A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1260: Ashes City

A thousand years later. ???????????????????????????????

Green, buried in the cave of the sacral bones, slowly opened his eyes, no power ripples, no high biological strength, no colorful runes of self-sealing, and even no natural force with the wizard.

At this moment, Green is like the most ordinary human being in a wizarding world, without a trace of breath.

In such a scene, returning to the wizarding world, I am afraid it will cause an uproar in the high wizards!

Because, this is a lot of true spiritual wizards, endless masters in the pursuit of the eight-level peak of the road without results, retreat second, the pursuit of the full body self-sealing state.

In this way, it cooperates with the initiative to reduce the level of life, to achieve the lowest micro-consumption, close to the so-called eternal eternal life in the eyes of lower-level organisms.

And this is the complete control of its own power!

“It’s amazing, a new and different feeling.”

In addition to the true spirit wizards, there has never been a low-level wizard who pursues this state as a force. Instead, some passively evolved exotic world creatures often regard this complete body control as the pursuit of the ultimate.

It is for this reason that the masters of some exotic worlds, endless dominance, often have a longer life than wizards.

Of course, many wizards have relatively short lives, as well as soul damage, forced recovery of potions, soul witchcraft sacrifices, potential explosions, and many other reasons.

Oh, la la la.

Green climbed out of the bones of the cheekbones, and saw the 10,000-nine heads of the flaming souls like the sacred mountains. The ninth and ninety-nine heads were pulled together and formed into a group. "Snoring" and "snoring" snorted.

When the storm comes, the Yanwan Wantou bird will narrow down and escape into the underground cave. After the storm, it will come up to stimulate the flame of its own darkness. Continue to refine and purify and control the soul of the Almighty, and hatch this section of the broken arm.

Every few dozens of days will go back and forth over and over again, and it is too tired for a long life.

Without any power fluctuations, Green is like a living body that has not reached the first level. Completely out of the reality, this appears in the secondary esophagus is too abrupt, but step by step toward the inside of the black flame, the soul of the soul of the 10,000 birds.

The black flame itself is in all directions. It is the existence of one with Green.

At the top of the head is the flesh-and-blood body of the incredible 10,000-headed bird, which is filled with incredible vitality. Green slowly squats down and gently touches the broken arm.

The "beep" sound is very soft and full of elasticity. There is no longer the self-protection of the rule of the previous rule.

However, as the three colors of light flashed in the face of truth, Green frowned.

“Is the degree of refining and purifying a little worse?”

Green looked up and sensed the state of the 10,000 soul birds. A feeling of hunger, emptiness, and lack of transmission passed through. Green stunned, and it continued to maintain the true body for more than a thousand years, and was always refining the broken limbs. The soul of the 10,000-headed bird has not been able to absorb enough energy from the natural environment of the esophagus, and is hungry.

And the food that is needed by the soul of the 10,000 birds...

"Several hundred years ago. There were a few guys who had appeared nearby, peeping at the soul of the 10,000 birds, thinking that it was some kind of illusion and left. There should be some medium-sized or even large gathering place nearby, oh, Just after experimenting with the full control of power, it seems that the second-level wizard has just opened the hidden warfare mode during the period of annihilation."

Muttering, Green's undulating figure gradually became transparent and disappeared.


Five years later.

Ashes City, one of the secondary esophageal gathering places.

Although the Ashes City has never appeared like a through-the-door, every period of strength accumulation period. Because of the overpowering strength, I tried to kill the dominating event, but because of the acrobatic altar of this underground city, I could communicate a powerful empty life and acquire some material world resources through trading. Become one of the secondary esophageal gathering places.

In the secondary esophagus, some of the more common sacral bones are the most demanding resources in the material world.

And that powerful emptiness creature can take advantage of these illusory sacrifices, the strong bones, in exchange for some of the virtual resources you need, to earn the difference.

If so. For many years, I am afraid that the strength of the virtual creature is hard to imagine. Once the world is converged, I am afraid that there will be some conventional and powerful rules, and then some powerful life-like bodies will be born.

It is also because of this that the exiles in this gathering place have almost no disputes, and they have formed a relatively loose and unrestricted coalition society. Compared with other gathering places and aimless exiles, the ashes here. The exiles, full of energy, have already used this as a new home.

However, once the thriving ashes of the city, everything has changed since the first news of the missing workers three years ago...

"Oh, this time, even an ashes are missing. He is insulting. For the open declaration of the ashes, the ashes are in the midst of war!"

On the throne of the sacrum, the statue of the sacred snarl roared angrily. Thousands of azure runes on the body flashed, and the whole hall was covered with horrible pressure. The underground underground ashes, all the ashes, the ashes, all Trembling, this powerful ash network has ruled the ashes of the city for more than ten epochs, and is an ancient life body that is extremely terrifying in the entire esophagus.

The top ten ashes are the most powerful assistants of the Ashes and the potential challengers of the Ashes.

"It’s just a nine-blade. Judging from the **** condition of the first scene, the existence is just an extreme good at concealing, hiding in the dark and attacking the guy. For the ashes of the ashes, it is not absolutely suppressed. Sexual power, let alone you. Whether it is me ~www.novelmtl.com~ or the five-edge of perception, it is its absolute nemesis, this investigation task will be handed over to us."

The ashes edged with a smile.

The sacred statue of the Ashes King saw this, and a cold sigh, suppressed the anger.

"In this case, this matter will be handed over to you. I don't want the next time the sacrifice transaction is made. The Ashes City is still like this. If you don't complete the mission, you will use both of you to sacrifice."

Said, the hall where the ashes left, the other seven forms of arrogant ashes, also left.

"You are crazy!"

After all the people left, the five blades could not help but growl and scream at the edge of the blade.

"Others don't know, you still don't know the true identity of the Nine Blades! It's the door of the Dimension! It can make it disappear in the ashes without any existence. How can we be its opponent, we meet It has only one dead end!"

The scarlet-eyed green-skinned gnome is five-blade and almost crazy. (To be continued.)

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