A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 255: People's ancestors

"Oh! Mine, that's mine!"

A golden sand monster, surrounded by the golden sands of the sky, roaring in anger, rushing out from the chaos of the exiles who drowned the four emperors to dominate the face, chasing a giant beetle with nine red spots . ???????????????????????????

The shock is that this beetle is being overwhelmed by the endless joy. Among its six feet, it is holding an eye that keeps turning. This eyeball seems to be full of fear. It keeps turning and wants to escape, but it does not help.

The beetle's pursuit of the sand monster, regardless of ignorance, greedy desire to extract the omnipotent soul contained in it, but at this time, a coral monster wrapped in a blue water flame swooped over and competed for the four emperors. He dominated the eyes, and the next moment, another double-sided orangutan king violently fell...


The Four Emperors have killed at least 100 exiles, but they themselves have paid a heavy price. Not only did they recover their own trauma, they consumed a lot of omnipotent souls, and the real-world coordinate communication also consumed huge amounts of money every moment. The Almighty Spirit, coupled with the pursuit of the glory of the tree, constantly breaks through the layers of illusory barriers and rushes into the deepest illusion...

At this moment, the four emperors facing the overwhelming exiles in spite of all attacks, have been smashed by these horrible monsters by several compound eyes, seeing the soul of the dominance contained in it, has been extremely fearful.

"You have to leave, you have consumed so many omnipotent souls in a short period of time, here... it’s terrible!"

Many of the compound eyes have been locked in two goals, and they have always locked in two goals. They never dare to distract themselves, because each of these two powerful monsters attacks enough to cause subversive threats to themselves.

The sound of "唰", after the four emperors dominated the two knives and arms, the next moment of the fierce stimuli in the body, in the constant struggle of the whole body, roaring and retreating. Trying to retract the head of his own esophagus into the second esophagus and escape from here.

"The time tree, I will definitely look into your mother's realm and put it into ruin. Your stupidity will make you lose everything!"

In desperation, the sinister discourse is helpless.

"Hey! It's going to run, you can't let it go, I haven't got the Almighty, hehe..."

The exiles who are fighting for their eyes. In the midst of madness, I realized that the four emperors dominated the development of the second esophagus. Suddenly, the exiled people who had fought each other in madness were once again desperate and gave up these small profits, just like competing for the last ticket. The desperate people who fled the end of the world, tried their best to grasp the head that the four emperors ruled and retracted, and drilled into the flesh and blood. The energy waves were splashed, and the debris of the exiles were shot down from time to time.


Green's left hand bound an eyeball, and he was unwilling to snarl. Although he can face the master directly, but the master of the Almighty Spirit can recklessly attack and do his best.

On their own, they can only leave some spare capacity to cope with the comminuted ripples that follow the knife arm.

It can be seen that the self and the magic doll have been listed as the most important targets by the lord, and they are always prepared for prevention. The attack of the two people, regardless of who is on the lord, will cause it to be neglected. The soul consumes.

At this time, the exiles who went to the madness were not involved in all attacks. Four emperors have already had several eyeballs dug out of their lives, and there is indeed a soul that is not dominated by the dominating and timely!

However, the number of souls in the Lord is really too small, and I want to rely on this silk to dominate the Almighty Soul from the secondary esophagus. It’s no different from people who say dreams.

According to Green's estimation, at least fifty such eyes must be gathered together to refine the measurement of the Almighty Spirit that one person can escape from the secondary esophagus.

Now, with this one in Green's hands, there are only a total of seven or eight scattered eyes, even if they are all collected together. It is not enough. What's more, there are a few guys who chose to flee the first time after getting their eyes. It is impossible to get them from their hands and gather one by one.

At this moment, the magic doll, which has almost consumed his little half-legged flesh and blood, screamed: "You can't let it run. This is our hope of getting out of the secondary esophagus!"

The exiled people who had been extremely crazy, like the oil on the fire, hysterical screams, tried their best to win a piece of eyeball flesh from the face of the four emperors who quit the second esophagus.


At the same time, the magic doll actually wrapped up a four-magical knives arm with a layer of ashes, and then stunned in the spirits, desperately pulling, and even the four emperors who had already separated this large part from the secondary esophagus斩Master, then drag back to the secondary esophagus!

Such behavior is also too horrible and absurd.

"Well the wizard, still hesitating! What time do you want to hide the new power acquired in the third millennium?"

The magic doll turned to the distance, Green, who was hesitating, so violently roaring.

Green, who was already anxious, suddenly shocked and looked at the magic doll incredibly. This guy, even this one has already appeared?

In hesitation, Green stared at the head of the four emperors who would soon be completely out of the secondary esophagus. The two of the four armes had been drawn, and the remaining two, one of them was demonized. The doll bound and dragged, just retracting a little, and the other was on the top of Green's head.

The breath is getting harder and calmer. At the foot of Green, the shadow of the darkness is wrapped in the green river. It seems to be inspiring and biting his teeth. Green seems to be determined, and the three colors are blooming!

"The wild instinct is the seventh layer, the ancestors are real, open!"


Suddenly, a beam of light that runs through the heavens and the earth blew open.

In the meantime, the rift ripples in the sky are ripped apart by the fragile body. It is the rough body that was born by the earth of the wizarding world. It radiates the most primitive wild power, pure black silk, and outlines a roaring sky. Resist the contours of the heavens and the earth, every beat of the heart will cause a tsunami.

There are no three heads and six arms of the ancient giant scorpion, only the most instinctive power of the original barbarian, in the wide range of distortions of the surrounding space, only the annihilation of the light and dark changes of hundreds of thousands of meters, the tens of thousands of meters rise and rise, stand tall On the earth's bones.

After several epoch efforts, the seventh layer of wild instinct was successfully opened, in an attempt to escape the second-order esophagus, and the ancestors of the ancestors appeared at this moment!


The power of blood in the depths of the throat is the era of barbarism. The barbarian giants continue to defeat the conquering roar that once caused the gods to be extinct.

Ten thousand meters of body, top of the ground, feet on the bones of the earth, a pair of rough hands hold the arm of the four emperors tightly, the deep sag of the deep sag blooms, it seems that the next moment will burst out The explosive power of the day.

Among the cracks in time and space, the four emperors who were inundated by the last small piece of the face were suddenly swelled by the eyes of several exiles, and the original wild power of the heart-shattering tremor was felt. The four emperors took the pair of yuan. The nightmare fear memory of the esophagus suddenly smashed the connection between the two armes, and even took the way of gecko tail-tailing, and escaped from the secondary esophagus in panic.

"Do not……"

Those exiles who caught the four emperors and finally stayed in the ecstasy world of the second esophagus, full of more than a hundred, out of hysterical roaring, but can only watch the advent of the advent of the escaped the virtual world of the esophagus .

at the same time.

Green and the magic dolls each flew out of a distance, and they all looked at the arm of their hands, and their eyes were bright.


Ps: fifth more!

Sorry, because the draft is too late, and the mental state is very bad, it is a bit embarrassing to check the typos, can not concentrate, so it is a lot late.

Warmly celebrate the younger brother of Bookworm, join the league, and be promoted to the first alliance of "The Wizard of the Wizards", further away from the truth of the truth, we will pay tribute!

The egret must take time off and cannot blast any more in the next few days.

The extremely depressed state of one month in a row, no communication and talk, no daily activities, every day a person is in the room, the egret feels that some psychological problems have occurred, which has seriously affected the normal mental health and entered an unprecedented state of depression. Every day, I am worried about the manuscript that I can't finish tomorrow~www.novelmtl.com~ Sleeping in the middle of the night to wake up insomnia, completely without the pleasure of eager performance before the explosion, so this afternoon must do something linked to the society, restore the state .

About yesterday, I joined the league. This morning, the list of the owners did not show up. The editor explained that it would be fine in the morning. It should be that the website has some problems.

The egrets intend to use the last few days of the end of the month of recovery to save the manuscript, and the four of the lords will come out together in the early morning of May 1st, and then they will fight for the flood, otherwise they will not be able to stand up, but the egrets There is really no chapter in the manuscript.

Without one or two chapters of the manuscript as a backlog, the most terrible thing is that there may be some improper arrangement of the plot, which affects the quality of writing. Especially when there are so many writing pressures every day, it is easy to forget many fine clues of the previous arrangements. The chapter to the two chapters are kept warm.

Thank you for your great support. I am sorry for the chairman of the League of Nations. I can only delay for four days. At that time, the four chapters will come together.

Finally, the five ends to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets, and recommended tickets.

The egrets have to go to sleep first, then go to see the living and talk in the afternoon. (To be continued.)

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