A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1272: Wild look! (澜兮大盟)

Ps. Put on the May 1 update, don't hurry to play after reading, remember to vote first. ? Hunting? Wen???? Now from - point 515 fan festival to enjoy double monthly tickets, other activities have to send red envelopes can also see a look!

The Metal Destroyer Civilized Virtual Mothership, the Witchcraft Civilization Spaceship, and Green have studied and observed.

Compared with the huge hull of the virtual mothership of more than 2,000 meters, there are even gymnasiums, living and recreation areas, etc., the war art of the metal destroyer in the eyes of the Green, and the thick armor and armor of the wizard spaceship. It occupies a large amount of space, emphasizing the practicability of warfare in frontal confrontation in the harshest environment. In the iron-and-blood warships, it is more prominent that the main gun and the full-assisted iron-blood warrior fight personally.

In the overall evaluation, Green believes that the iron-and-blood warships have a significantly higher value than the space airships and virtual airships, which consume the same resources!

After six scarecrows signed a fate contract with Green, Green quietly hijacked the hidden warship and waited silently.

咚, 咚, 咚, 咚...

A prestigious warrior, who walked from the six scarecrows, had completely ignored the alien civilizations that were in full war with the Jagged River civilization.

In the cabin, every iron warrior is now only the soul slave of Green.

The **** hands, the virtual door, the fog, and the other three scorpions, the Scarecrow, stared at an iron warrior who was patrolling the battleship.

This predator looks no different from other predators, and even the breath is exactly the same, but just after the six scarecrows watched, the slaying wizard was in front of the six, completed the change, and put on a Set of iron armor!

This kind of camouflage ability is quite rare in the triathlon world community of the Jagged River, the Brood, and the Suihua Division. Because of the three parties of war, no civilization has evolved in this way of destroying the enemy.

Wang Wangwang!



Inside a metal cage. Closed dozens of three-headed dogs.

A predator is collecting the blood of the prey, cutting it with a heavy cutting machine, cutting the body into equal-sized parts, and wearing the thickened armor of the solidified blood element body "咚", "咚", " Boom". Step by step on the metal deck and put a plate of food into the cage.

Then, these fresh blood and flesh attracted three heads of the three dogs to snatch, and the wolves, foxes and dogs did not give each other and attacked each other!

Such a scene of self-evolution. Green, who was behind the observation of the characteristics of the Iron Star River civilization, was stunned.

Crossing the world community, the basic evolutionary habits of biology have even changed tremendously without knowing it!

As a sacred sorcerer, Green is only aware of the basics of biology, and stays within the community of the world where the Wizards Alliance is located. The subconscious has already thought that he “mastered” the dark jungle evolutionary norms of the endless world.


Only when I stepped out of that level and stepped out of that field and really jumped out, Green was no different from the official wizard and the Holy Witch Wizard. It’s still just a frog at the bottom of the well.

Breakthroughs in life and again, but after a small box, I entered a bigger box.

"Oh, no wonder, it's no wonder that those who master the civilization and the civilizations that span several world communities will describe the endless world as an endless box. Perhaps... the endless world is endless, it is itself Trying to stop the creatures inside from jumping out of the box and getting lost in the rules?"

Green muttered to himself, and the three-color glare fluttered.

“It’s like an individual lower creature. It’s never possible to rely on walking to break through the world. The rules of the world will naturally distort time and space in a low-level creature, in a closed circle.”

The secondary esophagus. When the Gemini Star gave an endless astrological chart, it was pointed out that there were three ways to break through the endless world, namely the secondary esophagus, the infinite microscopic, and the void vertical and horizontal.

This Iron Star River civilization is the ultimate pursuit, it is likely to break through the endless world dimension dimension box!

Continuing to browse the interior of the Iron Warship, Green walked through the containers of the heads of the Scarecrow, the heads of the indigenous creatures, the nucleus and the nucleus. The collection of these specimens by the Jagged Warriors is not the same as the wizards. The pursuit of knowledge and practicality is just to prove their courage and honor.

"Iron River, the mother's nest, the Suihua division civilization, the three sides of the melee, do not know when will be able to decide the outcome, if ..."

From the ship's head to the stern, Green can no longer restrain a crazy idea in his heart!

in case……

in case!

If these three-party civilizations are in a delicate balance, they will not be able to compete in a short period of time and even delay the war indefinitely.

Then, if the wizarding world unifies the world community in a short period of time, it merges with the metal destroyers with the fastest civilization, and quickly erodes the micro-world community known by Green. After the chaotic world community, the strength will increase greatly. The eyes of the Demon Hunting Expedition are directed to the three-party melee world community...

As long as the wizarding civilization can complete this series of almost crazy planning, even if the abyss civilization is really displayed to the level of the peeping of the truth, the wizarding civilization is enough to compete with its front!

More subtle is!

The heart of the world is too strong, and the heart of the wizarding world will be greatly supplemented, delaying the destruction of the wizarding world.

"It's too crazy, too arrogant! These are the planning areas of the civilized process, at least the top real spirit wizards, such as one ring, seven rings, one round, one round, one star, will only look beyond the vast history. With the endless space, planning such a hunter-destroy expedition process, it is still too small compared to the real-world wizard who masters the civilized inheritance plan."

Green shook his head and sighed.

I don’t know what the ancient wizards’ hunter-destroy planning was.

咚, 咚, 咚, 咚, 咚...

A blood lion warrior with a golden lion head mask came over, carrying a long axe behind him. According to Green's induction, it should be the strongest of the more than 70 iron warriors of the entire iron-and-blood battleship.

"Master, the door guards the iron-blood arbiter's order, requiring all warships to leave the trial field and go to the Pampamis Star for a knife-cut ceremony, when there will be a projection of the Queen's Majesty to bless."

The Jagged River civilization, the matriarchal powers rule the society!

Her Majesty the Emperor of the Iron Peak, who holds all the rights of the Jagged River civilization, is the most powerful female iron warrior, a symbol of the supremacy of the king.

Under the Queen of Iron, there are many elders of iron and blood.

They are the evolutionary peaks of the Iron Warrior family, with their own legions, many of which are individual male elders, and the strength is likely to be above the Queen.

Below are the iron-blood judges, the iron-blood arbiters, the iron-blooded hunters, the **** knives, the adult blood-throated warriors, the ordinary iron-blooded warriors...

"Ready to return."

After Green’s order, he buckled the falcon mask on his head, and a pair of **** scorpions revealed the light of killing.

[Thank you for your continued support, this time from the 515 fans festival writers Glory Hall and the general election of the works, I hope to support one. In addition, there are some red envelopes for the fan festival, and you will receive a subscription and continue your subscription! 】(To be continued.)

Ps: The ninth, in the afternoon, come back with a chapter to make up for more than 10~www.novelmtl.com~ It is considered to be the silver egypt for the Egret!

For the great alliance, it has become the existence of mysterious power. Even if the egrets control the fate of truth, they cannot be controlled. The true spirit wizards, the holy marks wizards, the official wizards, and the wizard apprentices do not classify them as power systems. Chuanxi has been dissolved in life, borrowing its power in a weird and strange way, breaking through some rules of the endless world, this is a miracle of endless world history!

On May 1st, double the monthly ticket, "The Wizard of the Wizards" is now the fifth, and ask for help in the Egret!

Some people say that the egrets do not write fast return to the wizarding world, detonating the cool contradictory nodes? The egret only wants to say that the egret has its own initial insistence. The egret has a vast expanse of vast world, and has a far-reaching vision of historical planning. The battle of civilization is just a gravel in the heart of the egret, just like a sacred sorcerer. The battle of the world is generally only a vast expanse in the eyes of life. Who can really feel the vastness of the egret? ?

A monthly ticket list is only a node in history, and the egret can't ruin the ideal of a book for a short burst.

In May, history will remember us, I hope that everyone will help the "Witch Tour", double the monthly ticket period, and lay the foundation of the monthly ticket list in May! Xh.13

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