A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1295: Original sin

PS. Presenting today's update, by the way, pull the ticket to the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets, and the voting also sends the starting currency. I beg you to support it!


Suddenly, a mighty will lock Green.

The space is squeezed in all directions, and there is no endless free electrons. It seems that jumping sugar is generally blasted in all directions by Green, and it is a pure purifying force. It is blocking and isolating Green’s time and space. Come.

These free electrons seem to have melted Green in all directions.

Then, the Queen of the Iron and Blood smashed two red energy beams, aiming at the Green locked by the space.

Although it is limited to the one-off super burst, but it can be released continuously, the red light column will be wiped out along the way, and the element energy is distorted.

"Oh, it seems that I did not choose the Jagged River civilization as a collaborator. It really is a wise choice."

The battle is on the verge of death, and the Queen of the Sixth Iron and Blood comes to the will of extraterrestrial nature, killing the fruit, and facing the coming will of one of the top powers of the Iron Star River civilization, as Green, who has not yet advanced, is fearless!

There are more than a few eras of esophagus experience in the age of five years. Green is the legendary life body of the deepest esophagus. It has surpassed the six-level life in the ordinary sense.

At this moment, in the sneer of Green "桀桀桀桀" Sen, the majestic magic of the body is burning and raging, and the incredible and terrifying power is from the inside out.

The three-color glory is cold and wise, gazing at the head of the iron-blooded queen, the right arm is slender, delicate, and the thin palm grips the extreme abyss wand, the broad bone knuckles are exposed, and the "Awkward" sound, the extreme abyss wand Turned into a residual image, suddenly turned out.


The harsh, crisp sound, the blown space barrier was hit by Green, and it slammed a gap and reconnected the insulation. Time and space lock broken.

It’s awkward!

The heart-rending ultra-high frequency oscillates and the light-dark interlaced, an element teleport, Green successfully evaded the **** condensate of the Queen of the Eighteen Irons.

In the high-altitude light and dark interlacing, the Green element teleport appears. Just want to erupt the annihilation of the arc, the face of the truth, the three-color light and insight into the nuance, but see the eleventh Queen's iron blood skull corner appeared a sneer.


The "嘭" sound was almost at the same time as the Green Crisis, and a will shock wave fell on Green.

It seems to be a frontal impact by a thrown mountain. Even with Green's powerful body, at this moment, the three colors of light and sorrow can not help but be stunned by this completely transparent will.

Oh la la...

Can not restrain the fly out, the surrounding air oppressed Green, barely looked up, saw the endless high-end blood elements gathered at the top of the sky, completely obscured the already very dim sky.

This 10,000-meter giant hand condensed in the entity, firmly pressed.

The scattered silk that was oppressed by the wind was soaring, and after the truth, it shook, and Green didn’t think of it. The will of the tenth iron-blooded mother-in-law was much stronger than expected, and it can be imagined that its ontology is strong.

It’s awkward!

As a last resort, the extreme abyss magic wand tip has enough power to annihilate the arc, breaking the air, and hitting the center of the sky in the middle of the giant hand, at the speed visible to the naked eye, the giant hand melts out a hollow, smooth If the mirror, Green passes through it.

Booming rumbling...

The **** giant hand was shot on the ground. The whole earth was violently vibrating, and then this giant hand turned into thousands of snakes, and the opposite direction hit the high sky Green.


Above the right hand, Green's black flame flashed. Below the time, the source of darkness, the soul of the flames, 999 phantoms, far more powerful than these **** snakes, the two sides burst into a terrifying sound of roaring, swallowing each other.

At this moment!

Green is in all directions, once again showing endless free electronics, just this time compared to before. The scale is even bigger. The three-color light and the six pairs of compound eyes look in different directions. These free electrons are the crown of the tenth generation, and once again the time and space are closed.


Dividing the gap between the dimensions, Green has two more objects in his hand, a potion stored in the skull, and a piece of original sin.

The medicine stored in this skull is a precious medicine accidentally prepared by Green in accordance with the occult knowledge, under the long and limited conditions of the secondary esophagus. At this time, it is inspired by the Green Magic, the mouth, nostrils and eye sockets of the skull. A large amount of smoke emerged, and soon a green skull was formed, forming a crystal skull protection cover.

At the same time, Green's hand amber ring dribbled again and again, forming a mirror defense.

After such double protection, Green took a deep breath, above the stone of original sin in front of him, a lot of mysterious runes in the world, and the lines reflected in Green's eyes.

The Green body actually had a strange resonance with this original stone of sin, and the magic was highly concentrated and burning.

Free electron crown outside the enchantment.

"Although it is only a will to come, this alien alien can reach such a level, but it is commendable, but after all, it is just an alien alien!"

In the discourse, the unconcealed pride is revealed. The Queen of the Eighth King of Blood descends on the head of the will, and feels that the imperial guardian of the inner summoning will come to the burning vitality. After the moment, he touched the starry crown enchantment for a while, and was slightly silent. It seems that there is no determination.

In the shadow of the head of the 10th Queen, the iron guardian of the irons actually sent a painful baby.

"Everything is for the glory of iron and blood, rest in peace, Picatina, my loyal guard, the empire will not forget you!"

In the low and stern mutter, the Queen of the Iron Horse roared with a snarl, centered on it, a vast ripples spread out, and then there was a raging high above the sky, seemingly brewing something terrible attack.

The chaotic storms that have been raging in the distance have been swept away from the far and near, overwhelming and violent, and there is no threat to the creatures above the world level.


The frequency of ripples in a circle is getting faster and faster.

"Iron and blood thunder!"


In the **** vortex gathered in the high air, after a long and boring depression, the terrible screams broke out.

Immediately after a terrible **** thunder, the target pointed to the target of the free electron crown and annihilated the wizard Green.


However, it is almost at the same time that within the crown of the extremely stable, Sen cold sounds.

"The original sin broke."

At the last moment, it was in an extremely stable free electron crown enchantment space. This moment was like a mirror, suddenly broken, and then a figure wrapped in thousands of quaint runes rushed out, revealing a world of the world. More ancient and long-lasting sin.

The era of the esophagus is too long, too boring ~www.novelmtl.com~ Green is no longer just a relatively fixed means, a modern wizard who has a short life.

The long years have allowed Green to develop a number of unique witchcrafts that are ridiculous enough to exert amazing power when necessary.


Apparently, Green avoided the long-awaited attack of the Empress King, and brought the full glory to the scene, bringing an incredible impact to the Queen of the Iron King!


It is also a will impact, but sees that the ancient original sinful runes in Green have been broken, but the residual image is still unrelenting, and rushes toward the head of the Iron Queen.

"Do not……"

After a while, the eleventh generation of the emperor's head continued to squirm, and the "bang" sound completely collapsed.

[Immediately 515, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list, until May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】(To be continued.)

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