A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 25 Chapter 1270: Golden worm (澜兮大盟)

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"Wake up, wake up!"

The flaming demon is very honest, and the relatively long and boring iron-and-blood cage test life, so that the enchantment has forgotten the dangers of some higher-level creatures outside.

At this moment, with the emergence of this unknown powerful life, the memory of the long-lasting inflammation has been awakened again.

Glut, whisper, whisper.

The red boiling lava that braved the bubble gradually stabilized, and the flaming demon took out some high-grade flame spar and placed it respectfully in front of Green.

"Great existence, this is what I surrender to your offering, please be sure to accept it."

Greene certainly took these offerings together, and the Dimensional Esophagus was so many years old that Green was accustomed to surrendering to lower creatures.

"Tell me, there is a large mother nest nearby, I mean the real large nest, you don't dare to provoke the nest."

In the expression of the pain of the inflammation, Green whispered after collecting these pyrenes into the gap of the dimension.

"You are joking. How can there be any existence that I dare not provoke, unless it is not meaty enough, or in this **** cage trial, where the great Uttum wants to go..."

Suddenly half of the fire magic suddenly glimpsed, feeling Green's gradual disappointment, and quickly pointed to both directions: "I remember a bird wearing a cloud over there, a flamingo king was one Only the golden worms ran away. The flamingo king wanted to rob me of this volcano a hundred years ago. I was also rushed away. There was also a group of sputum sealers who sealed a very I don't know if it is a real golden fake insect."

After Green’s “En”, he disappeared after the inflammation had not yet reached the reaction.


The whole blood cage is full of killings everywhere, and the iron-and-blood warriors constantly collect the heads of various prey or the core of life as their own glory. The killing in this **** cage is the adult rite of the blood-throated warrior.

Green is like a ghost, walking through a lot of killings, flying in the direction of the cloud tree pointed by the evil spirits.

"Oh. Is this the cloud tree?"

Below the roots is a black mud, which is not visible at the end and has a lot of traces of biological activity.

This giant tree with a diameter of nearly 100 meters, the trunk is straight and towering, straight into the sky. I fell into the clouds and cast a large shadow.

Under the face of truth, Green's three-color light draws a line of sight and sees an upside down insect ball on the branch above the cloud, as if a big bat is in a dormant period, the black ball is crushed by a number of insects. Intensive composition.

Green's insight passes through the surface of the worm ball and is concentrated in the center of the worm ball. An energy spectrum shows a reddish area of ​​willpower and vitality.

"Oh? Is that the golden insect mother? It really is much stronger than the will of the black inkworm last night."

Ignore the warriors, scorpions, and various indigenous creatures who are escaping from hunting in the vast swamps. In Green's eyes, they are just a group of players, not worth mentioning.

As if a shadow, Green silently flew to the group of insects full of more than 100 meters.

Although the invisibility of Green's robes is limited, it has a limited effect on the blood-stained warriors. However, for most of the scorpion sorcerers and the nest rushing mothers, they still have extremely powerful concealment effects.

“Is there any interest in cooperation?”

"嗡", Green will suddenly come to communicate with the will. Let the whole insect ball slammed, obviously the most central insect mother was frightened, and then the black worm group swarmed in the bat posture and flew in the air. Looking to Green.

"who are you?"

Green was quietly approaching, and there was no breath in his gaze, like a negligible bug.

According to the truth, this is almost impossible, too strange.

"You can call me the annihilation of the wizard. I am with the most sincere will from the great wizard of another world community. I hope to cooperate with the will of the nest, I am responsible for taking you out of this blood cage, and you need help. I found the way back to the wizarding world, and the two sides signed a fate contract."

"Do you have a way to leave this iron cage?"

The will of the worm in the bat swarm is unbelievable and rejoicing.

"Yes, but you must first prove that you have a way to contact your blade master and promise to find the way home for me."

Green stared at the insects and said in a low voice.

"Good! Come with me, I will take you to see another great existence. As long as I can return to the nesting world community, it must have a way to see you in front of the Sharjah Bladeworm. The Sharjah Bladeworm is the The great motherbug of the entire female world community is also famous."

Said, the bat opened his wings and took the initiative to fly away from the clouds. After Green thought about it, he followed the past.


The dark underground space is full of rustling sounds of insects crawling everywhere.

"Seniforak, you said this weak creature, have mastered the method of fleeing the blood cage?"

For a while, it was a galloping horse. For a while, it was a cobra with a core. This Green sensory is close to the fifth-level will-collected group of insects. There is a milky white halo on the surface. By induction, it is a certain kind of higher creature. Through the blood, the ability to inherited is a relatively high level of spiritual energy application.

"Yes, but it has the conditions, must sign a fate contract, I hope that you can bring him to face the knife and the emperor, and entrust the knife to help him find the way back to the wizarding world."

"Oh? Wizard World?"

It seems to be very interesting, this worm mother who keeps changing shape: "Witcher, talk about the way you escaped from this blood cage."

After a while, the insects stabilized with the cobra, apparently by Green's method.

“The way to be able to enslave other creatures? The Wizarding World? It’s so interesting! I’m very interested in you and your wizarding world.”

The insect mother said, Green Hunson said: "I think the Wizarding World is also very interested in everything here."

"But! I have several conditions."

The worm spit on the core, and it is a matter of course: "Since you represent the wizard's will and want to rely on the great nest's will, you must first set an example and give up any **** of the fate contract to the great ancestor civilization. And you need After returning to the Wizarding World, try your best to lead your own people, and those who are unwilling to come over, the great Blades and Emperors will digest them into a part of the Broodel."

Green's face changed and he said: "I am working on behalf of the wizard, not a request!"

"Witcher, I haven't finished talking. I can let you lead the will community to the great mother-in-law civilization. It is the glory of your wizards. You can rest assured that I will give you a world for your sorcerer's prosperity. You take the initiative to rely on the reward of the nesting civilization. Also..."

"I think you made a mistake. The wizard's will is the same as the nest's will, and I just came to seek cooperation!"

Green once again stressed that the sound was completely cold.

"The same existence as the nest of the mother's nest? Hey, the wizard, you are sitting in the humble presence of the world, and even the world of the world has not gone out of the humble little world, do you know how many worlds the master nest civilization has mastered, you know..."


Suddenly, Green figure flashed and a slap in the head of the cobra head that kept spit the core.

In an instant, under the absolute control of power, Green strives to control the restraint of power, for fear that excessive fluctuations cause the attention of monitors outside the iron cage. www.novelmtl.com~ enough to reach hundreds of meters of body, the whole disk of cobra billions The worms under the control of Green's absolute power, all of them exploded in an instant, and together with the worm that allowed Green to endure the limit.

"No noise!"

Green gritted his teeth, Mori said.

"Ah! You turned out to be..."


It was a flash of body shape, and Green even the black bat worms were all slap in the face and suffocated.

The four-level world lord of the district has no qualification for even the second-order esophagus. Even though Green has already suppressed his own power, this kind of existence is only something that Green has crushed and killed. It is so arrogant.

[Thank you for your continued support, this time from the 515 fans festival writers Glory Hall and the general election of the works, I hope to support one. In addition, there are some red envelopes for the fan festival, and you will receive a subscription and continue your subscription! 】(To be continued.)

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