A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1251: Big explosion

The majestic dominance of the majestic pressure, overwhelming pressure on the lower esophagus, it is the majesty of supreme rule!

In general, an anger in the advent of the Lord, the world's masters have long been afraid to avoid it, and fled, but in this Yuanji, the endless world community desperate exiles gathered together, the situation ... is very different !

The atmosphere is so terrible. ?猎文???????

The exiles who had been desperate, now turned out to be like a renaissance, greed and eagerness to overcome everything, the glare of the sun, looking up at the head of the sneak peek out from the second eclipse, and some even more Full of **** eager to try.

Such a terrible scene, the master saw it, and stunned a little.

The sky is wide, the silence is terrible, the depression and the horror.

Here, there are more than 300 exiles gathered, each of which is an ancient creature that has lived for at least several epochs. If all of them go away, the consequences...

"咻", the magic doll appeared directly in this giant of several kilometers, just below the giant skull of the compound eye.

Even if it was oppressed by the dominating pressure, it did not show any abnormality. Only the small figure of the half body was left, and the only one eye of the devil doll looked up to the unconstrained majesty.

"Hey, this old tree belongs to us. Now, for whatever reason, it is best to get out of the scope of hope." Otherwise, stay in the second esophagus forever."


Suddenly, the magical dolls involved in the orthogonality, in the abruptness, were swept silently by a few kilometers behind a crack, and a diagonal black mark remained on the remaining half of the body.

"Humble things! But it's a bigger ant! Whatever you count, you dare to gesticulate in front of the great Four Emperor's lord, so arrogant!"

Master, there is a majesty of dominance, not to mention a master who is in anger and temper!

Just as the Lord of the World faces the ridicule of a group of three-level creatures, what is even more unbearable is that this emptiness exists. It is threatening myself.

There are many complex eyes, and many eyes of the four emperors aim at the deep illusory land of dark terror that only appears in the legend. This is the edge of the dimension that is exiled by time and space. It is called the secondary esophagus.

it's here. Time has no rules and meaning.

If there is no real material world coordinate as a medium, it is likely that there will be an endless world of internal and external worlds, and the endless world of time and space.

Not to mention some of the extremely terrible situations portrayed by other attempts to sway over the dominance. Even if you rely on the soul of the ruler to escape the secondary esophagus, you don’t know where it will appear in the vast and endless world. Time has passed hundreds of years and thousands. Years, even a few eras.

This is the terrible edge of the deep illusory. The terrible land that was exiled by time and space.

Surprisingly, these deep illusory gatherings of exiles, under their own dominance and majesty, have not been scared and shivering, but all staring at themselves, terrible repression, and even a few even show a ridiculous absurdity.

Are they crazy?


You must immediately catch the time tree, recapture your own mystery, and stay away from this deep and illusory land.

It is really weird here.

Here to maintain the real world coordinate medium, every minute and every second need to consume a large number of dominating souls, if not the soil is the agreement between the four emperors and another ruler. He was stolen by this guy during a special rule of the world, and he would not come to the burial place on the edge of this dimension anyway.

"Abominable thief!"

The four emperors were extremely angry. Among the thousands of compound eyes, one of the compound eyes suddenly shot a pale golden beam of light, and it flashed to the tree.

It seems to be bound by the imprisonment, leaving the exile and leaving.

call out!

However, at this moment, a gloomy figure suddenly appeared in front of the time tree.

With a small figure, only one of the remaining arms is pointing toward the golden light column, and there is a black column of dark, illusory and illusory!

The only remaining eye is full of sullen and violent. The magical doll, which was always silent and mysterious, seems to be shrouded in endless shadows at the moment, and is on the verge of volcanic squirting, which makes it hard to breathe.

The demon doll is eroded by a layer of ashes to destroy the body incision. It started to heal, but it was only the way of the most pure black ash!



The first is a violent explosion, followed by a twisted vortex, with black columns and golden brilliance intersecting each other, randomly knocking out.

In such a scene, the four emperors can't help but dominate the thousands of eyes. Half of the brush is aligned with the magic doll that is in front of the light tree!

not dead?

Fierce, the magic doll raised the face under the shadow, the other half of the body has been filled with black ash, half of the normal face and half of the black ash face intertwined, the other arm of the black ash complement, Far away from the door of the time and space to explore the head of the four emperors.

"This challenge raises the content and kills the soul of the omnipotent."

For a moment, with the advent of the word "Almighty Soul" in the mouth of the magic doll, these long-term ecstasy of the desperate exiles trapped in the secondary esophagus are almost crazy.

It seems that the hungry sharks who smell the **** taste, I do not know who is the first to take the lead, and then, the entire hope of gathering more than 300 exiles, no one has any hesitation, overwhelming, going forward, Haohao, all one The fleeting rushed to the four emperors who opened the door of time and space.

This is not just greed and survival, but also the power of power brought about by the rules of the ascending!

Hundreds of six-level creatures, experiencing the struggle of several eras of esophagus and equatorial survival, each of them has tapped its potential to the limit, and is plagued by the irreversible secondary esophageal digestion rules ~www.novelmtl.com~ into despair.

In order to be alive, for the desire of freedom, we will continue to challenge these ascending and descending people who know the nine deaths and almost hopelessness, gathering year after year.

At this time, so many desperate exiles gathered, there is a master who has the ability to restore their freedom and breed a rich and omnipotent soul!

Death has long been tasted by these exiles.

Every second, every day, every sleep, every era, these exiles are fully enjoying the fear of death caused by the digestive digestion of the minor.

The exiles here will not take care of the framework rules of the real world, and control the insurmountable gap between him and the Lord of the World. The dominance here only represents the top challenge, and represents the hope of fleeing the digestive tract after victory. , represents a more powerful life, nothing more!

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

At this moment, hundreds of exiles who were not driven by death, surrounded by the door of time and space, bloom like a death fireworks. (To be continued.)

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