has never been seen before, and it has never been heard before. At this moment, there is a kind of individual ants who face the hustle and bustle of the huge waves!


This is no longer the scent of the two abyss of the abyss that Green has encountered. This is the entire abyss civilization, which is the true abyss of civilization!

The mighty and majestic, the sky is covered, the endless, the endless stream, the cold and cruel evil, the unstoppable Abyss Legion's succession!


At the moment of being rushed by Green and the six sources of annihilation, the Death Star smashed into the ground.

"The treasure here is bound to belong to the iron-blood empire, all for the glory of the iron will!"

Low screaming and roaring, all the knives and blood-throwing soldiers who have opened mines have already died. The stone tomb Long Quinn can't take care of the **** stains under the golden lion's mask. The scorpion is almost self-hypnotic, and the swelled body is restored to its original shape. Unbelievably amazing pressure, rushing into the potholes of the protective cover excavated from the iron excavation machine.

Every step forward is so difficult, but as a six-level peak creature, the stone tomb Long Quinn has been convinced by iron and glory, even if the body's extremely bad state is completely ignored.

With the mad roar under the Golden Lion mask, Mellon Stone rushed into the protective cover.

咔嚓, 嘎嘣, 嘎嘣...

The broken sound of the protective cover spreads and is quickly transmitted to the surface of the empty star, and the whole earth is broken and cracked.

Gradually, there are more and more cracks in the protective cover, and the pressure inside the inside is also weakening, as if it is a huge mouth that swallows everything, and the land that has fallen into the hollow of the world, is swallowed up.

After a short period of time, the entire land above the Death Star crater has been swallowed up without any traces.

"Snoring, snoring, snoring..."

Violent breathing, is it here that ancient civilizations are hidden! ?


Originally high temperature, strong pressure, and no trace of the inside of the protective cover, suddenly a strange unprovoked wind.

There is no sign, no reason, it seems to be played by a ridiculous hand of the endless world, holding a straw and gently picking the tentacles between the two dragonflies.

The bones are cold!

The stone tomb, Long Quinn, constantly looked around in all directions~www.novelmtl.com~ but did not find any abnormality, but was fiercely put on the face by an old paper, and then the strange wind suddenly disappeared without a word. It is.


I took this ancient paper, which has been stained with blood on the mask of the stone tomb, and is triggering the effect of this mysterious ancient contract. The mysterious text is gradually recovering.

"When the broken void is set, the coordinates of the contract are guided!?"

It’s awkward!

Suddenly, a time and space crack appeared in the top of the stone tomb Long Quen!


Then there was an inexhaustible cruel cry and struggle behind the crack. In the hysterical roar, a pair of palms that let the stone tomb Long Quinn stunned, smashed the crack and rushed out from it. Look like.

"I will never let the Voidwalker be civilized and ruined in my hands! Ah..." (To be continued.)

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