A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1281: Ferris

Fifteen years later. ? hunting? text????

Using only one-seventh of the original time, Green came to the vast void between the world's communities, and the Suihua division civilization secretly established a transmission array near the world of the Jagged River.

Perhaps the vast void between different world communities is too big. Perhaps Green is too strong at this time. There is no level of empty storms in the small eight, and there are not enough to compare the vast worlds. The class of Nether creatures flew over relatively quietly along the way.

For Green, which was a huge and vast void, for Green at this time, it seems as if the world tree was once smashed, and it would be easy to hit it.

On this day, the nine green mountains of the Chongshan Mountain raised their heads, and the three colors of light under the face of truth condensed into the distant void, and the light of the elements leaped forward, and then quickly stood up.


"咻", Green appeared in midair, tens of thousands of meters of huge flames of 10,000 birds in the sky, a head actively extended to the foot of Green, and then high, let Green stand on the edge of many souls.

The six scorpion scarecrows brought out in the iron-and-mortar cage trial field, as well as the dozens of scorpion stalkers who followed the sorcerer, were protected by the strength of Green's elements and stood behind them.

Waiting quietly, in the distant sky, a virtual shadow appeared.


Even though Green was prepared, but when the four sides were wrapped in space debris, the belly was like a ball, and the Scarecrow, who was completely different from the other Scarecrows, appeared, Green couldn’t help but cough twice. Slightly conceal it.

The space debris enchantment around this sculptist faintly formed an enlarged version of the phantom, tens of meters high, but Green knew that it was only the mysterious force of natural spillover, not the true body.

The fat scarecrow's head is also very round, like a watermelon, without the sharp chin of other scarecrows.

The sinisters behind Greene saw the Scarecrow. Excited!

"Respected singer, I am a sorcerer from the distant world community, lost in this unknown world community, this time through these little guys to come to see you. I hope to help me through the Suihua Division world community. Find the way home."

In the face of a master, Green maintains enough respect.

However, once the kind of dominating power that was not to be squared was almost in vain for Green at the moment, it was difficult to attract Green's special attention.

"The distant world community annihilates the sorcerer? You are such a strong person is rare. It should be a special mutated life. Since you just want to find a way home through the sputum division, then first express your goodwill towards the sputum teacher. Let's go."

Although the Ferrisian chemist said this, his eyes were glanced at Green and the soul of the 10,000 birds, and they concentrated on a row of scorpion scarecrow behind Green.

"Ha ha……"

Under the face of truth, Green gave a dumb laughter, a hand, a corpse of an iron-blood arbitrator and a golden worm that was taken from a cluster of five-level insects, and was sent along with many scorpion scarecrows behind him. past.

"These are my good intentions to the great sectarian civilization."

Greene waited for the response of the singer.

From the reaction of the chaotic world community to the ancient family, the Thunderbolt wolf family, and later to the sputum division who radiated the world. Now, Green knows about the Suihua division, this bio-civilization group is indeed the most ideal partner of Green in the tribal civilized ethnic group at this time!

After sweeping the gift of Green, the singer of the scorpion smashed the sense of oppression that was originally gathered, and the speed of change was so fast that it was unbelievable, as if this was a group that had never had a war.

No, this is impossible.

"Wow, annihilate the wizard. It seems that you are indeed on the side of the Suihua division civilization, not the spies of the two civilizations, the choices you know, although you don't know what kind of existence there is behind you. But I am from You feel the natural atmosphere in your body. Very good, I will allow you to go inside the Suihua Division world community and personally take you to see the elders of the Fools, the elders of the Suihua division, the oldest learned economist, you want to find The way home, I can only rely on it. Wow."

Fool elders?

With a big mouth open, the Ferrischemist constantly extracts some of the essences of two alien corpses, while infusing many natural mysteries into it. In Green’s stunned eyes, the two bodies are actually budded in the void, and then It is the process of being gradually eliminated by the power of the void.

"I have helped them return to the endless world of origin, let me go."

As said, the soft power of the Ferrischemist wraps many other scorpions and flies away in the air.

Hearing that the Ferrisian chemist helped them to return the endless world of origin, Green couldn't help but twitch. He just came out of the Digestive Esophagus and witnessed the cruelty of the endless world's digestive rules. Did the Ferrisman even help?

Going through the secrets of the second generation, and reaching the source of the world, these sinisters will reach the world's origins, and it will not refer to the secondary esophagus!

Standing on the high head of the soul of the 10,000-headed bird, Green followed the singer of the sky and flew toward the unknown void in front.

Gradually, a mysterious force that is unclear is unclear, and as it gets closer and closer to this mysterious force, the flying front of the Skyscraper gradually slows down slowly, and a little greenish green appears in Green’s field of vision. .

And as the pale green spot is getting bigger and bigger, gradually there is some more red, and this is what Green is now. It is a mysterious power of the trumpet flower that rivals the small world volume!

Obviously, the time and space vortex of the trumpet flower is a mysterious force transmission device. The tens of thousands of meters of flower mouths seem like whirlpools, and a little bit whirls into the depths of the space-time vortex~www.novelmtl.com~ Perhaps Green's soul of the 10,000-headed bird is too loud, and tens of millions of Suihua division scarecrows follow another Flying Sky squadron.

Actually still stationed a master class chemist!

However, this singer is very strange, without legs, is a pure wooden stick, can only float in the air, also has a mysterious force of a 10,000-meter space debris haunting the shadow.

"Who is it? How did you bring it here?"

The Ferrisian teacher asked.

"It's called the annihilation of the wizard, from another world community, lost here."

The ball singer pointed to Green.

"It sacrificed an iron-blood arbitrator and a golden worm. I have promised to take him to the elders of the fools and help him find the way home. Wow, but if you can help the elders of fools help him, look Whether it can fulfill the wish of the Fool elders." (To be continued.)

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