A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1278: Dominant vision



The unusually powerful Gaia canopy will allow the iron-blood arbitrators to wait for the construction of the canopy shielding device. Every breath is so difficult, as if it was pressed by a mountain, it is impossible to breathe. ??? 猎文?????????????

Two iron-blooded predators were even more unbearable. In the sound of "jingle" and "jingle" metal, the body was shaking.

On the other hand, those slashing warriors, but ignorant, are building a skylight shielding device and a magnet tower station with iron and blood discipline.

"It seems a bit wrong. The sorcerer has mastered such a powerful force, why isn’t it right now... um!?"


Suddenly, the iron-blood arbiter was full of body, as if it had been banged by a giant hammer, and the instincts trembled.

"噌", the iron-blood arbitrators did not hesitate to burn the blood of the source and stood up, but they felt that all the low-level iron-and-blood warriors had already swayed, and they were struggling to stand up in the tumbling, and two iron-blooded hunters were also behind them. The blood of the source is consumed for a moment, and the two sounds of "咻" and "咻" fly to the sky.

As the three people clarified the situation, they woke up, and it was just a shock of the earth!

"Where is the enemy?"

A falcon mask of iron and blood hunters, the **** eyes squint in all directions, without any traces, rushed to the heights, expanding the search range, trying to find the clues of the unknown enemy.

However, the pressure of Gaia's canopy is too strong, so strong that it is unbelievable. Every breath consumes a lot of its original blood. Now, half of the skylight shielding device is destroyed, it seems to be completely on the planet, and it is integrated. In the native canopy of this planet, it has to be postponed.

After a while.

The falcon mask hunter, crossed many low-lying falcon masks, and floated in midair towards the iron-blood arbitrator and another iron-blooded hunter: "There is no trace of the chemist."

Falcon mask hunter sounds dignified.

Confrontation with the Suihua Division, if you can't find the altar of altar as soon as possible, the consequences will be disastrous!

However, at this moment, the Falcon mask is condensed. However, on the ground, whether it is an iron-blood arbitrator, a blood-slung hunter or other slashing warriors, they all look up, but looking up at the object is not their own, but the sky behind them.

Behind me?

Falcon mask iron blood hunters. I was about to turn and stare, but suddenly I was crushed by an incredible pressure from the sky.

In exclamation, even though he tried his best to burn the blood of the source, he was still pressured by the incredible overwhelming pressure. Falling on the ground.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Oh...

One of the eagle masks, which was originally hovering at low altitude, was like a raindrop. It fell from the sky, and after a pit in the saline-alkali area, it was scared to climb up and stare at the sky.

"That! That is..."

An incredible sky-covering giant hand, as if the planet was covered by the vast expanse of energy, from the outside of the atmosphere, silently and invisibly explored, at this time, even in the cause of the entire planet life will gather the Gaia Tiancai rebellion, turned into The physical Gaia canopy carries the fear of the whole world. Do everything in their power to resist the giant foreign bodies that have entered this invasion.

All the iron warriors, all the creatures on this planet, are shaking their heads, trembled for the horrific life that is trying to forcibly invade the planet and bring unprecedented destruction to the fragile ecological environment of the planet!


A low roar from the outside of the planet.

嘎嘣, 嘎嘣, 嘎嘣, 嘎嘣...

That is the sorrow of Gaia's will, even though the common defensive will of the entire planet's life is destroyed by the unknown terrorists outside the atmosphere, leaving only the stars of the realized Gaia light revolt, in the giant hands. Splash the starting point.

Insignificant counterattack.

Between the giant hands that covered the sky, a dark crack that stretched to the end of the sky was opened. Along with the pressure of "嗡" and "嗡", the whole earth is shaking, and the saline-alkali land can no longer restrain the boiling lava below!


Gloomy, violent, cold laughter came from the black crack in the sky. Then, the creatures of the entire tower of the Horseshoes were in the fear of shaking, waiting for the unknown fear creature behind the dark crack to appear.

Dark cracks, an incredibly large shadow gradually appeared!

Overwhelming pressure, people can not breathe, the shadow gradually reveals its outline. It was a huge incredibly gray-faced face, three different light-colored eyes and six pairs of strange eyes, constantly swaying, "桀桀桀桀" sinister laughter, seems to be incompetent and oppressive for himself. Jumping and sneaking into everything in this world.


The iron-and-blood hunters squatted with double-edged spears, looking up at the almost irresistible pressure, and thought of the names of the mighty elders in the indigenous world.


As a quest for illusory chasing, the sorcerer seeks to break through the civilization of the dimension, and the endless worldview in the eyes is completely different from the Jagged River civilization.

There is no planet, no Gaia, some are just the rules of the world and the will of the world.

Aside from the rules of the world's clothes, Green overlooks the small Jagged River warriors just below, and there is only one level 4 creature that is close to the fifth level in the Green evaluation, and has been oppressed by himself.

"This is the vision of the dominating, overlooking the world. Once... the seven-ring true spirit wizard came to the tidal world, and the ring of the loss of the Titan was lifted by a sacred sorcerer and delivered to the seven-ring true. In the hands of the spirit wizard."

Without paying attention to these iron-blood warriors, the three-color light of the face of Green Truth penetrated the shallow earth, and looked at the black and white dotted line structure. Then the eagle's eye continued to shuttle and explore, and the head of Green's picture scroll kept moving. Finally, in many small groups, I found the goal.

"The secret chemist?"

Those lower-ranking squadrons were automatically ignored by Green, and their gaze was concentrated on a smuggler who floated with countless green straw ears and purple ripples on his feet.

"who are you?"

The Suihua teacher asked him with his humble will.

“桀桀桀桀~www.novelmtl.com~ There are a few of your family outside, come out with me.”

The huge face flashed through the color, and of course it was said.

"How do I know if you are..."


Suddenly, a giant hand in the sky plunged into the world, and in the midair and the liberation of the layers of the world's will, it ignited a blazing flame, and the end of the world's doomsday disaster exploded on the distant horizon.

In an instant, the earth collapsed!

Boom, bang, bang, bang, bang...

A volcanic magma rises into the sky, reflecting the dark red sky of the end.

The sound of "嘭", in the judgment of the wizard level, the body of the iron hunter close to the fifth level, fell in front of this secret sputum. (To be continued.)

Ps: Five more! I am about to fall out of the top ten, and ask for a monthly ticket!

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